Gremlin/Sega EPROM / Board Numbers
V2.5 Apr 25, 2000
changes/corrections to
Manual Part Numbers:
Head-On 420-0193
Gee Bee 420-0199
Super Space Attack 420-0272
Monaco GP 420-0358
Head On 2 / Invinco 420-0359
Astro Fighter 420-0410
or 420-0411
Digger 420-0453
Carnival 420-0498
Moon Cresta 420-0518
Space Firebird 420-0533
Astro Blaster 420-0552
Space Tactics 420-0556
Pulsar 420-0601
G08 Color X/Y 420-0605
Space Odyssey 420-0610
Borderline 420-0613
Zaxxon 420-0724
Pengo 420-0811
SubRoc-3D 420-0822
Super Zaxxon 420-0838
Buck Rogers 420-0881
Chapionship Baseball 420-1033
Turbo 420-5034
Frogs 721-0001
Eprom / Board Numbers
all PROM/EPROM part numbers start with 316-, EPR, or PR
These were all on the little 8080 board that used 18 pin bipolar proms and
no DRAM (there is a picture of it up on
Blockade #807-0001 01->04 (Oct 1976)
coMotion #808-0001 05->10 (Oct 1976)
Hustle #813-0001 16->21 (May 1977)
Blasto #819-0001 95->100
bigger 8080 board that uses 4k DRAMs, and 1k x 4 bipolar proms
Depth Charge #xxx-xxxx 13,14, 22->31, 45,46 (Sept 1977)
Z80 board without VIC IC #814-0013
Depth Charge #814-0002 50->55 (2708's)
Space Attack #814-0013 EPR115-122
Boards that use Z80 4k DRAMs and VIC (B&W)
Safari #815-0001 57->66 (2708's), 42,43 (Nov 1977) #96396-P
Frogs #821-0001 112->119 (2708's) 42,43> (Oct 1978)
Space Attack(CT)#830-0001 139->146 (2708's) 42,43 (1979)
Space Attack(BW) EPR58-63, EPR81-82 (or 150-153 156A)
Space Attack(UR)#826-0001 155->162 (2708's) 42,43
Head On #822-0001 163->167 192,193 (2708's)
Fortress #xxx-xxxx <looking for this bd> (Dec 1978)
Gee Bee (Unique PCB licensed from NAMCO)
Moon Cresta #800-3121 171,172,194->203 (Sega #97150-P)
Super Moon Cresta 171,172, 202,203, 927-934
Monaco GP
#96597 score display
#96598 sound
#96576, #96577 PR 125-140
#96576-P PR 133-141
Unique board (large)
Space Tactics #171-0028 217->224 (Sega 97209-P)
Dual game VIC boards (color)
Head On 2 235->242 clut=138
Head On 2/Deep Scan 255->270 clut=283
Invinco/HO2 271->286 clut=287
Samurai (96962-P 1980) 289->292,299,301,355,366->5,366->372, PR55
Invinco 310->318
Invinco/Deep Scan 367->382 clut=246
Tranquilizer Gun 413->428 (?? 1980)
Tranquilizer Gun 450->465 clut=PR57
Carnival Cocktail 501->516
Space Trek 533->548 clut=PR80 1980
Space Trek 630->645 clut=PR80
Carnival 651->666 Jul 1980
Digger 684->691 clut=507 Jul 1980
Pulsar #734-0039 790->805
Unknown Dual VIC
316-0390(color prom) Car Hunt/Deep Scan <looking for PCB>
Car Hunt #xxx-xxxx (single game version) (May 1980) <looking for PCB>
Deep Scan #xxx-xxxx (single game version)
Frogger #834-0068 606-610
Space Firebird #834-0031 767-778 (Nintendo board set)
#834-0030 video bd
#834-0029 sound bd
Frogger #834-0084 1031-1037, 1082 (22 pin EC)
Borderline #834-0058 1171-1186 (1981) PR42 clr <looking for this>
Zaxxon #834-0211 Zaxxon IC Board B 1456-62, 1465-69, 1473-75
#834-0214 Zaxxon IC Board A
#834-0257 Zaxxon IC Board B
Turbo ('82)
EPR1262-1264 #834-0110, 834-0204 Turbo CPU Board
MPR1288-1300 #834-0111, 834-0147 Turbo Prom Board
#834-0123 Turbo Sound Board
Super Zaxxon #800-3300 Super Zaxxon IC Board A
#800-3301 Super Zaxxon IC Board B
Subroc 3D #834-0358 SubRoc 3D CPU (1982)
#834-5058 SubRoc 3D Prom
#834-0246 SubRoc 3D Sound
Pengo #834-0386
Razmataz #834-0213(modified) 1921 - 1934
Buck Rogers #834-5120 Buck Rogers CPU (1983)
#834-5121 Buck Rogers Prom
#834-5122 Buck Rogers Sound
Congo Bongo
#605-5151 or 605-5181
Tip Top
Star Jacker (1983)
5327-5330 bg #834-5191
5318,5319 obj
5320-5325 pgm
5332 snd
Astron Belt (1983)
5285, 5286,
5338, 5473,
5474 #834-5271 (PROM)
#834-5270 (CPU)
#834-5272 (SND)
REGULUS #834-5328 REV.A (1983)
Mr Viking #834-5383 (System 8)
5750, 5755-63
Suntory Tapper ('84)
5785-5788 #834-5385
S.W.A.T. #834-5388 (System 8)
Championship Baseball Pt2
Bull Fight #834-5478
Pitfall II #834-5627-10
Ninja #834-5677 (System 8)
I'm SORRY(J) #834-5707 (System 8)
I'm Sorry #834-5707 (System 8)
6656, 6674
Teddy Boy Blues #834-5712 (System 8)
Heavy Metal #834-5745
Wonder Boy #834-5753 (System 8)
Hang On
6819-6846 6915-6920
My Hero #834-5755 (System 8)
6958-61, 6963-66
Major League (System 16) 1985
7051-53 7055-66 7401-7406
Choplifter #834-5795 (System 8) 1985
4D Warriors #834-5918
Wonder Boy #834-5984
Space Position #834-6089 (X090-PC-A 171-5383 & X090-PC-B 171-5384) (1986)
Out Run
10185-193, 10230-232, 10266-268
10327-330, 10380-383
Gardia #834-6119 (System 8)
10233-236, 10243, 10247-249,
Alex Kidd (System 16)
Time Scanner (System 16)
10548-555, 10562,563, 10850-855
Speed Buggy ('86)
BUGxxx Tatsumi TC041, TC042, TC043-1
Block Gal #834-6303
UFO Senshi Yohko Chan #834-6659
Alien Syndrome (System 16)
Super Hang On
10642-10646 10649-10552 10790-10801 10884-10887
ESWAT (System 16 B-type) 1989
Tetris (System 16)
12169-170, 12200-12205
Golden Axe (System 16)
12378-84 12390, 12519, 12521-23
Flash Point (System 16) 1989
Shadow Dancer (System 16)
Aurail (System 16)
| G80 Games |
G80 games (005, Monster Bash, Astro Blaster, etc) are all described
in Mark and Clay's G80 FAQ on spies.
8 18 #800-0053 Space Odyssey Back Scene Hardware 1
808 812 #800-0183 Astro Blaster Speech board
829 #800-0107 Astro Blaster CPU EPROM
837 852 #800-0151 Astro Blaster
888 906 #800-0151 Space Odyssey
959 #800-0107 Space Odyssey CPU
960 968 #xxx-xxxx Space Fury
969 #xxx-xxxx Space Fury, and ckt/ur Eliminators CPU EPROM
970 972 #xxx-xxxx Space Fury speech board
1158 1170 #xxx-xxxx Eliminator ???
1200 1212 #xxx-xxxx Eliminator cocktail
1286 #xxx-xxxx 005
1333 1345 #xxx-xxxx Eliminator upright
1346 #xxx-xxxx Eliminator upright CPU EPROM, 005
1347 1360 #xxx-xxxx Eliminator 4-player
1390 #xxx-xxxx 4-player Eliminator CPU EPROM
1516 1518 #xxx-xxxx Monster Bash Background board
1543 1544 #xxx-xxxx Monster Bash Sound board
1586 1606 #xxx-xxxx Zektor
1607 1610 #xxx-xxxx Zektor speech board
1611 #xxx-xxxx Zektor CPU EPROM
1670 1688 #xxx-xxxx Tac/Scan
1709 1710 #xxx-xxxx Tac/Scan
1711 #xxx-xxxx Tac/Scan CPU EPROM
1778 #xxx-xxxx Monster Bash CPU EPROM
1779 1801 #xxx-xxxx Monster Bash
1848 1870 #xxx-xxxx Star Trek
1871 1872 #xxx-xxxx Star Trek speech board
1873 #xxx-xxxx Star Trek CPU ERPOM
1888 1903 #xxx-xxxx Pig Newton
1913 1917 ""
1904 1908 #xxx-xxxx Pig Newton BG
5092 5111 #xxx-xxxx 005
#800-0051 Space Odyssey Sound Bd
#800-0106 Astro Blaster Video 1
#800-0111 Space Odyssey Hardware Shifter
#800-3160 Space Odyssey Video 1
#800-3122 Astro Blaster Sound
Early Sega Board Numbers
94789 Fonz
94822 ?
97151 ?
ASIC Part Numbers
315-0042 Dual Game VIC board 40-pin custom DIP
315-0062 Astro Blaster security chip
315-0063 Space Odyssey security chip
315-0064 Space Fury & Star Trek security chip
315-0070 Eliminator 2P & 005 security chip
315-0076 Eliminator 4P & Tac/Scan security chip
315-0082 Zektor & Monster Bash security chip
315-5010 Pengo custom Z80
315-5011 System 8 custom IC
315-5012 System 8 custom IC
315-5013 Super Zaxxon custom Z80 epoxy block
315-5018 Yamato custom Z80
315-5023 Regulus PAL
315-5024 Regulus PAL
315-5025 Regulus (and possibly other System 8 games) custom IC (eqv. =
315-5028 Sinbad Mystery custom Z80
315-5033 Regulus custom Z80
???-???? Mister Viking custom Z80
315-5048 S.W.A.T. custom Z80
315-5049 Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan (and possibly other System 8 games) =
custom IC
315-5051 Flicky custom Z80
???-???? Water Match custom Z80
315-5061 Future Spy custom Z80
315-5062 Pitfall II PAL
315-5063 Pitfall II PAL
315-5065 Bull Fight custom Z80
315-5093 Pitfall II custom Z80
315-5098 Ninja Princess custom Z80
315-5102 Sega Ninja custom Z80
315-5110 I'm Sorry custom Z80
315-5115 TeddyBoy Blues custom Z80
315-5135 Heavy Metal custom Z80
???-???? My Hero custom Z80
315-5151 Choplifter security 8751
315-5162 4D Warriors custom Z80
315-5177 Wonder Boy (set 3) custom Z80
315-5178 Wonder Boy (set 4) custom Z80
315-5194 Quartet security 8751
315-5195 System 16B custom IC
315-5196 System 16B custom IC
315-5197 System 16B custom IC
???-???? Gardia custom Z80
315-5213 System 16B PAL
315-5214 System 16B PAL
315-5242 System 18 and C2 custom IC
315-5246 Megatech system custom IC
315-5248 Golden Axe custom IC
315-5250 Golden Axe custom IC
315-5292 System 24 custom IC (video processor?)
315-5293 System 24 custom IC (video processor?)
315-5296 System 18 and C2 custom IC
315-5298 System 16 PAL
315-5313 Ssytem 18, Genesis (console) and C2 (arcade) video =
315-5330 Megatech system custom IC
315-5349A Megatech system PAL
315-5360 System 18 custom IC
315-5361 System 18 custom IC
315-5362 System 18 custom IC
315-5374 System 18 PAL
315-5375 System 18 PAL
315-5389 System 18 PAL
315-5390 System 18 PAL
315-5394 C2 system GAL
315-5395 C2 system GAL
315-5433 Megatech system custom IC
315-5436 D.D.Crew custom IC on child-board
315-5437 Moon Walker security 8751
315-5452 C2 system GAL
315-5654 Megatech system PAL
315-5655 Megatech system PAL
315-0005? Space Position custom CPU
317-0010 Quartet 2 security 8751
317-0013 Enduro Racer custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-5014? DakkoChan Jansoh custom Z80
317-0029 Block Gal custom Z80
317-0030 Perfect Billiards custom CPU
317-0033 Alien Syndrome custom 68000 (S16)
317-0039 Super Hang-On security chip (CVT type) ? (2x68k)
317-0054 Shinobi custom Z80 (sound)
317-0056 Thunder Blade custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-0058-03 Gain Ground custom 68000 (S24)
317-0058-04 Crack Down custom 68000 (S24)
317-0058-05 Super Masters custom 68000 (S24)
317-0058-09 Dynamic CC custom 68000 (S24)
317-0064 Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan custom Z80
317-0066 USE P/N 272-56
317-0078 Ait B (what's that game ?) security 8751 (S16?)
317-0080 Passing Shot custom 68000
317-0089 Wonder Boy in Monster Lair custom 68000
317-0092 Tetris (System 16A) custom 68000
317-0093 Cotton custom 68000
317-0098 Wonder Boy in Monster Lair security 8751
317-0103 Wrestle War security 8751 (S16)
317-0106 Turbo Out Run custom 68000
317-0107-B Turbo Out Run custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-0110 Golden Axe custom 68000
317-0112 Golden Axe security 8751 (S16)
317-0116 Bay Route custom 68000
317-0118 Turbo Out Run Kit custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-0120 Golden Axe custom 68000 (S16)
317-0122 Golden Axe custom 68000 (S16)
317-0123A Golden Axe security 8751 (S16)
317-0125A Super Monaco GP custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-0129 E-Swat custom 68000 (S16)
317-0135 Line of Fire custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-0139 Bloxeed custom 68000 (S18)
317-0140 Bloxeed custom 68000 (S18)
317-0143 MVP (?) custom 68000
317-0147 Alien Storm custom 68000 (S18)
317-0149 Columns security 8751 (C2)
317-0156 Bonanza Bros security 8751 (S24)
317-0158 Moon Walker custom 68000 (S18)
317-0162 GP Rider custom 68000 (2x68k)
317-0165 Laser Ghost custom 68000
317-0166 Laser Ghost custom 68000
317-0168 Aurail custom 68000
317-0176 Clutch Hitter custom 68000
317-0179A Tetris (System 16B) custom 68000
317-0181A Cotton custom 68000
317-0186-S D.D. Crew custom 68000 (S18)
317-0228 C2 system PAL? (it's an EPM5032DC-25)
Change Log
1.0 Apr 2,1998 Initial Release
1.1 Apr 6,1998 Add Space Attack, Tranquilizer Gun
1.2 Apr 9,1998 Add Astron Belt, Suntory Tapper(?)
1.3 Apr 11,1998 Add Frogs board info, add column for bd #
1.4 Apr 23,1998 Add Borderline
1.5 Apr 24,1998 Add Space Trek
1.6 May 15,1998 Add HO2/DS, Inv/DS prom info
1.7 Jul 17,1998
1.8 Jul 21,1998
2.0 Sep 7,1998 Add some System 8 board numbers
2.1 Sep 10,1998 Add even more System 8 board numbers
2.2 Feb 17,1999 Add prom info for Digger
2.3 May 21,1999 Add Monaco GP board, prom numbers
2.4 Jun 23,1999 Add Razmataz