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Product List

Board sets
19IN1PCBiCade 19-in-1 Arcade Classics Multigame Horizontal JAMMA PCB74.95
60IN1PCBiCade 60-in-1 Arcade Classics Multigame Vertical JAMMA PCB74.95
BITKIT2PCBCraftyMech BitKit V2 FPGA Multigame JAMMA PCB199.00
BITKITIO BITKIT2 Trackball/Spinner I/O Adapter25.00
PCB-DDK Double Donkey Kong Board Set399.00
PCB-DJRNintendo Donkey Kong Junior Board Set325.00
PCB-DKCNintendo Donkey Kong 3 Board Set325.00
PCB-GALAGAMidway Galaga Board Set350.00
PCB-MSPACMidway Ms. Pac-man Board Set265.00
PCB-PACMANMidway Pac-man Board Set245.00
PCB-PandoraCX Pandora's Box - 2800-in-1 Horizontal Multigame JAMMA+ PCB99.95
PCB-REPAIR PCB Flat rate repair150.00
PCB-TKG4Nintendo Donkey Kong Board Set325.00
PCB-TMANintendo Mario Bros Board Set325.00
730AFACEKITAsahi Seiko 730-A roll down coin mech face kit - US 25¢18.95
740FACEKITAsahi Seiko KWM-740 roll down coin mech face kit - US 25¢16.00
900-F37Asahi Seiko 900-F37 roll down coin mech - US 25¢59.95
ADD-FT5Asahi Seiko Reject button (For 25 cents USD)7.25
ADD-HarnessAsahi Seiko ADD Coin door harness15.00
ADD-LHAsahi Seiko Lamp Holder - for use with bayonet bulb4.25
CB730ASETAsahi Seiko 730-A Coin Selector bolt set (4 bolts/nuts)4.00
CBCOINSETNAsahi Seiko 740 Coin Selector bolt set (4 bolts/nuts)4.00
COINRETNSMAsahi Seiko 730-A coin return catch (1.25 inch tall) - Small - US 25¢5.95
COINSW-730-ANintendo Coin Switch12.00
COINSWNNintendo Coin Switch12.00
DAB-3090Asahi Seiko 730-A front plate - US 25¢8.50
KMW-2033Asahi Seiko 740 front plate - US 25¢9.50
TKG-01-03Asahi Seiko 730-A roll down coin mech - US 25¢
15% OFF!
TKG-MS-FACEPLATENintendo Machine Screw M3.5 x 5mm with Flat Head0.25
TKG-MS-M3X10MMNintendo M3 x .5 x 10mm SEMS screw, Split Lockwasher and Flat Washer0.25
TKGU-01-02Asahi Seiko KWM-740 roll down coin mech - US 25¢
15% OFF!
1N4004 1N4004 diode1.10
1N4148 1N4148 diode0.25
1N4735 1N4735 6.2 volt zener diode1.00
1N5404 1N5404 diode1.15
2901MICRO AM2901 (IDM2901)5.00
6502CPU 6502 CPU8.00
74LS00 74LS000.75
74LS02 74LS020.75
74LS04 74LS040.75
74LS08 74LS080.75
74LS10 74LS100.80
74LS107 74LS1071.40
74LS109 74LS1091.40
74LS123 74LS1230.80
74LS138 74LS1380.70
74LS139 74LS1390.70
74LS151 74LS1510.90
74LS153 74LS1531.25
74LS157 74LS1570.70
74LS158 74LS1580.80
74LS161 74LS1610.80
74LS163 74LS1630.90
74LS164 74LS1640.80
74LS174 74LS1740.90
74LS175 74LS1750.70
74LS191 74LS1911.00
74LS20 74LS200.90
74LS240 74LS2401.00
74LS244 74LS2440.90
74LS245 74LS2450.90
74LS257 74LS2570.70
74LS259 74LS2590.80
74LS273 74LS2731.00
74LS283 74LS2832.10
74LS299 74LS2992.95
74LS30 74LS300.60
74LS367 74LS3670.90
74LS368 74LS3680.80
74LS373 74LS3730.90
74LS374 74LS3740.90
74LS377 74LS3771.10
74LS42 74LS421.50
74LS629 74LS6295.20
74LS670 74LS6701.00
74LS74 74LS740.70
74LS75 74LS752.20
74LS86 74LS860.80
8039CPU 8039 Sound CPU6.00
8048CPU 8035 Sound CPU (8048)6.00
8049CPU 8049 8-Bit CPU6.00
8257DMA 8257 DMA controller5.00
ACAP10000 Electrolytic Capacitor 10,000uf@16V (Axial)2.50
AY-3-8910 AY-3-8910/KC89C72 Sound Generator5.45
BIGBLUECAP Atari "Big Blue" Transformer Capacitor18.95
C1182HNEC C1182H9.95
CRYS12000 Crystal 12.0002.00
CRYS18432 Crystal 18.4322.00
DAC08 DAC082.50
DIPSW4POS Dip switch, 4 position1.00
DIPSW6POS Dip switch, 6 position1.00
DIPSW7POS Dip switch, 7 position1.00
DIPSW8POS Dip switch, 8 position1.00
EPROM2532 253215.00
EPROM2564 TMS256415.00
EPROM2716 271615.00
EPROM2732 273215.00
EPROM2764 276415.00
ER2055 ER-205516.00
L14G1 L14G1 Photo Transistor 15.00
LM1877N9 LM1877N-94.00
LM324N LM324N (MC3403)0.75
LM380N LM380N2.50
LM3900 LM39001.25
LM3900N LM3900N1.25
MB3712FUJITSU MB37129.95
MB7072 MB7072E9.00
MC10105 MC1010512.50
MC10116 MC1011612.50
MC10124 MC1012412.50
MC10125 MC1012512.50
MC10136 MC1013625.00
MN6221AAMatsushita MN6221AA16.95
OSC24 SG-531 24.000 Mhz Oscillator1.00
POKEYONE C012294 (PokeyONE) 74.95
POT10KMATSUMatsushita 10K pot2.50
POT10KMINIMuRata Mini 10K Audio Pot1.75
POT50K 50K Thumbwheel pot1.50
PROM82S123 N82S123 (AM27S19, TBP18S030)25.00
PROM82S126 N82S12625.00
PROM82S129 N82S129 (MB7052, AM27S21, MB7114, 63S141, 74S287)25.00
PROM82S131 N82S131 (27S13)25.00
PROM82S147 N82S147N (MB7124, MMI6349)25.00
RAM10422 MB7074 (HM10422)9.00
RAM2101 2101A (9101, AMD 93422, TC5501P) RAM3.00
RAM2125 2125 (93425)7.00
RAM2147 21473.00
RAM2148 2148 (2149/6148)10.00
RAM82S09 82S09 (93419)8.00
RAM9060 9060 Dynamic RAM (AM9060, TMS 9060, UPD411, MM5280, MB8107)11.95
RN06B104 1K ohm resistor network SIP 6-pin BUSSED1.00
RN09B104 1K ohm resistor network SIP 9-pin BUSSED1.15
RN10B104 1K ohm resistor network SIP 10-pin BUSSED1.25
RN22284 2200 ohm resistor network SIP 8-pin ISO1.25
SBCVRA SBC and VRA set (284 and 285)35.00
SVM7910EEpson 7910E Melody Chip21.95
TG-05Various Brands Thermal Heatsink Compound packet (0.5g)0.25
TRNS123AP NTE 123AP (2N5088, 2N3904*) 1.00
TRNS159 NTE 159 (2N3906*)1.00
TRNS199 NTE 199 (2N3711, 2SC1215, 2SC828)1.50
TRNS268 D40K1 (D40C1, NTE268, NTE272)7.25
TRNS290A NTE 290A (2N5365,2SA952,2SA773,2SA564*)1.75
TRNS291 D44VM4 (TIP31C*)2.00
TRNS293 NTE 293 (2SC1384)2.50
TRNS85 2SC1815 (2SC1815*, NTE85, 2SC711)1.00
TRNS89 2SD870 (NTE89)5.00
VLM5030Sanyo VLM5030 Speech I.C.48.95
VR953 78GU1C (LM78MGCP, NTE953)10.00
VR960 LM7805 (NTE960)2.00
VRA284 VRAM Addresser (284)18.00
Z80BCPU Z-80B CPU4.00
Z80CPU Z-80 CPU (MK3880N, D780C)3.50
6PK-202A D-sub pin crimp tool12.95
CEC24 24-pin edge connector4.00
CEC36 36-pin edge connector5.00
CEC44 44-pin edge connector5.00
CEC56 56-pin edge connector5.00
CECKEYCTR Edge Connector Key - On Center (Bag of 5)5.25
CECKEYPIN Edge Connector Key - On Pin (Bag of 5)5.00
CECM20Molex 10/20 edge connector w/crimp pins10.00
CECM24Molex 12/24 edge connector w/crimp pins22.95
CECM30Molex 15/30 edge connector w/crimp pins14.95
CECM36Molex 18/36 edge connector w/crimp pins12.50
CECM44Molex 22/44 edge connector w/crimp pins15.95
CECM56Molex 28/56 edge connector w/crimp pins22.00
CECPIN010 Split pins for .156 edge connectors3.00
CECPIN100 Split pins for .156 edge connectors25.00
CECT20TABS 10/20 edge connector w/crimp pins10.00
CECT36TABS 18/36 edge connector w/crimp pins12.00
CECT44TABS 22/44 edge connector w/crimp pins15.00
CECT56TABS 28/56 edge connector w/crimp pins18.00
CECT72TABS 36/72 edge connector w/crimp pins20.00
FCH1 Socket for SCH Nintendo type connector0.30
HF-92410 8 In. Four-Way Crimping Tool9.95
HT-SN-01BM Single step crimper for FCH1 and MCH1 pins and sockets.24.95
HT-SN-48B Single step crimper for non-insulated terminals19.95
HT1884Molex HT-1884 Split pin extraction tool14.95
KK10PIPMolex K.K Series 10-pin .156 monitor connector with pins1.80
KK2PIPMolex K.K Series 2-pin .156 monitor connector with pins0.65
KK3PIPMolex K.K Series 3-pin .156 monitor connector with pins0.75
KK4PIPMolex K.K Series 4-pin .156 monitor connector with pins0.90
KK6PIPMolex K.K Series 6-pin .156 monitor connector with pins1.00
MCH1 Male pin for SCH Nintendo type connector0.38
MLX02PMolex 2-pin Monitor plug and pins1.00
MLX02RMolex 2-pin Monitor receptacle and sockets1.00
MLX03AC-RMolex 3-pin Power housing and pins1.00
MLX03PMolex 3-pin Monitor plug and pins1.00
MLX03RMolex 3-pin Monitor receptacle and sockets1.00
MLX04AC-RMolex 4-pin Power housing and pins1.25
MLX06PMolex 6-pin trackball plug and sockets1.50
MLX06RMolex 6-pin Trackball receptacle and pins1.50
MLX09PMolex 9-pin power plug and sockets2.50
MLX09RMolex 9-pin power receptacle and pins2.50
MNL02PAmp Mate-N-Lok 2-pin plug and sockets0.60
MNL02RAmp Mate-N-Lok 2-pin receptacle and pins0.60
MNL03PAmp Mate-N-Lok 3-pin plug and sockets0.75
MNL03RAmp Mate-N-Lok 3-pin receptacle and pins0.75
MNL06PAmp Mate-N-Lok 6-pin plug and sockets1.00
MNL06RAmp Mate-N-Lok 6-pin receptacle and pins1.00
MNL09PAmp Mate-N-Lok 9-pin plug and sockets1.35
MNL09RAmp Mate-N-Lok 9-pin receptacle and pins1.35
MNL12PAmp Mate-N-Lok 12-pin plug and sockets2.00
MNL12RAmp Mate-N-Lok 12-pin receptacle and pins2.00
MNL15PAmp Mate-N-Lok 15-pin plug and sockets2.25
MNL15RAmp Mate-N-Lok 15-pin receptacle and pins2.25
MNLPIN010Amp Mate-n-Lok pins only bag of 101.00
MNLSKT010Amp Mate-n-Lok sockets only, bag of 101.00
MXJ-5025-02PMolex 2-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-02RMolex 2-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-03PMolex 3-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-03RMolex 3-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-04PMolex 4-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-04RMolex 4-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-06PMolex 6-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-06RMolex 6-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-09PMolex 9-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-09RMolex 9-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-12PMolex 12-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-12RMolex 12-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-15PMolex 15-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-15RMolex 15-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-PINMolex Crimp pin 5025 Series0.50
MXJ-5025-SKTMolex Crimp socket 5025 Series0.50
NINSPKR02PNintendo 2-pin speaker Plug and Sockets1.50
NINSPKR02RNintendo 2-pin speaker receptacle and pins1.50
QD110CLR Q.D. Terminal 2.8mm (.110") non-insulated (Bag of 10)3.50
QD110RED Q.D. Terminal .110 in (Bag of 10)3.50
QD187BLU Q.D. Terminal .187 Blue (Bag of 50)3.50
QD187CLR Q.D. Terminal 4.8mm (.187") non-insulated (Bag of 25)2.50
QD187RED Q.D. Terminal .187 Red (Bag of 50)3.50
QD250BLU Q.D. Terminal .250 Blue (Bag of 50)3.50
QD250CLR Q.D. Terminal .250 non-insulated (Bag of 25)2.50
QD250RED Q.D. Terminal .250 Red (Bag of 50)3.50
QDCLRKIT 120pc Q.D. Female Terminal with Insulating Sleeves5.95
RAH50 Right Angle Header (50P, Male)6.00
SCH-02 Nintendo type 2-pin connector0.50
SCH-03 Nintendo type 3-pin connector0.60
SCH-04 Nintendo type 4-pin connector0.60
SCH-05 Nintendo type 5-pin connector0.70
SCH-06 Nintendo type 6-pin connector0.80
SCH-07 Nintendo type 7-pin connector0.85
SCH-08 Nintendo type 8-pin connector0.90
SCH-09 Nintendo type 9-pin connector0.95
SCH-10 Nintendo type 10-pin connector1.00
SCH-12 Nintendo type 12-pin connector1.20
SCH-20 Nintendo type 20-pin connector1.95
SPADE6BLU Spade Terminal #6 Blue (Bag of 50)3.50
SPADE6RED Spade Terminal #6 Red (Bag of 50)3.50
TKCRIMP25Buchanan 25 Pc Solderless Terminal-Connector & Crimping Tool9.95
TKCRIMPKIT305 305 Pc Solderless Terminal-Connector & Crimping Tool21.95
Game Artwork
BEZELDKJR Donkey Kong Junior Bezel69.50
BEZELDKONG Donkey Kong Bezel69.50
BLK-BEZEL-LCD19 Black Monitor Bezel for 19 inch LCD20.00
BZLRETNLWRNintendo Lower Bezel Retainer24.95
COINDECAL-BLACK-JAPAN-NINNintendo Black Japanese "Coin Slot" Decal for Nintendo Tables.5.00
COINDECAL-BLUE-JAPAN-NINNintendo Blue Japanese "Coin Slot" Decal for Nintendo Tables.5.00
COINDECAL-WHITE-NINNintendo Coin Decal, WHITE - Pricing sticker 25 cents5.00
COINDECALNINNintendo Coin Decal - Pricing sticker 25 cents5.00
CPO-CTMPMC Multicade Ms. Pac Control Panel Overlay set (Cocktail)45.00
CPODKJR Donkey Kong Junior Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPODKONG Donkey Kong Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPOGALCT Galaga Control Panel Overlay set (Cocktail)55.00
CPOGNG Ghosts 'n Goblins Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPOMPACCT Ms. Pac Control Panel Overlay set (Cocktail)55.00
CPOMPACUR Ms. Pac Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPOMULTICT Multicade Control Panel Overlay set (Cocktail)55.00
CPOPACUR Pac-man Control Panel Overlay (Upright)55.00
CPOPC10-DualNintendo PlayChoice-10 Control Panel Overlay (dual monitor version)60.00
CPOPC10-SingleNintendo PlayChoice-10 Control Panel Overlay (single monitor version)75.00
CTCLIPS34Midway Cocktail Glass Clip Set - 3/4 inch19.95
CTCLIPSMMidway Cocktail Glass Clip Set28.00
DDKCARDSET Double Donkey Kong instruction card set15.00
DDKINST Double Donkey Kong Instruction card6.50
DJRT-CARDSET Donkey Kong Jr Cocktail table instruction card set15.00
DKCARDSET Donkey Kong instruction card set15.00
DKJRCARDSET Donkey Kong Junior instruction card set15.00
INSTDDKLONG Double Donkey Kong Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTDK Donkey Kong Instruction Card6.50
INSTDK-NOA Donkey Kong Instruction Card6.50
INSTDKCT Donkey Kong 3 Cocktail table instruction card (2 Req)7.50
INSTDKJR Donkey Kong Jr. Instruction Card6.50
INSTDKJRLONG Donkey Kong Jr. Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTDKLONG Donkey Kong Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTPP Popeye Instruction Card6.50
INSTSDMLONG Space Demon Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTDL Space Launcher Instruction card (TDL)6.50
INSTTKGT Donkey Kong Cocktail Instruction card7.50
INSTTRSLONG Radar Scope Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTRST Radar Scope Cocktail Instruction card7.50
INSTTRSU Radar Scope Instruction card6.50
INSTTSF-BW Space Fever Instruction card6.50
INSTTSF-CL Color Space Fever Instruction card6.50
INSTTSFLONG Space Fever Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTSS Space Thunderbird Instruction card (TSS)6.50
INSTTSSLONG Space Thunderbird (TSS) Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTST Space Firebird Instruction Card6.50
INSTTUB Heli Fire Instruction Card6.50
INSTTUBLONG Heli Fire Instruction Sticker6.50
MDKJR Donkey Kong Junior Marquee65.00
MDKONG Donkey Kong Marquee45.00
MGALAGA Galaga Marquee55.00
MMSPAC Ms. Pac-man Marquee55.00
MPACPac-man Marquee 55.00
SADKJR Donkey Kong Junior Side Art89.00
SADKONG Donkey Kong Side Art54.95
SAGALAGA Galaga Side Art Set85.00
SANEOGEO Neo-Geo Side Art Set (NOS)50.00
TKGU-BEZELSET TKGU Black Monitor Bezel Set (Vertical)30.00
TPPT-CARDSET Popeye Cocktail table instruction card set15.00
TPPU-BEZELSET TPPU Black Monitor Bezel Set (Horizontal)30.00
Game Parts
02-06-ROUNDNintnedo White Top Table Glass Retainer Set - Round (R) Corners16.00
02-06-SQUARENintendo White Top Table Glass Retainer Set - Round (R) Corners16.00
19LCDMOUNTKITWells-Gardner/Vision Pro 19" LCD Monitor Mounting Kit37.95
19LCDNINNintendo 19" LCD Sanyo EZV-20 Replacement449.00
19LCDWGWells-Gardner 19" CGA LED/LCD Monitor449.95
19VGAMONITORVarious Brand 19" VGA Monitor w/VESA mount145.00
2P-400-AudioNintendo 2P-400 Audio Harness15.00
2P-SPEAKER-HARNESSNintendo 2P Speaker Harness10.00
60IN1TBALLH 60 in 1 & BitKit2 Trackball Harness11.95
6P-250-VideoNintendo 6P-250 Video Harness15.00
6P-600-VideoNintendo 6P-600 Video Harness15.00
730AFACEKITAsahi Seiko 730-A roll down coin mech face kit - US 25¢18.95
740FACEKITAsahi Seiko KWM-740 roll down coin mech face kit - US 25¢16.00
900-F37Asahi Seiko 900-F37 roll down coin mech - US 25¢59.95
ADD-FT5Asahi Seiko Reject button (For 25 cents USD)7.25
ADD-HarnessAsahi Seiko ADD Coin door harness15.00
ADD-LHAsahi Seiko Lamp Holder - for use with bayonet bulb4.25
ADOPTOArcade Jason Digital Opto Coupler PCB14.95
ARKOPTOArcade Jason Arkanoid Opto Coupler PCB12.95
ATARIOPTOArcade Jason Opto Coupler PCB (Atari_Only)9.95
ATX-PS480D ATX 480W Switching Power Supply29.95
BH3AA Battery holder 3 AA batteries2.50
BIGBLUECAP Atari "Big Blue" Transformer Capacitor18.95
BITKITIO BITKIT2 Trackball/Spinner I/O Adapter25.00
BLK-BEZEL-LCD19 Black Monitor Bezel for 19 inch LCD20.00
BZLRETNLWRNintendo Lower Bezel Retainer24.95
BZLRETNRMWMidway Bezel Art Retainer15.00
BZLRTNRNNintendo Bezel Art Retainer19.95
CABLE15 CABLE 15.0015.00
CABLETIE4IN Cable Ties 4 inch - Standard - 1002.75
CABLETIE7IN Cable Tie 7 inch - Screwmount -253.95
CAMLOCK118 1-1/8" cam lock4.95
CAMLOCK78DB 7/8" cam lock - Double bitted4.50
CAPCOM-H1 CAPCOM CPS1 Street Fighter II Kick Harness14.95
CAPCOM-H2 CAPCOM CPS-II / CPS-III / Naomi Auxiliary Kick Harness17.95
CAPKIT20EZ Sanyo 20-EZ Cap Kit15.00
CAPKIT4600 Wells-Gardner K4600 Cap Kit10.00
CAPKIT4900 Wells-Gardner K4900 and K5500 Cap Kit10.00
CAPKITG07CBO Electrohome G07-CBO Cap Kit10.00
CAPKITXM Sharp XM-1801/2001 Cap Kit10.00
CB730ASETAsahi Seiko 730-A Coin Selector bolt set (4 bolts/nuts)4.00
CB832114B Carriage Bolts #8-32 x 1 1/4" Black w/KEP nuts2.50
CBCOINDOOR Carriage Bolts 1/4-20 x 1 1/4" Black2.00
CBCOINSETNAsahi Seiko 740 Coin Selector bolt set (4 bolts/nuts)4.00
CBCPMW Carriage Bolts #8-32 x 1/2" w/ KEP nuts4.00
CBL10PCLKNintendo 10P CLK cable15.95
CBL50PIN 50-pin ribbon cable 4"10.00
CBL6PESSNintendo 6P ESS Power cable14.95
CBL7PSOUNintendo 7P SOU Power cable14.95
CBL9PCPUNintendo 9P CPU cable15.95
CBLCDOORNINNintendo Coin Door Harness15.00
CBLCLAMP14 Cable Clamp 1/4 inch - (Bag of 10)1.50
CBLMCR24 Midway MCR 24-pin ribbon cable6.95
CBLTBALLY Atari/Happ Trackball Y cable - 6-pin15.75
CBLVIDEO Monitor Video cable - 6-pin5.00
CBLVSGUNKITNintendo VS Gun Harness Kit35.00
CBM4X15SETNNintendo M4 Carriage bolt set (4 Bolts/Nuts)3.50
CBM4X20SETNNintendo Coin door bolt set (11 bolts/nuts)12.00
CBM4X35Nintendo M4 x 35mm Chrome Carriage bolt and nut0.70
CBM6X30Nintendo Monitor mount bolt0.50
CBM6X50Nintendo Monitor mount bolt0.75
CBSPKRCVR Carriage Bolts #8-32 x 1 1/2" Black w/KEP nuts3.00
CBSS-10NNintendo PCB Support 10mm0.75
CBSS-12NNintendo PCB Support 12mm0.75
CBSS-8NNintendo PCB Support 8mm0.75
CBTBALL3IN Carriage Bolts #10-24 x 3" - Black w/KEP nuts3.00
CDBLANK Coin Door - Blank12.00
CDDS-NINNintendo Coin Door - Double Mech85.00
CDREJRED-ATARICoin Controls $0.25 reject btn assy (RED)9.95
CDREJRED-HAPPHapp 25 cent reject btn assy (RED)5.10
CDREJREDX2-ATARICoin Controls $0.50 reject btn assy (RED)6.00
CDREJREDX4-ATARICoin Controls $1.00 reject btn assy (RED)6.00
CDREJYEL-HAPPHapp 25 cent reject btn assy (Yellow)5.10
CDSS-NINNintendo Coin Door - Single Mech85.00
CGA2VGA-PAFMike's CGA to VGA pinout adapter (Female HD15)9.95
CGA2VGA-PAMMike's CGA to VGA pinout adapter (Male HD15)12.95
CHANDLE Cabinet Handle (Vented)3.95
CHPU-11-14Nintendo Plastic Button stopper for Punchout K.O. Switch A'ssy3.50
CHPU-11-15Nintendo Plastic M30 NUT ONLY for Punchout K.O. Switch A'ssy 3.50
CHPU-11-16Nintendo Punchout K.O. Switch Button Bracket Large6.50
CHPU-23-33Nintendo Punchout 'K.O.' Button54.95
CHPU-41-11Nintendo Upright Control Panel Harness (Punch-Out!!)29.95
CHPU-93-11Nintendo Punch-Out 10 pin interconnect cable10.00
CHPU-KO-ASSEMBLYNintendo Complete Punchout 'K.O.' Button Assembly69.95
CHSU-11-12Nintendo A5 Joystick Switch Collar (Super Punchout)10.00
CHSU-11-16Nintendo Super Punch-Out Duck Label (SPO)8.95
CHSU-14-11Nintendo Reproduction 5-way Joystick w/ 28mm ball top125.00
CHSU-14-11-KITNintendo 5-way Joystick conversion kit45.00
CHVU-11-11Nintendo Arm Wrestling Joystick Ball, Collar and Shaft Assembly30.00
CHVU-14-11Nintendo Arm-Wrestling Reproduction 3-way Joystick w/28mm ball top125.00
CK-NINAUDIONintendo Audio Board Deluxe Repair Kit for Sanyo 20 EZV5.49
COINBOXPAC Coin box for Pac-man uprights10.00
COINDECAL-BLACK-JAPAN-NINNintendo Black Japanese "Coin Slot" Decal for Nintendo Tables.5.00
COINDECAL-BLUE-JAPAN-NINNintendo Blue Japanese "Coin Slot" Decal for Nintendo Tables.5.00
COINDECAL-WHITE-NINNintendo Coin Decal, WHITE - Pricing sticker 25 cents5.00
COINDECALNINNintendo Coin Decal - Pricing sticker 25 cents5.00
COINMECHS Coin Mech - US 25¢15.00
COINRETNSMAsahi Seiko 730-A coin return catch (1.25 inch tall) - Small - US 25¢5.95
COINSLOTMWSETMidway Coin Entry Slot and chute set - US 25¢12.95
COINSW-730-ANintendo Coin Switch12.00
COINSWCHUTEMWMidway Coin Switch Chute - US 25¢4.95
COINSWMIDWAY Coin Switch E51-60B (339-207)10.00
COINSWNNintendo Coin Switch12.00
COINSWPBHAPP Coin Switch10.00
CPARMWRESTLINGNintendo Arm-Wrestling metal control panel and CPO, unpopulated140.00
CPBLANKTRSUNintendo Radar Scope wood control panel - unpopulated45.00
CPBLANKUR Midway UR control panel - blank54.95
CPDKJR Donkey Kong Junior Control Panel150.00
CPDKONG Donkey Kong Control Panel150.00
CPGALAGAFULL Galaga Control Panel Complete179.95
CPGALAGAXUR Galaga UR control panel - Round Joystick Hole54.95
CPGUIDESETMW Midway metal control panel guides24.95
CPH-VS-UNISYSTEMNintendo VS Uniystem Upright Operation Panel Harness29.95
CPHGALAGAUR Galaga upright control panel harness29.95
CPHMARIOBROSNintendo Mario Bros Upright Control Panel Harness29.95
CPHMSPACUR Ms. Pac-man upright control panel harness29.95
CPLATCH Control Panel Latch3.25
CPMBROS-WBNintendo Mario Bros wide body metal control panel, unpopulated69.00
CPMSPACFULL Ms. Pac-man Control Panel Complete150.00
CPMSPACUR Ms. Pac UR control panel - bare54.95
CPMSPACXUR Ms. Pac UR control panel - Extra button holes54.95
CPNINBOLTSET Nintendo Control Panel bolt set (8 bolts/nuts)10.00
CPODKJR Donkey Kong Junior Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPODKONG Donkey Kong Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPOPC10-DualNintendo PlayChoice-10 Control Panel Overlay (dual monitor version)60.00
CPOPC10-SingleNintendo PlayChoice-10 Control Panel Overlay (single monitor version)75.00
CPPACFULL Pac-man Control Panel Complete150.00
CPPANCTMS Control Panel Support Pan (Set of 2)30.00
CPRETAINERNNintendo Control Panel Retainer6.00
CPS2-KickAdapter CPS2 to CPS1 Kick Adapter12.95
CPSTARTP1P2 Player 1 & 2 Start Button Set6.00
CPSTARTP3P4 Player 3 & 4 Start Button Set6.00
CPSTRIKESL Midway CP Strike Set- Long11.95
CPSTRIKESM Midway CP Strike Set7.50
CPSTRIKESN Nintendo CP Strike Set8.50
CPTONGUE Midway Control Panel Retainer7.50
CTCLIPS34Midway Cocktail Glass Clip Set - 3/4 inch19.95
CTCLIPSMMidway Cocktail Glass Clip Set28.00
CTJAMMAKITMMike's Cocktail JAMMA Wiring & Power Supply Kit159.00
CTPANELKIT-MP Midway style Multicade Cocktail Control Panel kit219.95
CTPANELKIT-PAC Midway style Multicade Cocktail Control Panel kit219.95
CTSTRIKESMMidway Cocktail table top strikes (Set of 2)6.50
CTWH3X9 Cocktail Light Shield 3" x 9" - Set of 210.00
CTWH4X11 Cocktail Light Shield 4.50" x 11" - Set of 212.00
CTZBRCKTMidway Cocktail control panel Z-Bracket (Set of 2)15.00
DAB-3090Asahi Seiko 730-A front plate - US 25¢8.50
DDKCARDSET Double Donkey Kong instruction card set15.00
DDKINST Double Donkey Kong Instruction card6.50
DJRT-CARDSET Donkey Kong Jr Cocktail table instruction card set15.00
DK-EDGE2PINMike's Nintendo Pin to Edge harness adapter25.00
DKC-UP44P-BAREMike's Nintendo Classic Upright Harness - Bare40.00
DKCARDSET Donkey Kong instruction card set15.00
DKCU-14-11Nintendo Reproduction 4-way Joystick w/ 28mm ball top for metal panels79.95
DKJOYGUARDNintendo Joystick Guard2.50
DKJRCARDSET Donkey Kong Junior instruction card set15.00
ECLIPWWico Joystick E-Ring 0.250.65
F14T12CW F14T12CW - Florescent tube4.75
F15T8CW 18" Florescent tube, for Ms. Pac, Galaga, etc3.75
F69-10ACherry AC Interlock switch4.60
F79-30A AC Interlock switch6.60
F79BRKT AC Interlock switch bracket2.35
FBL1POS Single AGC/3AG fuse block1.50
FBL4POS 4-position AGC Fuse Block, Snappable5.00
FH5X58BR Philips Flat Head #5 x 5/8 inch (Bag of 4)1.00
FS3 3A 3AG FUSE1.00
FW-M5X20YZNintendo Monitor mount flat washer (Upright and Table)0.50
GBS-8200Gonbes CGA / EGA / YUV / RGB To VGA Video Converter33.95
GBS-CBLVIDEO GBS-8200 Video input cable8.00
GBS-PWR GBS-8200 Power Adapter6.00
HBM8X16MMBLKNintendo Hex Bolts M8 x 16MM Black SEMS (4 bolts)3.00
INSTDDKLONG Double Donkey Kong Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTDK Donkey Kong Instruction Card6.50
INSTDK-NOA Donkey Kong Instruction Card6.50
INSTDKCT Donkey Kong 3 Cocktail table instruction card (2 Req)7.50
INSTDKJR Donkey Kong Jr. Instruction Card6.50
INSTDKJRLONG Donkey Kong Jr. Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTDKLONG Donkey Kong Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTPP Popeye Instruction Card6.50
INSTSDMLONG Space Demon Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTDL Space Launcher Instruction card (TDL)6.50
INSTTKGT Donkey Kong Cocktail Instruction card7.50
INSTTRSLONG Radar Scope Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTRST Radar Scope Cocktail Instruction card7.50
INSTTRSU Radar Scope Instruction card6.50
INSTTSF-BW Space Fever Instruction card6.50
INSTTSF-CL Color Space Fever Instruction card6.50
INSTTSFLONG Space Fever Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTSS Space Thunderbird Instruction card (TSS)6.50
INSTTSSLONG Space Thunderbird (TSS) Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTST Space Firebird Instruction Card6.50
INSTTUB Heli Fire Instruction Card6.50
INSTTUBLONG Heli Fire Instruction Sticker6.50
JA-VSSYSTEMNintendo VS Unisystem to JAMMA adapter85.00
JAM2PC-BTNH-LONG JAM2PAC Button Harness - LONG12.00
JAM2PC-BTNH-SET JAM2PAC Button Harness Set - Cocktail Table20.00
JAMMA-H1CHAMMA Chinese JAMMA Harness Complete29.95
JAMMAEXTMike's JAMMA Extension cable29.95
JAMMAHARNESSMike's Premium bare JAMMA Harness (5 ft)27.95
JOY4WACTWWico Joystick actuator 4-way1.50
JOY8WACTWWico Joystick actuator 8-way1.50
JOYBBSUPER Black Ball 4 or 8-way Joystick (Long)16.95
JOYLSNEW Leaf Switch Joystick (NEW)16.95
JOYMPGAL Midway Red-ball joystick (4-way)29.95
JOYRBLS4W8W Leaf Switch Joystick (WICO STYLE)55.00
JOYRBLS4WAY Leaf Switch Joystick (WICO STYLE)55.00
JOYRBMS4WH Red Ball 4-way Joystick (Short)19.95
JOYRBSUPER Red Ball 4 or 8-way Joystick (Long)16.95
JS-ASSEMBLYNintendo Joystick Ball, Collar and Shaft Assembly22.00
K0200-KEYTakigen Nintendo Table Top Key (Key #0200)9.95
K0200-LOCKSETTakigen Complete Nintendo Table Top locks, keys and lever cams set (Key #0200)42.00
K6510-HOOKCAMTakigen Hooked Cam for Nintendo VS Tables (Red Tents)7.95
K6510-KEYTakigen Back Door Key (Key #6510)12.95
K6510-LOCKTakigen Back Door Lock Set (Key #6510)24.95
KMW-2033Asahi Seiko 740 front plate - US 25¢9.50
LH161 Lamp Holder - for use with wedge bulb2.00
LLPLATE Leg Leveler Mounting Plate5.95
LLVLRSTD Swivel Leg Levelers- Set of 48.00
LOCKPLATE Cam Lock Plate2.00
LP161 T3 1/4 Wedge Incandescent Lamp1.00
LP47 BA-9S T3 1/4 Bayonet Base Incandescent Lamp1.00
M4-WINGNUTNintendo M4 Wing Nut 0.75
MANUALMPMidway Ms. Pac-man Parts and Operating Manual25.00
MANUALPACMidway Pac-man Parts and Operating Manual20.00
MARQUEE-SCREWMidway Tamper Resistant screw (6 REQ'D)1.25
MBEZBRKTNNintendo Lower Marquee / Top Bezel Bracket24.95
MBEZBRKTWBNintendo Mario Bros Lower Marquee / Top Bezel Bracket30.00
MBRACKETSETMidway Marquee bracket set30.00
MBRKTOPNNintendo Marquee Top Bracket21.95
MBRKTOPWBNintendo Mario Bros Marquee Top Bracket30.00
MCRVIDEO MCR/Tron replacement video cable10.00
MDST-12-17Nintendo Crimson Button8.00
MDST-12-21Nintendo Black Button8.00
MDST-12-24Nintendo Light Blue Button8.00
MDST-12-27Nintendo Green Button8.00
MDST-12-31Nintendo Purple Button8.00
MDST-12-34Nintendo Yellow Button8.00
MDST-14-12Nintendo Reproduction 8-way Joystick w/ 28mm ball top79.95
MDSU-12-07Nintendo Red Button8.00
MINS1024-12 Hexdrive Knife Threaded Inserts for Softwood (10-24 x 1/2 inch)0.25
MJOYA Midway Joystick Adapter12.00
MONBRKT Midway Monitor cross brackets (Set of 2)35.00
MONCBLNINNintendo Monitor Cable15.00
MONLBRKTSNNintendo Monitor "L" bracket set10.75
MONMNTNNintendo Monitor lower mount15.00
MONMNTS Midway Monitor Rails35.00
MONXBARNNintendo Monitor upper support bar15.50
MPP0832-12 Philips Pan Head 8-32 x 1/2 inch (Machine Screw)0.25
MPP0832-34 Philips Pan Head 8-32 x 3/4 inch (Machine Screw)0.25
MPP1024-12 Philips Pan Head 10-24 x 1/2 inch (Machine Screw)0.25
MPP1024-34 Philips Pan Head 10-24 x 3/4 inch (Machine Screw)0.25
MPRIBBON Ms. Pac Ribbon Cable10.00
MS-M5X16MMNintendo Monitor mount screws (Upright and Table)0.50
NFSM6 M6 Flange Nut (Smooth Bottom) Yellow Zinc0.40
NH0832 Hex Nut 8-32 Thread0.25
NHM6CW M6 Nut with captive washer0.40
NHM6YZ M6 Hex Nut Yellow Zinc0.25
NIN-01-13Nintendo Mounting Plate to PCB spacer0.75
NIN-01-20Nintendo Dual Locking-Head PCB spacer0.75
NINBULB Nintendo Fluorescent Light Bulb F10T87.95
NINHARNESS44PMike's Nintendo Classic Upright Harness - Complete89.95
NININVAMPMike's Color Inverter and sound amplifier board49.95
NINRAINBOW Nintendo inter-board power cable 10.00
NINSPKR02PNintendo 2-pin speaker Plug and Sockets1.50
NINSPKR02RNintendo 2-pin speaker receptacle and pins1.50
NINSTARTER Nintendo florescent light starter4.50
NJOYANintendo Joystick Adapter12.00
PAC-44P-BAREMike's Pac-man Series Harness - Bare45.00
PACCECNFH 44 CEC w/ 4 position fuse holder19.00
PB-BLACK Black Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-BLUE Blue Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-GREEN Green Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-ORANGE Orange Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-PURPLE Purple Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-RED Red Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-WHITE White Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-YELLOW Yellow Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB3 AC Power On/Off Switch, SPST2.00
PB903 Midway Cocktail Start Button7.25
PB907 AC Power On/Off Switch, DPST5.45
PBHOLDERNNintendo Button and microswitch holder assembly10.00
PBLS-S-BLACK Pushbutton - Black - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-BLUE Pushbutton - Blue - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-BURNTORANGE Pushbutton - Burnt Orange - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-GREEN Pushbutton - Green - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-ORANGE Pushbutton - Orange - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-RED Pushbutton - Red - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-WHITE Pushbutton - White - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLSHOLDER Leaf switch button holder6.25
PBLSPALNUT Leaf switch pal nut1.25
PBS-11 Multicade table start buttons2.45
PBS-179 10mm Replacement for Atari/Nintendo Cone buttons2.45
PBSET-CHPNintendo Punch-Out!! push button set15.00
PBSET-GALAGA Galaga replacement buttons set12.00
PBSET-MDSTNintendo MDST Pushbutton set96.00
PBSET-TKGUNintendo Classic push button set21.00
PBSET-TMANintendo Mario Bros push button set28.00
PBSET-VSKITNintendo MDSU Pushbutton set36.00
PCB-DJRNintendo Donkey Kong Junior Board Set325.00
PCB-DKCNintendo Donkey Kong 3 Board Set325.00
PCB-GALAGAMidway Galaga Board Set350.00
PCB-MSPACMidway Ms. Pac-man Board Set265.00
PCB-PACMANMidway Pac-man Board Set245.00
PCB-TKG4Nintendo Donkey Kong Board Set325.00
PCB-TMANintendo Mario Bros Board Set325.00
PCBSUPPORT PCB Standoffs0.75
PCHU-41-15Nintendo Playchoice 10 Upright Gun-Main Harness29.95
PFHST414 Philips Flat Head 4 x 1/4 inch (Self Tapping)0.25
POWERSW Power switch with bracket7.00
PPANST458 Philips Pan Head 4 x 5/8 inch (Self Tapping)0.25
PSK-MIDWAY1 Midway Power Supply Kit (Galaga, Bosconian & Rally-X)39.95
PSK-MIDWAY2 Midway Power Supply Kit (Burgertime, Gorf, Mappy, Super Pac-man)39.95
PSK-PAC Midway Power Supply Kit (Pac-man, Ms. Pac, Galaxian)49.95
PSK-PP-1000A PP-1000A Power Supply Kit (Punchout)39.95
PSK-PP-1100A PP-1100A or PP-1200A Power Supply Kit (VS.Systems)39.95
PSK-PP-7B PP-7B Power Supply Kit (Donkey Kong, Etc.)39.95
PSK-PP-900A PP-900A Power Supply Kit (Popeye ONLY.)39.95
PSK-PP-TSF PP-TSF-CL Power Supply Kit (TSF-CL, TST, TWG, SDM, TUB, TSC)39.95
RH6X58BR Round Head #6 x 5/8" brass screws (Bag of 4)1.50
SNDAMPCHAMMA Sound Amplifer14.95
SNDCBLNINNintendo Sound Cable10.00
SPIN-KNOBMike's Arkanoid Spinner Control Knob12.95
SPINNERMike's Arkanoid Spinner Control 39.95
SPKR6IN Speaker 6 inch19.95
SPKRCVRMID Midway 6x9 Speaker cover7.50
SUPERLUBE1ML Super Lube (1ml packet)0.99
SWITCHERPS2 Switching Power Supply - 200W48.00
SWITCHERSTD Switching Power Supply19.95
TB-HB-BLACK 3" Black High-Ball Trackball Assembly89.95
TB-HB-WHITE 3" Solid White High-Ball Trackball Assembly89.95
TB214WICOBEARINGSWICO 2 1/4" Trackball bearing set15.00
TB214WICOKITWICO 2 1/4" Trackball rebuild kit17.50
TB4POS 4-position Terminal Block5.00
TBALL-HARNESS Atari/Happ Trackball Harness Assembly15.75
TBALL-USB-KITSuzo-Happ PS/2 & USB Trackball Interface Kit - 2-1/4" & 3" Trackballs45.95
TBALL214H 2¼" Mini-Trackball - Atari style - White65.95
TBALL214KITPANEL-GALiCade Trackball panel for Galaga Upright Kits229.95
TBALL214KITPANEL-MPiCade Trackball panel for Ms Pac Upright Kits229.95
TBALL214KITPANEL-PACiCade Trackball panel for Pac-man Upright Kits229.95
TBALL3INBK 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style (Black Ball)74.95
TBALL3INBLUE Blue 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style110.00
TBALL3INRED Red 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style110.00
TBALL3INW White 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style79.95
TBALL3KITPANEL-GALiCade Trackball panel for Galaga Upright Kits229.95
TBALL3KITPANEL-MPiCade Trackball panel for Ms Pac Upright Kits229.95
TBALL3KITPANEL-PACiCade Trackball panel for Pac-man Upright Kits229.95
TBALLMOUNTKIT214Mike's Trackball Mounting Kit (2¼" )15.00
TBALLMOUNTKIT3INMike's Trackball Mounting Kit (3")18.00
TBBEARINGSAtari Trackball bearing set (6 bearings)15.00
TBL-LOCKHOOKNintendo Hooked Lock Fitting (Lower) for Tables7.00
TBL-SWITCH-ASSMBLYNintendo Table Button Switch Assembly (no Cap)9.00
TBROLLERSET214Atari 2 1/4" Trackball roller set (3 rollers)12.00
TBROLLERSET3Atari 3" Trackball roller set (3 rollers)17.00
TH6X38SS Truss Head #6 x 3/8" Stainless Steel screws3.50
TKCRIMP25Buchanan 25 Pc Solderless Terminal-Connector & Crimping Tool9.95
TKCRIMPKIT305 305 Pc Solderless Terminal-Connector & Crimping Tool21.95
TKG-01-03Asahi Seiko 730-A roll down coin mech - US 25¢
15% OFF!
TKG-01-04Nintendo Table Cash Box29.95
TKG-01-41-01Nintendo Set Screw for 4-Way joystick ball tops1.00
TKG-23-02Nintendo Start Buttons Player Switch Bracket (Table)4.95
TKG-23-03Nintendo Control Lever Knob (Black, 25mm)8.00
TKG-23-10Nintendo Microswitch with roller lever4.00
TKG-23-13Nintendo Joystick and button Microswitch3.75
TKG-23-13-BNintendo Joystick and button Microswitch with Bend in Lever4.00
TKG-23-14Nintendo Blind Plate2.50
TKG-23-17Nintendo Joystick Micro Switch Spacer 0.50
TKG-23-20Nintendo Joystick Spring Stopper6.00
TKG-23-21Nintendo Joystick Switch Collar (Top)6.00
TKG-23-22Nintendo Joystick Spring4.50
TKG-23-23Nintendo Joystick E-Ring 41.75
TKG-23-50Nintendo Reproduction 4-way Joystick w/ 25mm ball top79.95
TKG-23-51Nintendo Joystick 4-way Guide Plate9.00
TKG-MS-FACEPLATENintendo Machine Screw M3.5 x 5mm with Flat Head0.25
TKG-MS-M3X10MMNintendo M3 x .5 x 10mm SEMS screw, Split Lockwasher and Flat Washer0.25
TKG-MS-M3X16MMNintendo Machine Screw M3 x .5 x 16mm with Split Washer0.25
TKG-MS-M3X6MMNintendo Machine Screw M3 x .5 x 6mm with Flat Head0.25
TKG-WB-M5X10MMNintendo Wing Bolt M5 x .8 x 10mm0.75
TKGU-01-01-03Nintendo Upright Cash Box35.00
TKGU-01-02Asahi Seiko KWM-740 roll down coin mech - US 25¢
15% OFF!
TKGU-01-12LNintendo PCB Mount L-Bracket6.00
TKGU-01-30Nintendo 65mm cabinet wheels (Set of 2)18.95
TKGU-01-39DK Control Lever Assembly Mount 12.00
TKGU-01-41Nintendo Control Lever Knob (Black, 30mm)8.00
TKGU-01-64Nintendo Service Switch Bracket - 01-64 (Plastic)5.00
TKGU-13-11Nintendo 17P Junction Control Harness24.95
TKGU-13-CPHNintendo Upright Control Panel Harness29.95
TKGU-23-12Nintendo Switch Button Bracket6.50
TKGU-23-26Nintendo Nut Plate0.75
TKGU-23-31Nintendo Blue Button8.00
TKGU-23-32Nintendo Orange Button8.00
TKGU-23-34Nintendo Pal Nut for Nintendo 27mm pushbuttons.0.75
TKGU-23-50Nintendo Reproduction 4-way Joystick w/ 30mm ball top79.95
TKGU-BEZELSET TKGU Black Monitor Bezel Set (Vertical)30.00
TKGU-BTN-ASSMBLYNintendo Switch Button Bracket assembly10.00
TKGU-JS-ASSEMBLYNintendo Joystick 30mm Ball and Shaft Assembly22.00
TKGU-LOCKPLATENintendo Back Door Lock Plate6.95
TMA-11-03Nintendo Control Lever Knob (Black, 28mm)8.00
TMA-11-17Nintendo Joystick 2-way Guide Plate8.00
TMAU-11-19Nintendo Mario Bros or Punchout CP Strike Set14.95
TMAU-11-28Nintendo Mario Bros Kit CP Strike Set14.95
TMAU-12-15Nintendo Lever Plate 8.00
TMAU-12-18Nintendo Button Collar (Spacer) Short - 7mm1.00
TMAU-14-16Nintendo Reproduction 2-way Joystick w/ 28mm ball top79.95
TMBL34IN T-Molding - 3/4" Black leather texture12.00
TMBS34IN T-Molding - 3/4" Black Smooth12.00
TMOS34IN Pac-man T-Molding - 3/4" Orange Smooth12.00
TMW58IN T-Molding - 5/8" White - Nintendo12.00
TMWS34IN T-Molding - 3/4" White Smooth12.00
TNX-23-18Nintendo Joystick 8-way Guide Plate8.00
TPG-CABLESCraftyMech Test Pattern Generator Cables24.00
TPPT-23-33Nintendo Button Collar (Spacer) Long - 15mm1.00
TPPT-CARDSET Popeye Cocktail table instruction card set15.00
TPPU-93-10Nintendo Upright Control Panel Harness (Popeye)29.95
TPPU-BEZELSET TPPU Black Monitor Bezel Set (Horizontal)30.00
TRSU-01-35Nintendo Radar Scope Button Switch Bracket4.95
TST-13-09-01Nintendo Cocktail Button Cap (Green)9.00
TST-13-10-01Nintendo Cocktail Button Cap (Red)9.00
TST-13-11-01Nintendo Cocktail Button Cap (Yellow)9.00
TWG-03-15Nintendo Pistol Control Switch Knob w/set screw15.95
TWG-03-50Nintendo Pistol Control Switch Ass'y124.95
TWG-SW-HOLDER-ASMYNintendo Pistol Control Switch Holder Assembly10.00
UCLEDLIGHT18 18" Undercabinet Light LED14.00
UCLIGHT18 18" Undercabinet Light 24.00
URJAMMAKITMMike's Upright JAMMA Wiring & Power Supply Kit145.00
VENTSCREEN Vent Screen1.95
VGACABLE VGA Monitor Cable (Approx 6 ft)4.95
VS2JAMMANintendo VS Unisystem to JAMMA adapter85.00
High Score Save Kits
ASTDLXMULTI Asteroids Deluxe Multigame Kit84.95
ASTMULTI Asteroids Multigame Kit - NO POKEY84.95
DDKUP Double Donkey Kong Upgrade160.00
HS-D2K-UP Braze Donkey Kong D2K Chip Set UPGRADE19.95
HSAST Asteroids High Score Save69.95
HSBZONE Battlezone - High Score Save Kit 69.95
HSCONGO Congo Bongo High Score Save59.95
HSD2K D2K Donkey Kong II Multigame Kit59.95
HSDK3 Donkey Kong 3 - High Score save kit.59.95
HSDKJR Donkey Kong Junior High Score Save59.95
HSDKONG Donkey Kong High Score Save59.95
HSFROGGER Frogger High Score Save 59.95
HSMARIO Mario Bros. High Score Save59.95
HSPOPEYE Popeye - High Score save kit59.95
HSRBARON Red Baron - High Score Save69.95
HSZAXXON Zaxxon High Score Save59.95
MCMULTI Missle Command Multigame Kit84.95
MULTIPED Multipede84.95
SIMG Space Invaders Multigame Kit84.95
IC Sockets
CBM6X30Nintendo Monitor mount bolt0.50
SOCKET22MP4 22 Pin socket w/machine pins 0.4 wide1.25
SOCKET40P 40 Pin dual wipe socket0.75
SOCKET42P 42 Pin dual wipe socket2.50
02-06-ROUNDNintnedo White Top Table Glass Retainer Set - Round (R) Corners16.00
02-06-SQUARENintendo White Top Table Glass Retainer Set - Round (R) Corners16.00
19IN1PCBiCade 19-in-1 Arcade Classics Multigame Horizontal JAMMA PCB74.95
19LCDMOUNTKITWells-Gardner/Vision Pro 19" LCD Monitor Mounting Kit37.95
1N4735 1N4735 6.2 volt zener diode1.00
1N5404 1N5404 diode1.15
2901MICRO AM2901 (IDM2901)5.00
2P-400-AudioNintendo 2P-400 Audio Harness15.00
2P-SPEAKER-HARNESSNintendo 2P Speaker Harness10.00
60IN1PCBiCade 60-in-1 Arcade Classics Multigame Vertical JAMMA PCB74.95
60IN1TBALLH 60 in 1 & BitKit2 Trackball Harness11.95
60in1Kit-DK-UprightMike's Donkey Kong/Jr/3 Upright Cabinet 60-in-1 Upgrade Complete Kit149.95
60in1Kit-Pac-UprightMike's Pacman/Ms Pacman Upright Cabinet 60-in-1 Upgrade Complete Kit139.95
6502CPU 6502 CPU8.00
6P-600-VideoNintendo 6P-600 Video Harness15.00
74LS00 74LS000.75
74LS02 74LS020.75
74LS04 74LS040.75
74LS08 74LS080.75
74LS10 74LS100.80
74LS107 74LS1071.40
74LS109 74LS1091.40
74LS123 74LS1230.80
74LS138 74LS1380.70
74LS139 74LS1390.70
74LS151 74LS1510.90
74LS153 74LS1531.25
74LS157 74LS1570.70
74LS158 74LS1580.80
74LS161 74LS1610.80
74LS163 74LS1630.90
74LS164 74LS1640.80
74LS174 74LS1740.90
74LS191 74LS1911.00
74LS20 74LS200.90
74LS240 74LS2401.00
74LS244 74LS2440.90
74LS245 74LS2450.90
74LS257 74LS2570.70
74LS259 74LS2590.80
74LS273 74LS2731.00
74LS283 74LS2832.10
74LS299 74LS2992.95
74LS30 74LS300.60
74LS367 74LS3670.90
74LS368 74LS3680.80
74LS373 74LS3730.90
74LS374 74LS3740.90
74LS629 74LS6295.20
74LS670 74LS6701.00
8048CPU 8035 Sound CPU (8048)6.00
8049CPU 8049 8-Bit CPU6.00
8257DMA 8257 DMA controller5.00
ADOPTOArcade Jason Digital Opto Coupler PCB14.95
ARKOPTOArcade Jason Arkanoid Opto Coupler PCB12.95
ASTDLXMULTI Asteroids Deluxe Multigame Kit84.95
ASTMULTI Asteroids Multigame Kit - NO POKEY84.95
ATARIOPTOArcade Jason Opto Coupler PCB (Atari_Only)9.95
AY-3-8910 AY-3-8910/KC89C72 Sound Generator5.45
B1024HAKKO HOLDER,CORD,4PK,817/8076.00
BH3AA Battery holder 3 AA batteries2.50
BITKIT2PCBCraftyMech BitKit V2 FPGA Multigame JAMMA PCB199.00
BLK-BEZEL-LCD19 Black Monitor Bezel for 19 inch LCD20.00
BZLRTNRNNintendo Bezel Art Retainer19.95
C1182HNEC C1182H9.95
CABLE15 CABLE 15.0015.00
CAMLOCK78DB 7/8" cam lock - Double bitted4.50
CAPCOM-H1 CAPCOM CPS1 Street Fighter II Kick Harness14.95
CAPCOM-H2 CAPCOM CPS-II / CPS-III / Naomi Auxiliary Kick Harness17.95
CAPKIT4600 Wells-Gardner K4600 Cap Kit10.00
CAPKIT4900 Wells-Gardner K4900 and K5500 Cap Kit10.00
CAPKITG07CBO Electrohome G07-CBO Cap Kit10.00
CAPKITXM Sharp XM-1801/2001 Cap Kit10.00
CB832114B Carriage Bolts #8-32 x 1 1/4" Black w/KEP nuts2.50
CBCPMW Carriage Bolts #8-32 x 1/2" w/ KEP nuts4.00
CBL10PCLKNintendo 10P CLK cable15.95
CBL50PIN 50-pin ribbon cable 4"10.00
CBL6PESSNintendo 6P ESS Power cable14.95
CBL7PSOUNintendo 7P SOU Power cable14.95
CBL9PCPUNintendo 9P CPU cable15.95
CBLCDOORNINNintendo Coin Door Harness15.00
CBLTBALLY Atari/Happ Trackball Y cable - 6-pin15.75
CBLVIDEO Monitor Video cable - 6-pin5.00
CBM4X15SETNNintendo M4 Carriage bolt set (4 Bolts/Nuts)3.50
CBM4X20SETNNintendo Coin door bolt set (11 bolts/nuts)12.00
CBM4X35Nintendo M4 x 35mm Chrome Carriage bolt and nut0.70
CBM6X30Nintendo Monitor mount bolt0.50
CBM6X50Nintendo Monitor mount bolt0.75
CBSPKRCVR Carriage Bolts #8-32 x 1 1/2" Black w/KEP nuts3.00
CBSS-10NNintendo PCB Support 10mm0.75
CBSS-12NNintendo PCB Support 12mm0.75
CBSS-8NNintendo PCB Support 8mm0.75
CDDS-NINNintendo Coin Door - Double Mech85.00
CDREJRED-ATARICoin Controls $0.25 reject btn assy (RED)9.95
CEC24 24-pin edge connector4.00
CEC44 44-pin edge connector5.00
CEC56 56-pin edge connector5.00
CECKEYCTR Edge Connector Key - On Center (Bag of 5)5.25
CECKEYPIN Edge Connector Key - On Pin (Bag of 5)5.00
CECPIN010 Split pins for .156 edge connectors3.00
CECPIN100 Split pins for .156 edge connectors25.00
CECT20TABS 10/20 edge connector w/crimp pins10.00
CECT36TABS 18/36 edge connector w/crimp pins12.00
CECT44TABS 22/44 edge connector w/crimp pins15.00
CECT56TABS 28/56 edge connector w/crimp pins18.00
CENTIROMS Centipede EPROM set40.00
CHP1-PROMS Punch-out!! color prom set36.00
CHPU-93-11Nintendo Punch-Out 10 pin interconnect cable10.00
CHS1-PROMS Super Punchout color prom set36.00
CHS1-ROMS Super Punchout ROM set75.00
CHSU-11-16Nintendo Super Punch-Out Duck Label (SPO)8.95
CHSU-14-11Nintendo Reproduction 5-way Joystick w/ 28mm ball top125.00
CHSU-14-11-KITNintendo 5-way Joystick conversion kit45.00
CHVU-11-11Nintendo Arm Wrestling Joystick Ball, Collar and Shaft Assembly30.00
CHVU-14-11Nintendo Arm-Wrestling Reproduction 3-way Joystick w/28mm ball top125.00
CK-NINAUDIONintendo Audio Board Deluxe Repair Kit for Sanyo 20 EZV5.49
COINDECAL-WHITE-NINNintendo Coin Decal, WHITE - Pricing sticker 25 cents5.00
COINDECALNINNintendo Coin Decal - Pricing sticker 25 cents5.00
COINMECHS Coin Mech - US 25¢15.00
COINSLOTMWSETMidway Coin Entry Slot and chute set - US 25¢12.95
COINSWCHUTEMWMidway Coin Switch Chute - US 25¢4.95
COINSWMIDWAY Coin Switch E51-60B (339-207)10.00
CPDKJR Donkey Kong Junior Control Panel150.00
CPDKONG Donkey Kong Control Panel150.00
CPGALAGAFULL Galaga Control Panel Complete179.95
CPHMSPACUR Ms. Pac-man upright control panel harness29.95
CPLATCH Control Panel Latch3.25
CPMBROS-WBNintendo Mario Bros wide body metal control panel, unpopulated69.00
CPNINBOLTSET Nintendo Control Panel bolt set (8 bolts/nuts)10.00
CPODKJR Donkey Kong Junior Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPODKONG Donkey Kong Control Panel Overlay (Upright)45.00
CPOGALCT Galaga Control Panel Overlay set (Cocktail)55.00
CPRETAINERNNintendo Control Panel Retainer6.00
CPS2-KickAdapter CPS2 to CPS1 Kick Adapter12.95
CPSTRIKESM Midway CP Strike Set7.50
CPSTRIKESN Nintendo CP Strike Set8.50
CPTONGUE Midway Control Panel Retainer7.50
CPULLER Chip Puller2.75
CTCLIPSMMidway Cocktail Glass Clip Set28.00
CTWH3X9 Cocktail Light Shield 3" x 9" - Set of 210.00
CTZBRCKTMidway Cocktail control panel Z-Bracket (Set of 2)15.00
DAC08 DAC082.50
DJRT-CARDSET Donkey Kong Jr Cocktail table instruction card set15.00
DK-EDGE2PINMike's Nintendo Pin to Edge harness adapter25.00
DKC-UP44P-BAREMike's Nintendo Classic Upright Harness - Bare40.00
DKCARDSET Donkey Kong instruction card set15.00
DKCU-14-11Nintendo Reproduction 4-way Joystick w/ 28mm ball top for metal panels79.95
DKJOYGUARDNintendo Joystick Guard2.50
DKJRCARDSET Donkey Kong Junior instruction card set15.00
DKJRPROMS Donkey Kong Jr. PROM set24.00
DKPROMS Donkey Kong PROM set24.00
DKROMS Donkey Kong EPROM set75.00
DKTKG32EDGEMike's Nintendo TKG3 PCB to Nintendo Classic edge connector adapter45.00
EPROM2532 253215.00
EPROM2564 TMS256415.00
EPROM2716 271615.00
EPROM2764 276415.00
ER2055 ER-205516.00
F15T8CW 18" Florescent tube, for Ms. Pac, Galaga, etc3.75
FBL1POS Single AGC/3AG fuse block1.50
FBL4POS 4-position AGC Fuse Block, Snappable5.00
FCH1 Socket for SCH Nintendo type connector0.30
FW-M5X20YZNintendo Monitor mount flat washer (Upright and Table)0.50
GALAGARF Galaga Rapid Fire chip15.00
GALAGAROMS Galaga EPROM set75.00
GALAGASF Galaga Standard Fire chip15.00
GBS-8200Gonbes CGA / EGA / YUV / RGB To VGA Video Converter33.95
GBS-PWR GBS-8200 Power Adapter6.00
HSAST Asteroids High Score Save69.95
HSDK3 Donkey Kong 3 - High Score save kit.59.95
HSDKJR Donkey Kong Junior High Score Save59.95
HSDKONG Donkey Kong High Score Save59.95
HSMARIO Mario Bros. High Score Save59.95
HSPOPEYE Popeye - High Score save kit59.95
HT-SN-01BM Single step crimper for FCH1 and MCH1 pins and sockets.24.95
HT1884Molex HT-1884 Split pin extraction tool14.95
HT2038Molex HT-2038 Deluxe 0.093" Pin Extractor Tool18.00
HT2285Molex HT-2285 Deluxe 0.062" Pin Extractor Tool18.00
ICS-01 IC DIP Pin Straightener Tool11.95
INSTDKCT Donkey Kong 3 Cocktail table instruction card (2 Req)7.50
INSTPP Popeye Instruction Card6.50
INSTTRSLONG Radar Scope Long Instruction Sticker6.50
INSTTRST Radar Scope Cocktail Instruction card7.50
INSTTRSU Radar Scope Instruction card6.50
JA-CHAMMA Elf/Pandora's Box/Chamma to JAMMA adapter 29.95
JA-CKONG Crazy Kong to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-CONTROLS JAMMA remote controls34.95
JA-DIGDUG Dig Dug PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter 45.00
JA-GALAXIAN Galaxian PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter35.00
JA-GALNEB Nebulous Bee to JAMMA adapter29.95
JA-NAMCO Namco PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter45.00
JA-NIBBLER Nibbler/Fantasy 2 JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-PACMANMike's PAC-MAN Series PCB to JAMMA Cabinet Adapter35.00
JA-PHOENIX Phoenix to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-PIRANHA Piranha to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-TAITO Taito Classic JAMMA adapter45.00
JA-ZAXXON Zaxxon PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter35.00
JAM2NAMCOMike's JAMMA PCB to Namco Cabinet Adapter35.00
JAM2NINMikes JAMMA PCB to Nintendo Cabinet adapter49.95
JAM2PACMike's JAMMA PCB to Pacman/Ms Pacman Cabinet Adapter39.00
JAM2PC-BTNH-LONG JAM2PAC Button Harness - LONG12.00
JAMMA-H1CHAMMA Chinese JAMMA Harness Complete29.95
JAMMAEXTMike's JAMMA Extension cable29.95
JAMMAHARNESSMike's Premium bare JAMMA Harness (5 ft)27.95
JAMMATYPE2 JAMMA Fingerboard4.25
JOY4WACTWWico Joystick actuator 4-way1.50
JOY8WACTWWico Joystick actuator 8-way1.50
JOYLSNEW Leaf Switch Joystick (NEW)16.95
JOYMPGAL Midway Red-ball joystick (4-way)29.95
JOYRBMS4WH Red Ball 4-way Joystick (Short)19.95
JRPACFAST Jr. Pac-man speedup chip15.00
JRPACSTD Jr. Pac-man normal speed chip15.00
JS-ASSEMBLYNintendo Joystick Ball, Collar and Shaft Assembly22.00
K0200-KEYTakigen Nintendo Table Top Key (Key #0200)9.95
K0200-LOCKSETTakigen Complete Nintendo Table Top locks, keys and lever cams set (Key #0200)42.00
K6510-HOOKCAMTakigen Hooked Cam for Nintendo VS Tables (Red Tents)7.95
K6510-KEYTakigen Back Door Key (Key #6510)12.95
K6510-LOCKTakigen Back Door Lock Set (Key #6510)24.95
KESTER44Kester Roll of 60/40 Solder39.95
KK6PIPMolex K.K Series 6-pin .156 monitor connector with pins1.00
LH161 Lamp Holder - for use with wedge bulb2.00
LM1877N9 LM1877N-94.00
LM324N LM324N (MC3403)0.75
LP47 BA-9S T3 1/4 Bayonet Base Incandescent Lamp1.00
MB7072 MB7072E9.00
MBEZBRKTNNintendo Lower Marquee / Top Bezel Bracket24.95
MBRKTOPNNintendo Marquee Top Bracket21.95
MBROMS Mario Bros Roms75.00
MC10105 MC1010512.50
MC10116 MC1011612.50
MC10124 MC1012412.50
MC10125 MC1012512.50
MCH1 Male pin for SCH Nintendo type connector0.38
MCMULTI Missle Command Multigame Kit84.95
MCRVIDEO MCR/Tron replacement video cable10.00
MDKJR Donkey Kong Junior Marquee65.00
MDKONG Donkey Kong Marquee45.00
MDST-12-17Nintendo Crimson Button8.00
MDST-12-21Nintendo Black Button8.00
MDST-12-24Nintendo Light Blue Button8.00
MDST-12-27Nintendo Green Button8.00
MDST-12-31Nintendo Purple Button8.00
MDST-12-34Nintendo Yellow Button8.00
MDSU-12-07Nintendo Red Button8.00
MNLEXT2AMP Economy Mate-N-Lok 0.084" Pin Extraction Tool16.95
MONCBLNINNintendo Monitor Cable15.00
MONLBRKTSNNintendo Monitor "L" bracket set10.75
MPACCROMS Ms. Pac-man Character EPROM set24.00
MPRIBBON Ms. Pac Ribbon Cable10.00
MS-M5X16MMNintendo Monitor mount screws (Upright and Table)0.50
MSPACMAZE Ms. Pac-man alternate maze chip15.00
MSPACROMS Ms. Pac-man EPROM set72.00
MSPACSMAZE Ms. Pac-man standard maze chip15.00
MULTIPED Multipede84.95
MXJ-5025-15PMolex 15-pin 5025 Series Plug Housing2.25
MXJ-5025-15RMolex 15-pin 5025 Series receptacle housing2.25
MXJ-5025-PINMolex Crimp pin 5025 Series0.50
NBEE2JAMMA Nebulous Bee to JAMMA adapter35.00
NIN-01-13Nintendo Mounting Plate to PCB spacer0.75
NIN-01-20Nintendo Dual Locking-Head PCB spacer0.75
NIN2JAMMAMike's Nintendo to JAMMA adapter45.00
NINBULB Nintendo Fluorescent Light Bulb F10T87.95
NINHARNESS44PMike's Nintendo Classic Upright Harness - Complete89.95
NININVAMPMike's Color Inverter and sound amplifier board49.95
NINRAINBOW Nintendo inter-board power cable 10.00
NINSTARTER Nintendo florescent light starter4.50
NINTBLFEETNintendo Table Leg Levelers (feet) - Set of 410.00
PAC-44P-BAREMike's Pac-man Series Harness - Bare45.00
PACCPROMS Pac-man/Ms. Pac-man color PROM set24.00
PACCROMS Pac-man Character EPROM set24.00
PACFAST Pac series speedup chip20.00
PACGROMS Pac-man Game Code EPROM set48.00
PACPROMS Pac-man/Ms. Pac-man PROM set48.00
PACROMS Pac-man EPROM set72.00
PACSTD Pac series standard speed chip20.00
PB-BLACK Black Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-BLUE Blue Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-GREEN Green Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-ORANGE Orange Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-RED Red Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-WHITE White Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-YELLOW Yellow Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB903 Midway Cocktail Start Button7.25
PBHOLDERNNintendo Button and microswitch holder assembly10.00
PBLSHOLDER Leaf switch button holder6.25
PCB-PandoraCX Pandora's Box - 2800-in-1 Horizontal Multigame JAMMA+ PCB99.95
PCBFEET PCB Mounting Feet, Set of 43.50
POT10KMATSUMatsushita 10K pot2.50
POT10KMINIMuRata Mini 10K Audio Pot1.75
POT50K 50K Thumbwheel pot1.50
PROM82S123 N82S123 (AM27S19, TBP18S030)25.00
PROM82S129 N82S129 (MB7052, AM27S21, MB7114, 63S141, 74S287)25.00
PROM82S131 N82S131 (27S13)25.00
PROM82S147 N82S147N (MB7124, MMI6349)25.00
PSK-MIDWAY1 Midway Power Supply Kit (Galaga, Bosconian & Rally-X)39.95
PSK-MIDWAY2 Midway Power Supply Kit (Burgertime, Gorf, Mappy, Super Pac-man)39.95
PSK-PAC Midway Power Supply Kit (Pac-man, Ms. Pac, Galaxian)49.95
PSK-PP-1000A PP-1000A Power Supply Kit (Punchout)39.95
PSK-PP-1100A PP-1100A or PP-1200A Power Supply Kit (VS.Systems)39.95
PSK-PP-7B PP-7B Power Supply Kit (Donkey Kong, Etc.)39.95
PSK-PP-900A PP-900A Power Supply Kit (Popeye ONLY.)39.95
QUAD-EDGE-TRIMMER Quad Edge Trimmer29.95
RAM10422 MB7074 (HM10422)9.00
RAM2101 2101A (9101, AMD 93422, TC5501P) RAM3.00
RAM2114 2114L23.50
RAM2125 2125 (93425)7.00
RAM2147 21473.00
RAM2148 2148 (2149/6148)10.00
RAM4116 4116 (MB9118)1.50
RAM7489 82S25 (7489)3.00
RAM82S16 82S16 (29S01, 27LS00, 74S200)2.95
RAM9060 9060 Dynamic RAM (AM9060, TMS 9060, UPD411, MM5280, MB8107)11.95
RAM93411 934112.50
RH6X58BR Round Head #6 x 5/8" brass screws (Bag of 4)1.50
SBC285 Sync Bus Controller (285)18.00
SBCVRA SBC and VRA set (284 and 285)35.00
SCH-02 Nintendo type 2-pin connector0.50
SCH-03 Nintendo type 3-pin connector0.60
SCH-04 Nintendo type 4-pin connector0.60
SCH-05 Nintendo type 5-pin connector0.70
SCH-06 Nintendo type 6-pin connector0.80
SCH-07 Nintendo type 7-pin connector0.85
SCH-08 Nintendo type 8-pin connector0.90
SCH-09 Nintendo type 9-pin connector0.95
SCH-10 Nintendo type 10-pin connector1.00
SCH-12 Nintendo type 12-pin connector1.20
SCH-20 Nintendo type 20-pin connector1.95
SIMG Space Invaders Multigame Kit84.95
SJOY Super Joystick8.95
SNDCBLNINNintendo Sound Cable10.00
SOCKET08P 8 Pin dual wipe socket0.55
SOCKET14P 14 Pin dual wipe socket0.55
SOCKET16P 16 Pin dual wipe socket0.55
SOCKET18P 18 Pin dual wipe socket0.55
SOCKET20P 20 Pin dual wipe socket0.55
SOCKET22-400w 22 Pin dual wipe socket .400 wide1.25
SOCKET24P 24 Pin dual wipe socket0.65
SOCKET28P 28 Pin dual wipe socket0.65
SOCKET32P 32 Pin dual wipe socket0.65
SPKR6IN Speaker 6 inch19.95
SUPERLUBE1ML Super Lube (1ml packet)0.99
SVM7910EEpson 7910E Melody Chip21.95
SWITCHERSTD Switching Power Supply19.95
TABLEGLIDESAtari Table Leg Glides, Feet - Set of 410.00
TB-HB-BLACK 3" Black High-Ball Trackball Assembly89.95
TB-HB-WHITE 3" Solid White High-Ball Trackball Assembly89.95
TBALL-USB-KITSuzo-Happ PS/2 & USB Trackball Interface Kit - 2-1/4" & 3" Trackballs45.95
TBALL214H 2¼" Mini-Trackball - Atari style - White65.95
TBALL3INW White 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style79.95
TBBEARINGSAtari Trackball bearing set (6 bearings)15.00
TBL-LOCKHOOKNintendo Hooked Lock Fitting (Lower) for Tables7.00
TBL-SWITCH-ASSMBLYNintendo Table Button Switch Assembly (no Cap)9.00
TBROLLERSET214Atari 2 1/4" Trackball roller set (3 rollers)12.00
TBROLLERSET3Atari 3" Trackball roller set (3 rollers)17.00
TG-05Various Brands Thermal Heatsink Compound packet (0.5g)0.25
TKG-23-02Nintendo Start Buttons Player Switch Bracket (Table)4.95
TKG-23-03Nintendo Control Lever Knob (Black, 25mm)8.00
TKG-23-13Nintendo Joystick and button Microswitch3.75
TKG-23-13-BNintendo Joystick and button Microswitch with Bend in Lever4.00
TKG-23-14Nintendo Blind Plate2.50
TKG-23-17Nintendo Joystick Micro Switch Spacer 0.50
TKG-23-20Nintendo Joystick Spring Stopper6.00
TKG-23-21Nintendo Joystick Switch Collar (Top)6.00
TKG-23-22Nintendo Joystick Spring4.50
TKG-23-51Nintendo Joystick 4-way Guide Plate9.00
TKG-WB-M5X10MMNintendo Wing Bolt M5 x .8 x 10mm0.75
TKGU-01-39DK Control Lever Assembly Mount 12.00
TKGU-01-41Nintendo Control Lever Knob (Black, 30mm)8.00
TKGU-01-64Nintendo Service Switch Bracket - 01-64 (Plastic)5.00
TKGU-13-11Nintendo 17P Junction Control Harness24.95
TKGU-13-CPHNintendo Upright Control Panel Harness29.95
TKGU-23-26Nintendo Nut Plate0.75
TKGU-23-31Nintendo Blue Button8.00
TKGU-23-32Nintendo Orange Button8.00
TKGU-23-34Nintendo Pal Nut for Nintendo 27mm pushbuttons.0.75
TKGU-23-50Nintendo Reproduction 4-way Joystick w/ 30mm ball top79.95
TKGU-BEZELSET TKGU Black Monitor Bezel Set (Vertical)30.00
TMA-11-03Nintendo Control Lever Knob (Black, 28mm)8.00
TMA-11-17Nintendo Joystick 2-way Guide Plate8.00
TMAU-11-19Nintendo Mario Bros or Punchout CP Strike Set14.95
TMAU-12-15Nintendo Lever Plate 8.00
TMAU-12-18Nintendo Button Collar (Spacer) Short - 7mm1.00
TMW58IN T-Molding - 5/8" White - Nintendo12.00
TMWF916IN T-Molding - 9/16" White flat - Nintendo12.00
TMWS34IN T-Molding - 3/4" White Smooth12.00
TNX-23-18Nintendo Joystick 8-way Guide Plate8.00
TPGCraftyMech Test Pattern Generator89.00
TPG-CABLESCraftyMech Test Pattern Generator Cables24.00
TPPT-23-33Nintendo Button Collar (Spacer) Long - 15mm1.00
TPPT-CARDSET Popeye Cocktail table instruction card set15.00
TPPU-BEZELSET TPPU Black Monitor Bezel Set (Horizontal)30.00
TRSU-01-35Nintendo Radar Scope Button Switch Bracket4.95
TST-13-09-01Nintendo Cocktail Button Cap (Green)9.00
TST-13-11-01Nintendo Cocktail Button Cap (Yellow)9.00
VLM5030Sanyo VLM5030 Speech I.C.48.95
VS2JAMMANintendo VS Unisystem to JAMMA adapter85.00
Z80ACPU Z-80A CPU (D780C-1)5.95
Z80ADMA Z80A DMA Controller10.00
Z80BCPU Z-80B CPU4.00
Z80CPU Z-80 CPU (MK3880N, D780C)3.50
JAMMA Adapters
DBLJAMMAMike's Double JAMMA adapter79.95
DIGDUG2JAMMA Dig Dug to JAMMA adapter 45.00
DK-EDGE2PINMike's Nintendo Pin to Edge harness adapter25.00
DKTKG32EDGEMike's Nintendo TKG3 PCB to Nintendo Classic edge connector adapter45.00
GALX2JAMMA Galaxian to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-CHAMMA Elf/Pandora's Box/Chamma to JAMMA adapter 29.95
JA-CKONG Crazy Kong to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-CONTROLS JAMMA remote controls34.95
JA-DIGDUG Dig Dug PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter 45.00
JA-GALAXIAN Galaxian PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter35.00
JA-GALNEB Nebulous Bee to JAMMA adapter29.95
JA-NAMCO Namco PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter45.00
JA-NIBBLER Nibbler/Fantasy 2 JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-PACMANMike's PAC-MAN Series PCB to JAMMA Cabinet Adapter35.00
JA-PHOENIX Phoenix to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-PIRANHA Piranha to JAMMA adapter35.00
JA-TAITO Taito Classic JAMMA adapter45.00
JA-VSSYSTEMNintendo VS Unisystem to JAMMA adapter85.00
JA-ZAXXON Zaxxon PCB to JAMMA cabinet adapter35.00
JAM2NAMCOMike's JAMMA PCB to Namco Cabinet Adapter35.00
JAM2NINMikes JAMMA PCB to Nintendo Cabinet adapter49.95
JAM2PACMike's JAMMA PCB to Pacman/Ms Pacman Cabinet Adapter39.00
JAM2XXXCABINET JAMMA PCB to XXX Cabinet Adapter35.00
JAMMAEXTMike's JAMMA Extension cable29.95
JAMMATYPE2 JAMMA Fingerboard4.25
MJOYA Midway Joystick Adapter12.00
NBEE2JAMMA Nebulous Bee to JAMMA adapter35.00
PAC2JAMMAMike's PAC-MAN Series PCB to JAMMA Cabinet Adapter35.00
PHOENIX2JAMMA Phoenix to JAMMA adapter40.00
Kits and Upgrades
60in1Kit-DK-UprightMike's Donkey Kong/Jr/3 Upright Cabinet 60-in-1 Upgrade Complete Kit149.95
60in1Kit-Galaga-UprightMike's Galaga Upright Cabinet 60-in-1 Upgrade Complete Kit349.95
60in1Kit-Pac-CocktailMike's Ms Pac Cocktail Cabinet 60-in-1 Upgrade Complete Kit139.95
60in1Kit-Pac-UprightMike's Pacman/Ms Pacman Upright Cabinet 60-in-1 Upgrade Complete Kit139.95
ASTDLXMULTI Asteroids Deluxe Multigame Kit84.95
ASTMULTI Asteroids Multigame Kit - NO POKEY84.95
CENTIROMS Centipede EPROM set40.00
CHP1-PROMS Punch-out!! color prom set36.00
CHS1-EXP-V1 Super Punch-out!! EXP PCB84.95
CHS1-PROMS Super Punchout color prom set36.00
CHS1-ROMS Super Punchout ROM set75.00
CK-NINAUDIONintendo Audio Board Deluxe Repair Kit for Sanyo 20 EZV5.49
CTPANELKIT-MP Midway style Multicade Cocktail Control Panel kit219.95
CTPANELKIT-PAC Midway style Multicade Cocktail Control Panel kit219.95
DDKUP Double Donkey Kong Upgrade160.00
DKJRPROMS Donkey Kong Jr. PROM set24.00
DKJRROMS Donkey Kong Junior romset85.00
DKPROMS Donkey Kong PROM set24.00
DKROMS Donkey Kong EPROM set75.00
ER2055 ER-205516.00
GALAGARF Galaga Rapid Fire chip15.00
GALAGAROMS Galaga EPROM set75.00
GALAGASF Galaga Standard Fire chip15.00
GBS-8200Gonbes CGA / EGA / YUV / RGB To VGA Video Converter33.95
GROMS-DK Donkey Kong Game Code EPROM set48.00
HS-D2K-UP Braze Donkey Kong D2K Chip Set UPGRADE19.95
HSAST Asteroids High Score Save69.95
HSBZONE Battlezone - High Score Save Kit 69.95
HSCONGO Congo Bongo High Score Save59.95
HSD2K D2K Donkey Kong II Multigame Kit59.95
HSDK3 Donkey Kong 3 - High Score save kit.59.95
HSDKJR Donkey Kong Junior High Score Save59.95
HSDKONG Donkey Kong High Score Save59.95
HSFROGGER Frogger High Score Save 59.95
HSMARIO Mario Bros. High Score Save59.95
HSPOPEYE Popeye - High Score save kit59.95
HSRBARON Red Baron - High Score Save69.95
HSZAXXON Zaxxon High Score Save59.95
JRPACFAST Jr. Pac-man speedup chip15.00
JRPACSTD Jr. Pac-man normal speed chip15.00
MBPROMS Mario Bros Prom set34.00
MBROMS Mario Bros Roms75.00
MCMULTI Missle Command Multigame Kit84.95
MULTIPED Multipede84.95
PAC2MSPAC Pac-man to Ms. Pac conversion kit60.00
PACCECNFH 44 CEC w/ 4 position fuse holder19.00
PACCHEAT Pac series speedup & invincibility chip (Cheat Chip)15.00
PACROMSAVER Pac-man Code EPROM eliminator39.00
PACSPROMS Pac-man/Ms. Pac-man sound PROM set24.00
PCB-DDK Double Donkey Kong Board Set399.00
SIMG Space Invaders Multigame Kit84.95
TBALL214KITPANEL-GALiCade Trackball panel for Galaga Upright Kits229.95
TBALL214KITPANEL-MPiCade Trackball panel for Ms Pac Upright Kits229.95
TBALL214KITPANEL-PACiCade Trackball panel for Pac-man Upright Kits229.95
TBALL3KITPANEL-GALiCade Trackball panel for Galaga Upright Kits229.95
TBALL3KITPANEL-MPiCade Trackball panel for Ms Pac Upright Kits229.95
TBALL3KITPANEL-PACiCade Trackball panel for Pac-man Upright Kits229.95
MANUALMPMidway Ms. Pac-man Parts and Operating Manual25.00
MANUALPACMidway Pac-man Parts and Operating Manual20.00
CHPU-11-14Nintendo Plastic Button stopper for Punchout K.O. Switch A'ssy3.50
CHPU-11-15Nintendo Plastic M30 NUT ONLY for Punchout K.O. Switch A'ssy 3.50
CHPU-11-16Nintendo Punchout K.O. Switch Button Bracket Large6.50
CHPU-23-33Nintendo Punchout 'K.O.' Button54.95
CHPU-KO-ASSEMBLYNintendo Complete Punchout 'K.O.' Button Assembly69.95
CPSTARTP1P2 Player 1 & 2 Start Button Set6.00
CPSTARTP3P4 Player 3 & 4 Start Button Set6.00
MDST-12-17Nintendo Crimson Button8.00
MDST-12-21Nintendo Black Button8.00
MDST-12-24Nintendo Light Blue Button8.00
MDST-12-27Nintendo Green Button8.00
MDST-12-31Nintendo Purple Button8.00
MDST-12-34Nintendo Yellow Button8.00
MDSU-12-07Nintendo Red Button8.00
PB-BLACK Black Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-BLUE Blue Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-GREEN Green Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-ORANGE Orange Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-PURPLE Purple Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-RED Red Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-WHITE White Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB-YELLOW Yellow Pushbutton with Horizontal microswitch3.00
PB3 AC Power On/Off Switch, SPST2.00
PB903 Midway Cocktail Start Button7.25
PB907 AC Power On/Off Switch, DPST5.45
PBHOLDERNNintendo Button and microswitch holder assembly10.00
PBLS-S-BLACK Pushbutton - Black - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-BLUE Pushbutton - Blue - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-BURNTORANGE Pushbutton - Burnt Orange - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-GREEN Pushbutton - Green - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-ORANGE Pushbutton - Orange - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-RED Pushbutton - Red - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLS-S-WHITE Pushbutton - White - Leaf Switch Short2.00
PBLSHOLDER Leaf switch button holder6.25
PBLSPALNUT Leaf switch pal nut1.25
PBSET-CHPNintendo Punch-Out!! push button set15.00
PBSET-MDSTNintendo MDST Pushbutton set96.00
PBSET-TKGUNintendo Classic push button set21.00
PBSET-TMANintendo Mario Bros push button set28.00
PBSET-VSKITNintendo MDSU Pushbutton set36.00
SUPERLUBE1ML Super Lube (1ml packet)0.99
TKG-23-10Nintendo Microswitch with roller lever4.00
TKG-23-13Nintendo Joystick and button Microswitch3.75
TKG-23-13-BNintendo Joystick and button Microswitch with Bend in Lever4.00
TKGU-23-12Nintendo Switch Button Bracket6.50
TKGU-23-26Nintendo Nut Plate0.75
TKGU-23-31Nintendo Blue Button8.00
TKGU-23-32Nintendo Orange Button8.00
TKGU-23-34Nintendo Pal Nut for Nintendo 27mm pushbuttons.0.75
TKGU-BTN-ASSMBLYNintendo Switch Button Bracket assembly10.00
TMAU-12-18Nintendo Button Collar (Spacer) Short - 7mm1.00
TPPT-23-33Nintendo Button Collar (Spacer) Long - 15mm1.00
19LCDNINNintendo 19" LCD Sanyo EZV-20 Replacement449.00
POKEYONE C012294 (PokeyONE) 74.95
SBC285 Sync Bus Controller (285)18.00
SBCVRA SBC and VRA set (284 and 285)35.00
VRA284 VRAM Addresser (284)18.00
6PK-202A D-sub pin crimp tool12.95
B1024HAKKO HOLDER,CORD,4PK,817/8076.00
CPULLER Chip Puller2.75
DMMPOCKET Digital Pocket Multi-Meter9.95
DMTESTER 7 Function Multi-tester7.00
E-RING-TOOL-4MM E-Ring Tool (4mm)16.50
EM3081All-sun Digital Multimeter AC/DC Ammeter Voltmeter Ohm Portable Meter voltage meter19.95
HF-92410 8 In. Four-Way Crimping Tool9.95
HT-SN-01BM Single step crimper for FCH1 and MCH1 pins and sockets.24.95
HT-SN-48B Single step crimper for non-insulated terminals19.95
HT-SRTOOL Strain Relief Bushing Assembly Steel Pliers Tool14.95
HT1884Molex HT-1884 Split pin extraction tool14.95
HT1921Molex HT-1921 Universal Crimp Tool19.95
HT2038Molex HT-2038 Deluxe 0.093" Pin Extractor Tool18.00
HT2285Molex HT-2285 Deluxe 0.062" Pin Extractor Tool18.00
ICS-01 IC DIP Pin Straightener Tool11.95
KESTER44Kester Roll of 60/40 Solder39.95
LP-1 Logic Probe24.95
MNLEXT2AMP Economy Mate-N-Lok 0.084" Pin Extraction Tool16.95
NNPLIERS Needle Nose Pliers - 6"5.00
PLATO170Plato 5" Flush Cutter/Shears7.95
QUAD-EDGE-TRIMMER Quad Edge Trimmer29.95
SI30W Soldering Iron10.00
T15TORX T-15 Security Torx Bit2.50
TG-05Various Brands Thermal Heatsink Compound packet (0.5g)0.25
TKCRIMP25Buchanan 25 Pc Solderless Terminal-Connector & Crimping Tool9.95
TKCRIMPKIT305 305 Pc Solderless Terminal-Connector & Crimping Tool21.95
TORXBITS Tamper Resistant Torx Bit Set5.50
TPBITS33 33pc Tamper Proof Screwdriver Bit Set 17.95
TPGCraftyMech Test Pattern Generator89.00
TPG-CABLESCraftyMech Test Pattern Generator Cables24.00
TS110 Tube of 60/40 Solder3.25
CBLTBALLY Atari/Happ Trackball Y cable - 6-pin15.75
CBTBALL3IN Carriage Bolts #10-24 x 3" - Black w/KEP nuts3.00
SPIN-KNOBMike's Arkanoid Spinner Control Knob12.95
SPINNERMike's Arkanoid Spinner Control 39.95
TB-HB-BLACK 3" Black High-Ball Trackball Assembly89.95
TB-HB-WHITE 3" Solid White High-Ball Trackball Assembly89.95
TB214WICOBEARINGSWICO 2 1/4" Trackball bearing set15.00
TB214WICOKITWICO 2 1/4" Trackball rebuild kit17.50
TBALL-HARNESS Atari/Happ Trackball Harness Assembly15.75
TBALL-USB-KITSuzo-Happ PS/2 & USB Trackball Interface Kit - 2-1/4" & 3" Trackballs45.95
TBALL214H 2¼" Mini-Trackball - Atari style - White65.95
TBALL3INBK 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style (Black Ball)74.95
TBALL3INBLUE Blue 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style110.00
TBALL3INRED Red 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style110.00
TBALL3INW White 3" Midi-Trackball - Atari style79.95
TBALLMOUNTKIT214Mike's Trackball Mounting Kit (2¼" )15.00
TBALLMOUNTKIT3INMike's Trackball Mounting Kit (3")18.00
TBBEARINGSAtari Trackball bearing set (6 bearings)15.00
TBROLLERSET214Atari 2 1/4" Trackball roller set (3 rollers)12.00
TBROLLERSET3Atari 3" Trackball roller set (3 rollers)17.00


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