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|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                            Zilog                             |
|                                                              |
|         ZZZZZZZ    88888      000       000      1           |
|              Z    8     8    0   0     0   0    11           |
|             Z     8     8   0   0 0   0   0 0    1           |
|            Z       88888    0  0  0   0  0  0    1           |
|           Z       8     8   0 0   0   0 0   0    1           |
|          Z        8     8    0   0     0   0     1           |
|         ZZZZZZZ    88888      000       000     111          |
|                                                              |
|        Z8001 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|        <--> AD0 |_|1                   48|_| AD8 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> AD9 |_|2                   47|_| SN6 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD10 |_|3                   46|_| SN5 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD11 |_|4                   45|_| AD7 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD12 |_|5                   44|_| AD6 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD13 |_|6                   43|_| AD4 <-->        |
|            ____  _|                      |_                  |
|        --> STOP |_|7                   42|_| SN4 -->         |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> Mi |_|8                   41|_| AD5 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD15 |_|9                   40|_| AD3 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD14 |_|10                  39|_| AD2 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             +5V |_|11                  38|_| AD1 <-->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> VI |_|12      Z8001       37|_| SN2 -->         |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> NVI |_|13                  36|_| GND             |
|            ____  _|                      |_                  |
|        --> SEGT |_|14                  35|_| CLOCK <--       |
|             ___  _|                      |_  __              |
|         --> NMI |_|15                  34|_| AS -->          |
|           _____  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> RESET |_|16                  33|_| RESERVED        |
|              __  _|                      |_    _             |
|          <-- Mo |_|17                  32|_| B/W -->         |
|            ____  _|                      |_    _             |
|        <-- MREQ |_|18                  31|_| N/S -->         |
|              __  _|                      |_    _             |
|          <-- DS |_|19                  30|_| R/W -->         |
|                  _|                      |_  _____           |
|         <-- ST3 |_|20                  29|_| BUSAK -->       |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         <-- ST2 |_|21                  28|_| WAIT <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  _____           |
|         <-- ST1 |_|22                  27|_| BUSRQ <--       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- ST0 |_|23                  26|_| SN0 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- SN3 |_|24                  25|_| SN1 -->         |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        October 1981                                   |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.2                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic    |CZSPDH|Description                 |Notes        |
|ADCb   d,s  |****bb|Add with Carry              |d=d+s+C      |
|ADDa   d,s  |****bb|Add                         |d=d+s        |
|ANDb   d,s  |-**b--|Logical AND                 |d=d&s        |
|BITb   d,s  |-*----|Bit Test                    |Z=~d<s>      |
|CALL   d    |------|Call                        |-[SP]=PC,PC=d|
|CALR   d    |------|Call Relative               |-[SP]=PC,PC=d|
|CLRb   d    |------|Clear                       |d=0          |
|COMb   d    |-**b--|Complement                  |d=~d         |
|COMFLG f    |++++--|Complement Flag             |f=~f         |
|CPa    d,s  |****--|Compare                     |d-s          |
|CPDb   d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare and Decrement       |d-s,r=r-1    |
|CPDRb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare, Decrement and Rept |CPD till r=0 |
|CPIb   d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare and Increment       |d-s,r=r+1    |
|CPIRb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare, Increment and Rept |CPI till r=0 |
|CPSDb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String and Decrement|d-s,r=r-1    |
|CPSDRb d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String, Dec. and Rep|CPSD till r=0|
|CPSIb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String and Increment|d-s,r=r+1    |
|CPSIRb d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String, Inc. and Rep|CPSI till r=0|
|DAB    d    |***---|Decimal Adjust Byte         |d=BCD format |
|DECb   d,s  |-***--|Decrement (s=1-16)          |d=d-s        |
|DI     i    |------|Disable Interrupts          |            #|
|DIVl   d,s  |****--|Divide                      |d=d/s        |
|DbJNZ  r,d  |------|Decrement & Jump if Not Zero|r=r-1        |
|EI     i    |------|Enable Interrupts           |            #|
|EXb    d,s  |------|Exchange                    |d<->s        |
|EXTSa  d    |------|Extend Signs                |             |
|HALT        |------|Halt                        |            #|
|pINb   d,s  |------|(Special) Input             |d=s         #|
|INCb   d,s  |-***--|Increment (s=1-16)          |d=d+s        |
|pINDb  d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Input and Dec.    |d=s,r=r-1   #|
|pINDRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Input, Dec. & Rept|IND till r-0#|
|pINIb  d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Input and Inc.    |d=s,r=r+1   #|
|pINIRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Input, Inc. & Rept|INI till r=0#|
|IRET        |??????|Interrupt Return            |PS=[SP]+    #|
|JP     cc,d |------|Jump                        |PC=d         |
|JR     cc,d |------|Jump Relative               |PC=d         |
|LDa    d,s  |------|Load                        |d=s          |
|LDA    d,s  |------|Load Address                |d=EAs        |
|LDAR   d,s  |------|Load Address Relative       |d=EAs        |
|LDCTL  d,s  |++++++|Load Control                |d=s         #|
|LDCTLB d,s  |++++++|Load Control Byte           |d=s          |
|LDDb   d,s,r|---*--|Load and Decrement          |d=s,r=r-1    |
|LDDRb  d,s,r|---1--|Load, Decrement and Repeat  |LDD till r=0 |
|LDIb   d,s,r|---*--|Load and Increment          |d=s,r=r+1    |
|LDIRb  d,s,r|---1--|Load, Increment and Repeat  |LDI till r=0 |
|LDK    d,s  |------|Load Constant (s=0-15)      |d=s          |
|LDM    d,s,n|------|Load Multiple (n=1-16)      |d=s (n words)|
|LDPS   s    |??????|Load Program Status         |PS=s        #|
|LDRa   d,s  |------|Load Relative               |d=s          |
|MBIT        |??*???|Multi-Micro Bit Test        |S=~MI pin   #|
|MREQ   d    |-**---|Multi-Micro Request         |S=available #|
|MRES        |------|Multi-Micro Reset           |~MI=high    #|
|MSET        |------|Multi-Micro Set             |~MO=low     #|
|MULTl  d,s  |***0--|Multiply                    |d=d*s        |
|NEGb   d    |****--|Negate                      |d=-d         |
|NOP         |------|No Operation                |             |
|ORb    d,s  |-**b--|Logical inclusive OR        |d=dvs        |
|pOTDRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Output, Dec. & Rep|OTD till r=0#|
|pOTIRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Output, Inc. & Rep|OTI till r=0#|
|pOUTb  d,s  |------|(Special) Output            |d=s         #|
|pOUTDb d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Output and Dec.   |d=s,r=r=1   #|
|pOUTIb d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Output and Inc.   |d=s,r=r+1   #|
|POPl   d,s  |------|Pop                         |d=s,[EAs]+   |
|PUSHl  d,s  |------|Push                        |-[EAs],d=s   |
|RESb   d,s  |------|Reset Bit                   |d<s>=0       |
|RESFLG f    |++++--|Reset Flag                  |f=0          |
|RET    cc   |------|Return                      |PC=[SP]+     |
|RLb    d,s  |****--|Rotate Left                 |d=d<-s       |
|RLCb   d,s  |****--|Rotate Left through Carry   |d={C,d}<-s   |
|RLDB   ll,s |-*?---|Rotate Left Digit Byte      |s={ll,s}<-4  |
|RRb    d,s  |****--|Rotate Right                |d=s->d       |
|RRCb   d,s  |****--|Rotate Right through Carry  |d=s->{C,d}   |
|RRDB   ll,s |-*?---|Rotate Right Digit Byte     |s=4->{ll,s}  |
|SBC    d,s  |****bb|Subtract with Carry         |d=d-s-C      |
|SC     s    |------|System Call (-[SP]={PS,ins})|PS=sys PS   #|
|SDAa   d,s  |****--|Shift Dynamic Arithmetic    |d={1,d,0}<-s |
|Mnemonic    |CZSPDH|Description                 |Notes        |
|SDLa   d,s  |***?--|Shift Dynamic Logical       |d={0,d,0}<-s |
|SETb   d,s  |------|Set Bit                     |d<s>=1       |
|SETFLG f    |++++--|Set Flag                    |f=1          |
|SLAa   d,s  |****--|Shift Left Arithmetic       |d={d,0}<-s   |
|SLLa   d,s  |***?--|Shift Left Logical          |d={d,0}<-s   |
|SRAa   d,s  |***0--|Shift Right Arithmetic      |d=s->{1,d}   |
|SRLa   d,s  |***?--|Shift Right Logical         |d=s->{0,d}   |
|SUBa   d,s  |****bb|Subtract                    |d=d-s        |
|TCCb   cc,d |------|Test Condition Code         |If cc d<0>=1 |
|TESTa  d    |-***--|Test                        |dv0          |
|TRDB   d,s,r|-?-*--|Translate and Decrement     |d=s[d],r=r-1 |
|TRDRB  d,s,r|-?-1--|Translate, Dec. and Repeat  |TRDB till r=0|
|TRIB   d,s,r|-?-*--|Translate and Increment     |d=s[d],r=r+1 |
|TRIRB  d,s,r|-?-1--|Translate, Inc. and Repeat  |TRIB till r=0|
|TRTDB  s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test and Dec.    |RH1=s2[s1],..|
|TRTDRB s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test, Dec. & Rept|TRTDB till...|
|TRTIB  s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test and Inc.    |RH1=s2[s1],..|
|TRTIRB s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test, Inc. & Rept|TRTIB till...|
|TSETb  d    |--*---|Test and Set                |{S,d}=d<MSB> |
|XOR    d,s  |-**b--|Logical Exclusive OR        |d=dxs        |
| FCW        |-*01? |Unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown     |
|            |+b    |Optionally affected/affected for byte only|
| C          |C     |Carry flag (Bit 7)                        |
| Z          | Z    |Zero flag (Bit 6)                         |
| S          |  S   |Sign flag (Bit 5)                         |
| D          |   D  |Decimal adjust flag (Bit 4)               |
| P/V        |    P |Parity/Overflow flag (Bit 3)              |
| H          |     H|Half carry flag (Bit 2)                   |
| #n  #nn  #nnnn    |Immediate data mode (IM, 4/8/16/32-bit)   |
| r                 |Register addressing mode (R)              |
| @r                |Indirect Register mode (IR)               |
| <<n>>nn  nn  |nn| |Direct Addressing mode (DA)               |
| <<n>>nn[Rn] nn[Rn]|Indexed Addressing mode (X, not R0)       |
| $+nn  nn          |Relative Addressing mode (RA)             |
| RRn[#nn]          |Based Addressing mode (BA, not RR0)       |
| RRn[Rn]           |Based Indexed addressing mode (BX, not R0)|
|AVAL nnnn(,...)    |Define Address Value(s)                   |
|BVAL n(,...)       |Define Byte Value(s)                      |
|EVEN               |Set program counter to Even address       |
|LVAL nnnn(,...)    |Define Long word Value(s)                 |
|WVAL nn(,...)      |Define Word Value(s)                      |
| FCW               |Flag Control Word (16-bit)                |
| PC                |Program Counter (32-bit)                  |
| PSAP              |Program Status Area Pointer (32-bit)      |
| REFRESH           |Refresh control register (16-bit)         |
| RLn               |Low byte register (8-bit, n=0-7)          |
| RHn               |High byte register (8-bit, n=0-7)         |
| Rn                |Word register (16-bit, n=0-15)            |
| RRn               |Double word register (32-bit, n=0-14,even)|
| RQn               |Quadruple word reg. (64-bit, n=0/4/8/12)  |
| RR14              |Used as stack pointer (32-bit)            |
| a                 |Blank, B or L (Word/Byte/Long operation)  |
| b                 |Blank or B (Word/Byte operation)          |
| c                 |Condition (r,cc)                          |
| cc                |Condition Code (F/Z/NZ/C/NC/PL/MI/NE/EQ/  |
|                   | OV/NOV/PE/PO/GE/LT/GT/LE/UGE/ULT/UGT/ULE)|
| d  d<X>           |Destination/Bit X of Destination          |
| f                 |Flag(s) (C/Z/S/P/V)                       |
| i                 |Interrupt (VI/NVI)                        |
| l                 |Blank or L (Word/Long word operation)     |
| ll                |Link Location (bottom 4 bits of register) |
| n  nn  nnnn       |Constant expression (8/16/32-bit)         |
| p                 |Blank or S (Normal/Special operation)     |
| r                 |Register (RLn/RHn/Rn/RRn/RQn)             |
| s  EAs            |Source/Effective Address of Source        |
| +  -  *  /        |Arithmetic add/subtract/multiply/divide   |
| &  ~  v  x        |Logical AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR |
| <-X  X->          |Rotate left/right by X bits               |
| [ ]  [ ]+  -[ ]   |Indirect address/auto-increment/decrement |
| { }  #            |Combination of operands/privileged instr. |
| <<n>>  |nn|       |Segment/short offset (0-255)              |


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