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From: maestas@CS.Arizona.EDU (Mark Maestas)
Newsgroups: rec.games.video.arcade
Subject: Samurai Shodown FAQ part 1/2
Date: 19 Nov 1993 11:55:54 -0700
Organization: University of Arizona CS Department, Tucson AZ

  ____   _  _ _  _   _ ____    _ _
 / ___/ / |/ v \| | | |  _ \  / | |
| |__  /  |     | | | | |_| |/  | |   Samurai Shodown mini-FAQ
 \__ \/ / | | | | | | |  _ </ / | |   Release 10
 ___|/ _  | |_| | |_| | | \/ _  | |   11-05-93
| __/_/ |_|_| |_|\___/|_| /_/\|_|_|
|/____ _   _  ___  ____   ___  _   _ __  _
 / ___| | | |/ _ \|  _ \ / _ \| |_| |  \| |
| |__ | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | |   | |
 \__ \|  _  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
 ___| | | | | |_| | |_| | |_| |     | |   |
| ___/|_| |_|\___/ ____/ \___/ \_^_/|_|\__|

The FAQ was originally done by Galen Komatsu
His email address is   ar592@cleveland.freenet.edu or

With his permission, I have taken over to maintain the correctness
and appearance of the FAQ.  I have decided to enhance it as to include
more informations.  Many others contributed with additions, corrections
and suggestions as well.  If I missed any one of you (and I think I did
miss many of you), please email me so I can correct my carelessness ASAP.


        Ice Breaker ----------------- cvadrslh@csupomona.edu
        Anthony William Cannon ------ wanderer@leland.stanford.edu
        Jeremy Hinton --------------- hinton@cs.odu.edu
        Paper Tiger ----------------- kahuehn@tuba.calpoly.edu
        Kano Vo --------------------- god@mermaid.micro.umn.edu
        Thomas Cannon --------------- inkblot@leland.Stanford.EDU
        Brad "Sugar Daddy" Douglas -- douglas@hamlet.uncg.edu
        Spencer Olson --------------- solson@imsasun.imsa.edu
        Brando ---------------------- HOLMESB7313@cobra.uni.edu
        Reptile --------------------- PCS$1955@VEGA.SELU.EDU
        Brian Gilmore --------------- briang@ocf.Berkeley.EDU
        Alex ------------------------ awong@osiris.ee.tufts.edu
        Bethany Cox ----------------- MIA
        Kevin A. Kanda -------------- Kevin.A.Kanda@Dartmouth.edu
        Mark Rigby ------------------ mrigby@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca 
        Jason Cha ------------------- chaj@guvax.acc.georgetown.edu

SPECIAL THANKS TO: (not in any specific order)

        Mark "Terminator" Maestas --- maestas@cs.arizona.edu
        Galen Komatsu --------------- gkomatsu@hawaii.edu
          Originator of this list!
        Iain Sinclair --------------- axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au
          Originator of the quotes!

This is in no way a complete FAQ of the game.  If you have any
from you.  No matter how insignificant you think the information is,
PLEASE send me email.  It might be the most profound discovery yet.
My email address is:

(Mark Maestas is now our co-editor.  Why not send him some thanks mail?
 His email address is maestas@cs.arizona.edu)

-- Version History

   Release 1:   Originally done by Galen Komatsu.  Many special moves
                missing.  Some minor mistakes.
   Release 2:   Some revision of the Galen Komatsu post by some others
                and me.  This is the most messy one.  I don't think
                there is even an official release for this one.
   Release 3:   From this version on, I have taken over the FAQ from
                Galen Komatsu's hand, with his permission.  I have also
                organized all information floating in the net and
                compiled it into the list.
   Release 4:   Still done by me.  Added Introduction and some revision
                of moves.
   Release 5:   Separated the throws from the special moves.  Also added
                how to defeat the computer.  Major revision.  The quotes
                were originally done by Iain Sinclair; with his permission,
                I have included them in the FAQ.
   Release 6:   Mark Maestas is now the co-editor of the FAQ; he combined
                his own FAQ with this one.  If you find any typos or
                grammar mistakes, BUG HIM! :)  Major revision, Power Strike
                section added.  Many kind souls sent me comments, additions
                and corrections.  Thank all of you very much for making this
                a better FAQ!
   Release 7:   More information added.  Minimize the quotes section to
                save space, since this list is getting very huge.
                Separated this FAQ into two parts because some server can't
                handle the size of this text.  A possible AMAKUSA bug
   Release 7.5: Overall a slight revision.
   Release 8:   Separate the FAQ into two parts.  One is the special moves
                and power strikes, the other one is, more or less, the
                history or side notes of this game.  A few new moves
                added.  Characters are now in alphabetical order.
   Release 9:   Due to a computer crash, Mark did this one.  Most of the
                character endings were added, character bios (from the
                Neo Geo instructions) added, as well as a new quote 
                classification setup(tm).
   Release 10:  Mark is still doing the editting while Ewan is trying
                to recoup.  Corrections on some quote classifications
                (sorry guys!).  All endings are now in here.  Special
                thanks to Kevin Kanda and Jason Cha. 


        Samurai Shodown (It is spelled correctly, Shodown, not Showdown)
is a new NEO-GEO fighting game which features characteristics of Street 
Fighter 2.  When you start the game, you have the choice to pick
from a selection of 12 different characters.  Each character has
his/her own special strengths and weaknesses.  Your goal is to be the
first one to win 2 rounds versus either a computer or a human opponent.  
        The POWER bar at the bottom of the screen determines the strength 
of your attack.  You gain more POWER when you are hit or when you have 
blocked a hit.  When it reaches maximum, your attack could decrease more 
than half of your opponent's energy.
	Some machines may have the difficulty level displayed, while
some may not.  It depends on how the arcade operator set it.

        Samurai Shodown was originally called Samurai Spirit (I dunno
why!!).  Apparently there are Japanese and American versions,
which, aside from having different character names, also have different
languages displayed.  Besides that, everything is quite the same.  With
the smartest computer AI among any fighting game, you will have
a hell of a time trying to finish the game with just one credit!!!


        Well, that depends...  If you are lucky, the machine you
play is set on a lower setting, then you will save some money.  But if
you are one of those who are out of luck, READ ON.

        You might think this is a bit too general, but different
strategies fit different people.  So putting them down might just be
a waste of time.  The computer is very smart, even on lower settings.
The only difference is that they won't attack as much on higher levels.

        The computer uses a wait-for-opportunities-and-attack strategy.
The computer will attack a few times to test your ability in the beginning
of the round, so don't develop any patterns that it can trace.  It will 
know.  If you keep firing out fireballs, after a few blocks, he WILL jump.  
For instance, I kept using the Multiples trick of Galford to beat the 
computer in the second round.  In the third round, not once did my trick 
work again.  I always got hit or counter-thrown.

        The computer is also aware of time.  If it is winning, it will
stall; if it is losing, it will attack very aggressively.

        The only way to kill the computer is to be very careful.  Attack
when you have the chance.  Defend when your opportunity is gone.  Wait
again.  If you've played SF2 before, the computer ain't like that one.  
In SF2, you can just jump in and do all kinds of combos.  This computer
will kick ass and you'd have no chance of even closing in.  Remember
this computer is smart and it will use any cheapo throw or whatever
without qualm.  Don't be amazed if the computer performs some moves that
may impossible for you to perform under the same conditions.  This is a
computer you are dealing with.  Besides being smart, it will also cheat
by taking off energy more if it hits you and less if you hit it on higher
difficulty levels.

        Timing and precision is everything.  Time it right and hit it
hard and victory will be yours.  GOOD LUCK!


   B throw has a slight pause immediately before he turns you upside-down.
   If you execute your throw at that time, there will be a slight hitch,
   followed by _your_ throw instead of his.  However, the timing is very 

2) HOW TO BREAK YOUR OPPONENT'S WEAPON.  Position yourselves so that when
   you attack, you can hit each other's weapons without causing a clash,
   and without hitting the other player.  One method that works for most
   characters is to jump up and down and try hitting each other's weapons
   in the air.  Important:  If there's a white burst when the weapons hit, 
   a weapon has taken damage.  If there's a blue circular burst (like when 
   you block) then no damage is done.  After a few hits, a weapon will break
   causing it to shatter and the owner takes damage.  It doesn't need to be 
   a mirror match to work(choosing the same character), although it hasn't 
   been confirmed yet.

3) If you lose your weapon, it will then be possible for you to throw your
   opponent by grabbing onto his/hers weapon from a distance if you time
   it _just_ right.  Sounds tricky, eh?  Once, I (Haohmaru) threw a long
   standing AB slash at my opponent (Nakoruru).  She did an AB attack at just
   the right moment, _caught_ my sword between her palms, and used it to
   throw me to the ground! The timing on this one is very difficult.  What
   happens is that any time you get into a struggle, the person without a
   weapon will always throw the person without one.  However, if you get
   into a struggle with Earthquake when you don't have a weapon, you will
   execute a low CD kick on him. 

4) If you meet your opponent in the air and successfully attack him.  It
   is possible to throw him as soon as he lands.  For example, Gen-An attacks
   Galford in the air, as Gen-An and Galford land, Gen-An can immediately
   perform the spinning stomach drill (B).  Also, if Galford had won in the
   air, he could have performed the Strike Hez when they landed.

5) MAKE AMAKUSA JUMP. (* From Brian Gilmore --- briang@ocf.Berkeley.EDU *)
   Unless Amakusa is doing something anoying, such as teleporting, casting
   spells, whatever,  whenever you slash, Amakusa jumps.  Usually straight up,
   but sometimes towards and away from you.  This is really prevelant in the
   first round, and less so in second.
     WHAT THIS MEANS: To win the first round against Amakusa every time, all 
   you'll usually have to do is Hit Amakusa once to get It's energy level
   under yours, then get to the other side of the screen and slash until
   time runs out.  Amakusa will do nothing but jump up and down, and you 
   win.  Note, however, that sometimes Amakusa will jump forward.  If it gets
   within range of you, it will attack, so keep some dodging distance.
     THE OTHER IMPORTANT RESULT: If you're playing a character with a fast air
   attack (such as Galford of Hanzo)  you slash, it jumps, and then you hit 
   Amakusa in the air.

Legend:  B - Before a fight    S - same Vs. same
         A - After a fight     K - Amakusa scene (during the bonus rounds)
        BK - before the battle with Amakusa
        AK - after a fight with Amakusa 

Note: The ending scenes for all characters begin with Amakusa (who looks
  like he's about to explode) holding the sphere.  There is a quote, "I have
  left you alone, but I must exterminate you now."  This could be the Dark
  Guy speaking, or possibly Hanzo's son (see Hanzo ending).

  Name:        Charlotte
  Title:       The Noble Revolutionette
  Origin:      Versailles, France
  Alma Mater:  Taught by French Fencing Tutor, O. Le Paine
  Weapon:      The Laroche (epee)
  Misc. Info:  Charlotte clearly uses a weapon without a blade.  According 
    to many sources, weapons like the foil and the epee were only made way 
    after the time frame of Samurai Shodown.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   All warriors are not called "sir".  Twit!                         I
 I B   Don't ever talk about my breastplate again!                       I
 I BV  You dare confront me?  You are plucky, but, sadly, dead.          I
 I A   A woman of my breeding cannot lose.                               I
 I A   Au revoir, petit chous.  For I will seize victory from vous.      I
 I A   I live to break the grip of tyrants and enslave my enemies.       I
 I AV  Protecting the honor of my family is my bread and brie...         I
 I AK  A fabulous babe with unbeatable moves, I am magnifique.           I

  Ending scene description:
     Charlotte stands in front of the rock.  "Far East tour... what a let
  down!"  A carrier pigeon flies in.  "Pierre?  What's this?"  Charlotte
  reads the note.  "Well, uh... A revolution!  I will lead the proles."
  Cut to the palace area where an aristocrat is battling with three 
  peasants with rakes and hoes.  He says, "Desist all!!  Go back to your
  huts."  Charlotte rushes in very fast and mows down the noble ("SPLASH 
  FOUNT!" ch-ch-ch-ch-ching! and the noble flies back).  She says, "We 
  face the enemy.  Forward."  The peasants cheer and follow her.

  Name:        Earthquake
  Title:       The Texan Ninja Anachronism
  Origin:      (Paloduro Canyon?) Texas, U.S.A.
  Alma Mater:  Ned's Ninja Academy -- Correspondence Course: Dropout
  Weapon:      The Yellow Scythe of Texas (nage gama: like a kusari gama
                                            but without a hand guard)
  Misc. Info:        

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   I'll clean my teeth with you.                                     I
 I B   No matter where you hide, my spear will find you.                 I
 I BV  You have a lot of meat on you.  Bon Appetit.                      I
 I A   Quick draw.  But not quick, enough.                               I
 I A   Whoops. Turned him into pulp. Not enough left for hamburger.      I
 I A   Oh, like that hurt.  My, for a mosquito you're tough.             I
 I AV  With your weight, heaven is an unlikely destination.              I 
 I AK  What?  Over so soon?  Hmph.  Not even a full serving!?!           I

  Ending scene description:
     EQ stands victorious, and looks around himself, saying: "Now this is 
  a treasure!"  Three little Earthquake-ninja wannabes (ie three fat,
  smaller, bald white guys, dressed like EQ!) teleport in, kneeling behind 
  EQ.  EQ says, "Well?  What are you waiting for?"  The "ninjas" disappear 
  and proceed to zap in and out, building up a pile of loot behind EQ.  
  After a few seconds, they all reappear behind EQ and say, "We got it all 
  boss".  EQ says something like "Let's go, rogues."  They may disappear
  I'm not sure. 

  Name:        Galford
  Title:       The Ninja Knight Without a Cause
  Origin:      San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
  Alma Mater:  Koga-Ninja School - Department of Vital Points Studies
  Weapon:      The Blade of Justice (ninjato)
  Misc. Info:  His dog's name is Poppy.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   My eyes are blue, but I know Samurai's Spirits.                   I
 I B   I have long desired to fight with you.  Come now!                 I
 I BV  Hit me with your best shot!                                       I
 I A   Forgive me, I possess power you can only dream of.                I
 I A   Boy, that was a close one, eh, Poppy?  "Woof!"                    I
 I A   Maybe I should get back to basics and cut the flash... Naaahhh!   I
 I AV  Boy!  Meet me when you can lift your sword, wimp!                 I
 I AK  Another legend is born, eh Poppy?  Woof.  Woof.                   I

  Ending scene description:
     Flash to Amakusa's stage with galford in a pose without his sword.
  "Whew that was a tough battle."  Amakusa's ball floats down.  "So this 
  was the source of the madness" Galford does an AB slash and shatters the 
  ball.   A light beams down, much like the one Amakusa uses when he 
  dissapears, and another Amakusa, not as dangerous looking, says "Now the 
  spell is broken. Be praised."  Then he disappears, as 3 small poppies 
  join Galford and Poppy.  "We're history. Let's go Poppy." as he leaps to 
  the upper left and the dogs follow.

  Name:        Gen-An Shiranui
  Title:       The Taloned Fiend
  Origin:      Onigome Isle
  Alma Mater:  Doom Bwee Bway Academy of Manicure
  Weapon:      Azami (metal talon glove)
  Misc. Info:  Azami is his wife's name too.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   If you think I'm ugly, look at you after this.                    I
 I B   Will I get some of your estate?                                   I
 I BV  If I lose, you can go.  If you lose, I can go.  Simple.           I
 I A   Don't look so sad.  You'll get used to the afterlife.             I
 I A   My face may look bad, but your breath smells horrible.            I
 I A   No one calls me freak and lives!  No one but my wife, that is.    I
 I AV  Your clothes and talons, toad!  Ooh a perfect fit.                I
 I AK  Heh, heh, heh.  Come black magic, walk with me.                   I

  Ending scene description:
     Gen-An says, "The same path as I, yet not as good."  (Gen-An and 
  Amakusa are both sorcerors)  A skinny, greenish woman walks in on the 
  left.  He sees her and says, "Azami!  The path of a sorceror is not for 
  woman.  Scram!"  She cries out, "Gen-An!"  He turns his back on her and 
  cries a little, then leaps off.  Cut to the cave area where we see him 
  and Mai Shiranui.  He says, "You'll get no favors from me."  She replies, 
  "Stop whining and attack!"  Gen-An executes a Butcher Thrust, but is 
  stopped by Mai's flame fandango technique.  Gen-An cries out and falls 
  to the ground.  His last word is, "A... Azami".  The screen darkens and 
  it says, "1858 - Gen-An Shiranui dies".

  Name:        Hanzo Hattori
  Title:       The Ninja Master of the Shadows
  Origin:      Dewa, Yamagata, Japan
  Alma Mater:  Iga Institute of Ninja Arts and Psychology
  Weapon:      The Ninja Blade (ninjato)
  Misc. Info:  Hanzo is a famous ninja, leader of the Iga ninja clan.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   When you die, is it cremation or burial?                          I
 I B   To die is not shameful.  But better you than me.                  I
 I BV  You poseur!  You fake!  Show me the real you.                     I
 I A   I know that fate is on my side.  But that was too close.          I
 I A   Poor fool.  You don't yet realise... you're dead.                 I
 I A   Burning with revenge, no one can stop me.                         I
 I AV  It's your pick.  Heaven.  Hell.  But Bermuda is impossible!!      I
 I AK  My life is a desert.  My soul is a void.  Happy thought, huh?     I

  Ending scene description:
     (Editor's note:  Amakusa killed Hanzo's son trapped his soul in the
  magic sphere.  When Hanzo defeated Amakusa, the sphere shattered, thus
  breaking the spell Amakusa used to entrap Hanzo's son's soul.  Also,
  see Galford's ending.)
     Hanzo stands before the stone.  "Oh no, my Amakusa.  Stolen from me
  by death.  My son... life means nothing to me now.  Poor soul.  I shall
  follow you to death."  He readies his sword for seppuku (ritual suicide).
  Suddenly, about 5 ninjas appear around him.  One of them speaks, "Wait!
  We need you to teach us your skills."  Hanzo contemplates, "Hmmm."  The
  other guy speaks again, "Do not take this offer lightly."  "Very well."
  Cut to a small room with a student on the left and a straw target on
  the right.  Hanzo is by the student and says, "Act like a volcano and
  blow."  The student executes a Bakuen-Ryu and immolates the target.
  The student says, "yeah!" and raises his fist in the air.  Hanzo gives
  a nod of approval.

  Name:        Haohmaru
  Title:       The Invincible Samurai Sake Expert
  Origin:      Gairyu Isle, Japan
  Alma Mater:  Self-Taught
  Weapon:      The Fugu Blade (katana)
  Misc. Info:  Haohmaru is based on Musashi Miyamoto, the classic Samurai.
    Musashi and Kojiro Sasaki were famous rivals.  Both have their homes on
    Ganryu Isle, a real place, though it's not located where Gairyu Isle is
    supposed to be.  His girlfriend's name is Oshizu.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   Lucky you.  About to be killed by a legend!                       I
 I B   To fight.  To die.  Get ready for the afterlife.                  I
 I BV  Oooh goody!  A challenger.  Who's stronger?  Hint.  Me!           I
 I A   To call me 'awesome' is an understatement.                        I
 I A   Using my full strength is unnecessary for wimps like you.         I
 I A   Hmm, not bad.  I have met the second strongest in the world.      I
 I AV  Was all my work for naught?  Or am I too damn good?               I
 I AK  What a fight, I'm speechless... not!                              I

  Ending scene description:
     After defeating Amakusa, Haohmaru purifies his sword (drinks sake
  and spits it on his sword).  "You should have practiced more, arrogant 
  fool."  Then, his girlfriend comes in from the right.  "Oshizu."
  "Haohmaru."  He turns toward the screen and says, "I am a samurai, a rebel
  guy.  We must part."  She says, "Haohmaru" again.  He turns his back on her
  and says, "Be brave, Oshizu."  Then he jumps off to the left.  Cut to
  Gairyu Isle.  Haohmaru faces Mai Shiranui on the right.  He says, "You'll
  get no favors from me."  She replies, "Stop whining and attack."  Haohmaru
  leaps at her, and the screen freezes as he executes an aerial slash and Mai
  executes her flame fandango.

  Name:        Jubei Yagyu
  Title:       The Emperor's Secret Servant
  Origin:      Tosa, Kochi, Japan
  Alma Mater:  Yagyu Institute of the Sabre and Brush
  Weapon:      Yamato Blade and Iron Tiger Dagger (daisho, a matched 
                 katana and wakisashi)
  Misc. Info:  Jubei was an advisor to the shoguns and a renowned swordsman.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   Don't be afraid of what I hold in my hands.                       I
 I B   No, I'm not related to that guy in Fatal Fury!                    I
 I BV  Wouldn't you like to be a Yagyu too?                              I
 I A   Come, come, my friend.  All lives must come to an end.            I
 I A   Hey, you're not bad.  You're not very good, either.               I
 I A   I'm too fast.  No?  Then why's your leg on the ground.            I
 I AV  How sad.  I bet you even thought you could win.                   I
 I AK  No one can equal to me.  Wah hah hah hahh!                        I

  Ending scene description:
   Jubei sheathes his weapons.  "Unh.  I thought I had found a worthy 
  opponent."  The guy who kept running in the background delivering food,
  money and bombs appears.  Jubei asks, "You are?"  The guy says, "Pardon
  sire.  My sister was abducted by Amakusa."  His sister, in a red kimono,
  comes in from the right.  "I brought you this."  The man hands Jubei a 
  letter and says, "A thousand pardons.  I know I got in your way before.  
  Please forgive me."  The letter says  "Rui Shosetsi terrorizes Roshiki 
  Castle."  He looks up, laughs, and says, "My legend begins a new chapter!"
  He then puts on a big round straw hat and as he crouches to run off, the
  screen blacks out...

  Name:        Kyoshiro Senryo
  Title:       The Kabuki Master
  Origin:      Tokyo, Japan
  Alma Mater:  Kabuki Kollege of Dramatics and Stage Chewing, Edo Campus
  Weapon:      Shishi Ha [Lion's Blade] (naginata)
  Misc. Info:  In Japanese literature, Kyoshiro was an actor and a swordsman,
               though in the game, Kyoshiro uses a naginata, not a sword.
               Also, his father is Nao Itsu Oba.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   So much for an encore.  I killed him.                             I
 I B   Now in this scene, I rip open your belly.                         I
 I BV  To face me is to face perfection.  Act well.                      I
 I A   The curtain draws near, and now the bloody finale.                I
 I A   Chasing away my audience!!  Idiot!!  Face your punishment.        I
 I A   You fool!  You.. you critic!  To the pits of hell, slime.         I
 I AV  To the fires of Hell with you, ham!                               I
 I AK  This is how a real Kabuki dances!  Woogie!  Woogie!  Whee!        I

  Ending scene description:
    Kyoshiro says, "Having been trounced, you realize the sublimity of 
  Kabuki."  He looks at the background.  "Hey, what a great place.  Why,
  of course..."  Cut to a big curtain on the screen. "Lords, Ladies, come 
  hither."   It opens up, revealing the musicians from Tokyo sitting around 
  Amakusa's area and a big audience at the bottom of the screen.  Kyoshiro
  comes out and starts dancing and whipping his hair around.  

  Name:        Nakoruru
  Title:       The Angel-faced Eagle Handler
  Origin:      Hokkaido, Japan
  Alma Mater:  The Running Deer Academy of Dance and Judo
  Weapon:      Hahamama Katana [her father's keepsake] (kodachi)
  Misc. Info:  Nakoruru is one of the Ainu, Japan's indigenous/aboriginal 
    people.  In 1788, the Ainu still dominated Hokkaido and had not been 
    subdued.  Today, several thousand Ainu remain.  Nakoruru's hawk is 
    called Mamahaha.  Her father's name is Hahamama.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   By the mountain gods, victory will be mine.                       I
 I B   Scourge of the Ainu, prepare to die!                              I
 I BV  If you're going to copy me, at least be prettier about it!        I
 I A   Against my Hokkaido Hurricane attack, you didn't have a chance.   I
 I A   Daring to strike a lady?  Think it over in traction.              I
 I A   With the mountain gods protecting me, I can't lose.               I
 I AV  Strength.  Beauty.  I am without equal in God's kingdom.          I
 I AK  Whoever defiles the body of nature shall feel my wrath.           I

  Ending scene description:
     It shows Nakoruru with the hawk on her shoulder..it is panting like 
  crazy, and she says, "Thou foul despoiler of nature.  Thou just desserts." 
  A ton of animals come in, including bunnies and even a poppy or two.  She
  says, "That done, I return to fair Kamui Koran (not too shure on the last
  word)".  Cut to Nakoruru's stage.  Nakoruru's dressed in a full robe and
  is walking towards the old men.  She jumps in the air before she gets to
  the men, lifting the dress and showing her rather skinny legs. 

  Name:        Tam Tam
  Title:       The Incan Avenger
  Origin:      Green Hell
  Alma Mater:  Babalooh Bula Bula College - School of Scimitar Twirling
  Weapon:      Hengehangezanga (kora - close approximation)
  Misc. Info:  Although Tam Tam is supposed to be Incan, the god he refers
     to, Quetalcoatl, is Aztec.  He resembles a Maori, which is from New 
     Zealand.  The Incas didn't have steel, either.  Basically, Tam Tam is 
     a mix of many different histories and origins and has no one, 
     historically correct basis, as confirmed by the numerous other 
     inconsistencies pointed out by Mark Rigby (mrigby@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca). 
 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   I am strong.  You are weak.  You will lose.  Questions?           I
 I B   No matter where you hide, my spear will find you.                 I
 I BV  Your eyes are a warrior's.  Your clothes... well.                 I
 I A   Feel the rhythm of the samba.  Chika cha chika cha Babalooh.      I
 I A   My boiling blood bubbles for battle.                              I
 I A   My spirit burns like the sun, and I shall dry you like a prune.   I
 I AV  Awo-awo-woo-woo!  I salute your noble death.                      I
 I AK  Oh!  Quetzalcoatl, I am yours for eternity.                       I

  Ending scene description:
     Tam Tam says, "The Pherenx stone!  At last I have recovered it."  Tam
  Tam holds Amakusa's sphere and teleports back to South America.  
  "Quetzalcoatl, restore light to out land once again.  The sphere moves 
  throughout huts of various people, healing the sick and invigorating 
  the old.  "Oh, well.  Now that things are back to normal, I guess I can
  get rid of this."  Tam Tam throws off his mask.  The mask flies off, but
  it is at such an angle that you still can't see his face.

  Name:        Ukyo Tachibana
  Title:       The Merciless Samurai Heart-throb
  Origin:      Gairyu Isle
  Alma Mater:  Jinsume Surgeon's College
  Weapon:      The Blade of Narcissus (iaito)
  Misc. Info:  Ukyo is based on Kojiro Sasaki, rival of Musashi Miyamoto.
    Kojiro was a womaniser who fought with an unusually long sword.  Ukyo's 
    "Swallow swoop slice"/Tsubame Gaeshi is taken straight from the 
    literature - he supposedly perfected it by practicing on swallows! 
    His girlfriend's name is Kei Odagiri.

 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   Clear your thoughts and you might win.  Not!                      I
 I B   Stop shaking!  One slash and it's all over.                       I
 I BV  Hey!  That's my face!  You're meat, beanhead.                     I
 I A   You almost scratched my perfect face!  Oooh, to think of it.      I
 I A   A perfect attack and deadly handsome.  I am too much!             I
 I A   The moment I drew my sword, the fight was over.  Ho-hum.          I
 I AV  Even if you imitate me, you still can't get a date.               I
 I AK  Life is like a stewed peach in a lot of syrup.  Ukyo.             I

  Ending scene description:
     Ukyo looks at the screen with a big grin on his face.  He 'says', "!"
  The women that have been following him everywhere enter stage left.  They
  call out, "Sir Ukyo!  What a hunk!"  He turns away and walks to the right 
  side where a woman in a red kimono is staring at him (it's his girlfriend 
  Kei Odagiri).  She says, "What?  What are you doing here?"  Ukyo turns to
  her and says, "To present you with these."  He pulls out some long-stemmed
  flowers and tosses them at her.  As they fly towards her, he draws out his 
  sword, twirls it, and trims the stems.  The flowers land neatly around her 

  Name:        Wan Fu
  Title:       The Demon King of the Continents
  Origin:      Seian, China
  Alma Mater:  Shorinji School of Spleen Slicing
  Weapon:      The Scimitar of Slice (dau (Mandarin), or scimitar)
  Misc. Info:  
 ,_ Quotes ______________________________________________________________,
 I B   The name's Wan Fu.  King Wan Fu.                                  I
 I B   Life's a dream, and it's morning for you.                         I
 I BV  Long time no see, bro!  Let's dance our way to heaven.            I
 I A   I thought I was dead.  But then, I think I'm Cleopatra, too.      I
 I A   For everyone to remember: I am Wan Fu.  Hear me roar.             I
 I A   Think of the glory.  Cut me down, and live forever in legend.     I
 I AV  Forgive me brothers.  Forget me not in that eternal sleep.        I
 I AK  I'm more than you expect, pal!  And it's not just the weight.     I

  Ending scene description:
     Wan-fu folds his arms in disgust and says, "No worthy adversary was 
  to be found in Japan."  He pauses, then continues, "...no warriors, 
  only sushi."  Cut to his palace - a Chinese soldier carrying a spear 
  runs in, kneels and says, "Lord Wan Fu!  The enemy is attacking and have 
  breached our front!"  Another comes in, kneels, and says, "Sire!  The 
  enemy has reached Jyu-ri and is approaching!"   Wan Fu nods and says 
  "Very well.  I shall enter the fray myself."  Picking up his sword, he 
  runs off saying, "Come fools, feel my wrath!"  The screen dims, and 
  it shows, "The fight was over.  Few people remember Wan Fu now." 

  Name:        Shiro Tokisada Amakusa
  Title:       The Child of God
  Area:        Nagasaki
  Alma Mater:  Unknown
  Weapon:      (magic sphere)
  Misc. Info:  
    Amakusa really existed.  He was called "Child of God" and led Christians
in rebellion against the oppressive Japanese government of the time.
They crushed much of the government's army, which was previously thought
impossible.  However, their luck turned bad and they were forced into a
last stand at a fortress, which only ended after most of the rebels had
died of starvation.  When the army stormed the fortress, Amakusa's body
was nowhere to be found.

 ,_ Quotes _____________________________________________________________,
 I K  I awake from 100 years of sleep to kick some butt!                I
 I K  Tokugawa, you filth!  I stab at thee.                             I
 I K  Know my vengeance, you murderer of my ancestors.                  I
 I K  You fight well.  But my ambition will be realised!                I
 I K  You seek me?  I am touched!  Come now.. and die!                  I
 I K  Come on, come on!  I promise to kill you quickly!                 I
 I BK Come, let me cure you of the disease called life.                 I
 I BK My power will bring you to your god.  Abayo!                      I
 I BK My religion says all men are equal.  Peasant!                     I
 I AK Kneel before me and be saved.  Not!  Die, fool.  Hahahaha!        I
 I AK Why not accept your end?  This battle bores me.                   I


-  In Samurai Shodown, the same joystick movement and/or buttons
   pressed would have different moves in different conditions.
   Read on for more details.
-  Right facing is represented here.
-  If you find any mistake, please let me know, email me, post in the 
   net or whatever.

Basic Moves:

Slash:     A  Weak Slash     B  Medium Slash     AB Strong Slash
Kick:      C  Weak Kick      D  Medium Kick      CD Strong Kick

-  Double tap forward on joystick to run. Hold joystick in forward
   position to continue running.
-  Double tap backward on joystick to hop back.
-  All throws can only be performed when you are close to your opponent.
-  Due to his massive weight, no one can throw Earthquake.

Unique Basic Moves:
-  Gen-An, Kyoshiro and Wan-Fu can slowly crawl forward and backward when
   the joystick is in the down-right or down-left position respectively.
-  Both Hanzo and Galford can trianglar jump as Earthquake does.
   Nakoruru can do it also.

*** Explanation of terms ***

   Most special moves use the buttons to determine the strength of the
attack, where as A is the weakest and AB is the strongest.  From now on,
all these kinds of moves will have only Slash or Kick instead of A/B/C/D.
So when Slash is used, it means A or B or AB will produce the same move
but with different damage or effect.  Applicable on Kick as well.

 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I   /  |  \   Slash                Power Gradation                   I
 I  O   O   O                       Rising rapier slash               I
 I  Tap Slash Repeatedly            Slash Fount                       I
 I                                  Charging rapid epee thrusts       I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -O  AB or B or D                "Fall back" toss                  I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Triangle Slash                                      I
 I  (close)  AB - Short-Range Triangle Slash                          I
 I  (crouch) AB - Small Triangle Slash                                I
 I  (jump)   AB - Aerial Triangle Slash (Powerful air attack)         I
 I  CD          - Hopping Shoulder Rush                               I
 I  (crouch) CD - Roundhouse Sweep                                    I
 I  (jump)   CD - Flying Low Kick                                     I

 ** Note that Charlotte's Triangle Slashes are capable of hitting 2  **
 ** times at close range, or 3 times at extreme close range          **

 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  (jump)  | +  CD Repeatedly      Fat Bound                         I
 I          O                       Bouncing butt attack              I
 I  Tap Slash Repeatedly            Fat Chainsaw                      I
 I                                  Spinning blade attack             I
 I  (jump against the edge of the screen)                             I
 I  then push joystick accordingly                                    I
 I            O- or -O              Triangle Jump                     I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O      B or D                Overhead Toss                     I
 I  -- O      CD                    He farts in your face             I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  AB          - Gama launches out at a 30-degree downward angle     I
 I  (crouch) AB - Gama launches out along the ground (2-hit ability)  I
 I  (jump)   AB - Flying Belly Attack                                 I
 I  CD          - Side kick                                           I
 I  (crouch) CD - High side kick                                      I
 I  (jump)   CD - Butt bomb                                           I

                             San Francisco
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |  \   -O  Slash                Plasma Blade                      I
 I  O   O                           Fireball-like stuff               I
 I  |   /  O-  Slash                Rush Dog                          I
 I  O  O                            Rush Dog can be counter-acted by  I
 I                                  simply running towards the dog    I
 I                                  (Yes, I tried it.  Run, not walk) I
 I  |   /  O-  Kick                 Mad Dog                           I
 I  O  O       C - throat bite      Can Not be counter-acted by       I
 I             D - knocks down      running toward the dog!!!         I
 I  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  A/B/C/D    Mirror Images                     I
 I         O   O   O                Uses button to determine position I
 I                                  of acutal body, "A" being extreme I
 I                                  left, "D" being extreme right.    I
 I                                  Until you make a move, all images I
 I                                  will appear as solid as your      I
 I                                  actual body.                      I
 I   BCD All three buttons          Fake wood                         I
 I                                  When you are struck by opponent   I
 I                                  and not knocked down, just press  I
 I                                  BCD and you will disappear        I
 I  -O  \   |   /  O-   BCD         Ninja Twirl                       I
 I       O  O  O                    Disappear even when you are not   I
 I                                  hit by your opponent              I
 I  Triangle Jump, please refer to Earthquake section.                I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  When in air  |   AB or B        Throw opponent when in air        I
 I               O                                                    I
 I  When in air  |   CD or D        Throw opponent when in air with a I
 I               O                  knife in your opponent.           I
 I  -- O  AB or B                   Throw onto ground                 I
 I  -- O  CD or D                   Use leg to grab and throw onto    I
 I                                  ground and slash                  I
 I  -O  |  \    Kick                Strike Hez                        I
 I      O   O                       This is like Zangief in SF2, you  I
 I                                  grab your opponent and then go    I
 I                                  up and come spinning back down    I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Somersault slash (3-hit capable)                    I
 I  (close)  AB - 2-handed forward-arc slash                          I
 I  (crouch) AB - Sweeping slash (knocks opponents off their feet)    I
 I  (jump)   AB - Downward slash                                      I
 I  CD          - Spinning side kick                                  I
 I  (crouch) CD - Tumbling low kick                                   I
 I  (jump forward) CD - Low kick                                      I
 I  (jump other)   CD - Side kick                                     I

 ** When you are far away, pressing AB will perform a somersault     **
 ** slash.  This is not some kind of special move.  But in close     **
 ** range, pressing AB will do a different move.  O-- --O AB, will   **
 ** cause Galford or Hanzo to do the somersault in close range.      **

                               _Gen-An Shiranui_
                                 Onigome Isle
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |  \   -O  Slash                Poison Blizzard                   I
 I  O   O                           Blow a posion cloud               I
 I  -O  |  \   Slash                Butcher Thrust                    I
 I      O   O                       Roll forward with blade           I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O       B                    Your opponent will be pushed onto I
 I                                  the ground and you will spin on   I
 I                                  top of him with your weapon       I
 I                                  twisting in his stomach           I
 I  -- O       D                    Knee Bash                         I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Lunging slash (Long range & powerful, but it has a  I
 I                long recovery time, so make sure you hit with it!)  I
 I  (close)  AB - Upward slash                                        I
 I  (crouch) AB - Upward slash                                        I
 I  (jump)   AB - Aerial backflip rake                                I
 I  CD          - Backflip kick                                       I
 I  (crouch) CD - Slide, then crouching high kick                     I
 I  (jump)   CD - Knee thrust                                         I

                               _Hanzo Hattori_
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |  \   -O  Slash                Reppu Shuriken                    I
 I  O   O                           Throws a shuriken (throwing star) I
 I  O-  -O  Slash                   Bakuen Ryuu (Burning Snake)       I
 I                                  1 to 2 seconds charge time        I
 I  -O  O-  /  |  \  -O  A/B/C/D    Mirror Images                     I
 I         O   O   O                Use buttons to determine position I
 I                                  of actual body, A being extreme   I
 I                                  left, D to the extreme right.     I
 I   BCD All three buttons          Fake wood                         I
 I                                  When you are struck by opponent   I
 I                                  and not knocked down, just press  I
 I                                  BCD and you will disappear        I
 I  -O  \   |   /  O-  BCD          Ninja Twirl                       I
 I       O  O  O                    Disappear even when you are not   I
 I                                  hit by your opponent              I
 I  Triangle Jump, please refer in Earthquake section.                I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  When in air  |   AB or B        Throw opponent when in air        I
 I               O                                                    I
 I  When in air  |   CD or D        Throw opponent when in air with a I
 I               O                  knife in your opponent.           I
 I  -O  |  \    Kick                Bullhead Blast                    I
 I      O   O                       This is like Zangief in SF2. You  I
 I                                  do more damage, comparitively,    I
 I                                  than Galford's Strike Hez.        I
 I  -- O  AB or B                   Grab and throw onto ground        I
 I  -- O  CD or D                   Use leg to grab and throw onto    I
 I                                  ground and slash                  I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Somersault slash (2-hit capable)                    I
 I  (close)  AB - Forward-arc slash                                   I
 I  (crouch) AB - Sweeping slash (knocks opponents off their feet)    I
 I  (jump)   AB - Downward slash                                      I
 I  CD          - Spinning side kick                                  I
 I  (crouch) CD - Tumbling low kick                                   I
 I  (jump forward) CD - Low kick                                      I
 I  (jump other)   CD - Side kick                                     I

 ** In fact, moves of Hanzo can be performed by Galford, and vice    **
 ** versa.  Except for the dog attack of Galford and burning snake   **
 ** of Hanzo.  Also read note in Galford for additional information. **

                               Gairyu Isle
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  -O   /  |  \   Slash            KogetsuZan                        I
 I      O   O   O                   Crescent moon uppercut slash      I
 I  |  \   -O      Slash            Senpuretsuzan                     I
 I  O   O                           Launch a small hurricane          I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I   -- O  B or AB                  Throw onto ground                 I
 I   -- O  D or CD                  Back flip throw                   I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Long-range slash                                    I
 I  (close)  AB - Uppercut slash, then mid-level slash                I
 I  (crouch) AB - Uppercut slash                                      I
 I  (jump)   AB - Downward-arc slash                                  I
 I  CD          - High roundhouse kick                                I
 I  (crouch) CD - Forward-moving roundhouse sweep                     I
 I  (jump)   CD - Side kick                                           I

                               _Jubei Yagyu_
                                Tosa, Kochi
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |  \   -O  Slash                Suigetsu Toh                      I
 I  O   O                           Ground Wave                       I
 I  Tap Slash Repeatedly            Hasso Happa                       I
 I                                  100-Sword Strikes                 I
 I  -O  |  \   Slash                Nikkaku Ratoh                     I
 I      O   O                       Charge forward and then execute   I
 I                                  a rising slash                    I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O  B or AB                   Throw                             I
 I  -- O  D or CD                   Ground throw                      I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - High slash then mid-level thrust                    I
 I  (close)  AB - Mid-level double slash (2-hit capable)              I
 I  (crouch) AB - Low slash then low thrust                           I
 I  (jump)   AB - 45-degree downward strike                           I
 I  CD          - Spinning backwards jump kick                        I
 I  (crouch) CD - Double roundhouse sweep                             I
 I  (jump)   CD - Spinning side kick                                  I

                               _Kyoshiro Senryo_
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |  \   -O  Slash                Flame Fandango                    I
 I  O   O                           Flame Breath                      I
 I  -O  \   |   /  O-   Kick        Chobi Jishi                       I
 I       O  O  O                    Rotate kick, stand on the sword   I
 I  -O  |  \   Slash                Vertical Rotating Slash (rising)  I
 I      O   O                       spin around as you rise           I
 I  (jump)  | + AB (at top of jump) Vertical Rotating Slash (falling) I
 I          O                       spin as you fall                  I
 I  |   /  O-      Slash            Fire fan                          I
 I  O  O                                                              I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O  B or AB                   Stab and throw                    I
 I  -- O  D                         Hair Toss                         I
 I  -- O  CD                        Hair Strangle                     I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  AB          - Forward slash                                       I
 I  (crouch) AB - Low thrust                                          I
 I  (jump)   AB - Circular low slash                                  I
 I  CD          - Spin kick on the pole                               I
 I  (crouch) CD - Roundhouse sweep                                    I
 I  (jump)   CD - Side kick                                           I

 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  O-   /  |     Slash             Annu Mutsube                      I
 I      O   O                       the low flying attack             I
 I  |  \   -O     Slash             Leyla Mutsube                     I
 I  O   O                           the up-to-the-sky attack          I
 I  -O  \   |   /  O-  Slash        Amube Yatoro                      I
 I       O  O  O                    Summon the bird to attack         I
 I  |   /  O-  C                    Hawk Carry                        I
 I  O  O                            When without weapon, this move    I
 I                                  will also summon the bird back    I
 I  (Hawk Carry)                                                      I
 I   / or | or \  Slash or Kick     Rolling Down Attack, direction    I
 I  O     O     O                   controlled by joystick.           I
 I  (Hawk Carry)                                                      I
 I  Any other directions, except                                      I
 I  above + Slash or Kick           Diagonal Down Arrow Attack        I
 I  Triangle Jump, please refer in Earthquake section.                I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O  B                         Normal throw                      I
 I  -- O  AB                        Trip, sit and stab                I
 I  -- O  AB (Without Weapon)       Jump onto opponent, hold onto the I
 I                                  chest, and slap them.  Tap AB to  I
 I                                  slap faster.                      I
 I  -- O  D                         Grab and triple kicks             I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Upward slash                                        I
 I  (close)  AB - Up-and-down forward-arc slash (2-hit capable)       I
 I  (crouch) AB - Rolling slash (2-hit capable)                       I
 I  (jump)   AB - Spinning forward slash                              I
 I  (far)    CD - High roundhouse kick                                I
 I  (close)  CD - Jump kick then backflip                             I
 I  (crouch) CD - Low Kick (knocks opponents off their feet)          I
 I  (jump)   CD - Side kick                                           I

 ** You can move forward or backward while on the bird and you will  **
 ** and can be hit. So don't think you are invulnerable when you     **
 ** are on the bird.  And you are most likely to take more damage.   **
 ** To get off from bird, just push the joystick down.               **

                               _Tam Tam_
                               Green Hell
 ,_ Special Moves   __________________________________________________,
 I  |  \   -O  Slash                Mura Gaburu                       I
 I  O   O                           The Skull throw                   I
 I  |   /  O-  Kick                 Paguna Deos                       I
 I  O  O                            Under turning blade               I
 I  O-. -O     Slash                Paguna Paguna                     I
 I             1 sec charge time    Sideways turning blade; can       I
 I                                  slowly move back and forth.       I
 I  -O  \   |   /  O-  Slash        Ahau Gabara                       I
 I       O  O  O                    Jump up and blow a fireball down  I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O       B or D               Head Butt                         I
 I  -- O       AB                   Face Flayer                       I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  AB          - Double thrust                                       I
 I  (close)  AB - Upward slice                                        I
 I  (crouch) AB - Low-to-mid-level slash                              I
 I  (jump)   AB - Downward Strike (Long-range, but ineffective at     I
 I                close range)                                        I
 I  CD          - Crouching high kick                                 I
 I  (crouch) CD - Double Roundhouse sweep                             I
 I  (jump)   CD - 45-degree downward kick                             I

                               _Ukyo Tachibana_
                                  Gairyu Isle
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |   /  O-  Slash                Sasame Yuki                       I
 I  O  O                            The thousand sword cutting apple  I
 I  jump in any direction, then:    Tsubame Gaeshi (from the air)     I
 I    /  |  \   -O  Slash           Circular slash and launch a       I
 I   O   O   O                      flaming bird                      I
 I   /  |  \   -O  (then jump in    Tsubame Gaeshi (from the ground)  I 
 I  O   O   O       any direction   Executes immediately when Ukyo    I
 I                 and Slash)       leaves the ground, causing a low  I
 I                                  slash-and-firebird.  The motions  I
 I                                  must be executed very quickly.    I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O  B                         Catch and punch                   I
 I  -- O  AB                        Throw, and slash the flying       I
 I                                  opponent                          I
 I  -- O  CD or D                   Trip & Stab                       I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  AB          - Upward slash (Good air defense due to the height of I
 I                attack;  also able to hit twice when opponent is    I
 I                standing on the ground)                             I
 I  (crouch + far)    AB - Diving slash                               I 
 I  (crouch + close)  AB - Scabbard swipe, then circular slash        I 
 I  (jump forward)    AB - 45-degree downward thrust                  I
 I  (jump up or back) AB - Double sideways slash                      I
 I  CD          - Slide                                               I 
 I  (crouch) CD - Crouching mid-level kick                            I 
 I  (jump)   CD - Downward side kick                                  I

                               _Wan Fu_
 ,_ Special Moves ____________________________________________________,
 I  |   /  O-  Slash                Exploding Wave                    I
 I  O  O                            Leaps up and throws his sword     I
 I  -O  |  \   Slash                Slicing Gust                      I
 I      O   O                       Rising uppercut slash             I

 ,_ Throws ___________________________________________________________,
 I  -- O       B  (without weapon)  Throw opponent against the wall   I
 I  -- O       B  (with weapon)     Grab then leap up and slash       I
 I  -- O       AB (without weapon)  Smash opponent's head into ground I
 I  -- O       AB (with weapon)     Leap up and sit on opponent,      I
 I                                  stab several times and then kick  I
 I  -- O       D                    Knee drop                         I
 I  -- O       CD                   Grab then leap up and sit on your I
 I                                  opponent                          I

 ,_ Power Strikes ____________________________________________________,
 I  (far)    AB - Lunging overhead slash (Powerful long-range         I
 I                attack able to hit twice at long-range)             I
 I  (close)  AB - Downward slash (Also has 2-hit capability)          I
 I  (crouch) AB - Short-range circular slash (Also 2-hit capable)     I
 I  (close) / AB - Stepping forward uppercut and then pommel smash    I
 I         O       (It's the 'dance' move that looks like the Slicing I
 I                 Gust, but he doesn't leave the ground)             I
 I  (jump)   AB - Circular slash(almost no range, but very powerful   I 
 I                and can hit someone right behind you)               I
 I  CD          - Butt thrust                                         I
 I  (crouch) CD - Roundhouse Sweep                                    I
 I  (jump)   CD - Downward kick                                       I

Ewan Ng                                  | OS/2 Forever!!!         
Email Address: ewann@sfu.ca  	         | OS/2 Forever!!!
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada | OS/2 Forever!!!

 Internet: musjndx@gsusgi2.gsu.edu     Fidonet : Jonathan Deitch@1:133/411.7 
           jdeitch@gisatl.fidonet.org  Bellnet : 1 - 404 - 261 - 3665 
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--------------------------------------------------| trust my own technology!"
"Thrills!  Chills!  Magic!  Prizes!" -- Hurricane |    -- Geordi LaForge

Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Asimov, Jim Henson, Dr. Seuss, Mel Blanc ... Sigh ...


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