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 Nintendo colour inversion
 Note that this has to be made for each colour, this circuit only inverts one
                Ground        Blue in            +5v       Blue out
                  |           ----                |          |
                  |            |                  |          |
                  |            |                  |          |
                  |            /                  |          |
                  |            \1K                |          |
                  |            /                  |          |
                  |            |                  |          |
                  |            |                  |          |
                  ---\/\/\/-----------            |          |
                  |    470     |     |            |          |
                  |            /     |            |          |
                  |            \30K  =22pF        |          |
                  |            /     |            |          |
                  |            |     |            |          |
                  ---\/\/\/-------------\/\/\/-----          |
                  |   10K      |          56K     |          |
                  |            |                  |          |
                  |            |b                 |          |
                  |          ----- Q1             |          |
                  |        e /  \ c               |          |
                  ---||------    -------\/\/\/-----          |
                  | 220pF   |    |        3K      |          |
                  |         |    /                |          |
                  |         |    \ 100            |          |
                  ------    |    /                |          |
                  ---\/|/\/--    |                |          |
                  |  1K-vr       |                |          |
                  |              |b               |          |
                  |            ----- Q2           |          |
                  |          e /  \ c             |          |
                  ---\/\/\/---      ---------------          |
                      330    |                               |

    All the resistors are 1/4W, 5%
    The variable resistor is 1/5W

    Q1 and Q2 are both 2SC828P or Q 

    This transistor may be a little tricky to find, but maybe a 2N2218A
    works just as well....

    Nintendo inversion board pinout
    Negative Video In           Positive Video Out
    P1: 1. Green  (10)          P2: 1. Green
        2. Red     (9)              2. Red
        3. Blue   (12)              3. Blue
        4. V Gnd  (11)              4. V Gnd
        5. V Gnd  (11)              5. V Gnd
        6. S Sync (13)              6. C Sync          
        (S Sync and V Gnd are just normal sync and gnd)

    Power In
    P3: 1. +5 volt
        2. +12 volt
        3. Gnd
        4. Gnd

    Audio In                    Audio Out
    P4: 1. S Sound(20)          P5: 1. Speaker +
        2. Gnd    (21)              2. Speaker -
        3. Gnd    (21)              3. N/C

                                Speaker is 8 ohm, 6W.

    The Interface (Inversion) PCB inverts the colours and amplifies the 
    low signal sound output that comes from the main board. The above ascii 
    schematics illustrates how the inversion is done. Note that the sync 
    is (usually) just passed on through to the Interface PCB. It is already
    composite active low sync when it leaves the main board. The sound can 
    easily be amplified with a standard TDA 2002/2003 and a couple of caps.
    The numbers within brackets are pins on the main board.

    It looks something like this:

    | =====  |||||  ======  ---  ======     |
    |  P1    |||||    P3    P4     P5       |
    |         P2                         O  |
    |                                       |
    |                ---------------------  |
    |                |                   |  |
    |                |                   |  |
    |   O   O   O    ---------------------  |

    By Martin S.


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