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Promlink Software for Data I/0 Eprom/Prom programmers

Models supported
  • 29B UniPak
  • 29B LogicPak
  • UniSite, Unisite SetSite
  • 2900 Programming System
  • 3900 Programming System
  • Series 1000, 1000LC
  • 212
  • 288

Promlink 6.10 - complete package - Here is the software for used with many older Data I/O programmers. It works under DOS or any flavor of Windows, including Windows 2000. The first zip is the entire distribution that was last available on the Data I/O ftp site and is no longer available from them. Just unzip and your ready to go.

Update: 10/27/2004 - New Patched Binary for Windows XP

Patched Promlink 6.10 - fixed binary - The second file, pl.exe, replaces pl.exe in the Promlink directory. It fixes a divide by zero problem that Promlink has when trying to run it under Windows 9x, 2000 and Windows XP on fast (1 GHz or faster) CPUs. Patched by Mike Coates. 

Device lists for the above programmers can still be found on the Data I/O ftp site at:



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