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|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    National Semiconductor                    |
|                                                              |
|   N     N    SSSSS      CCCC     88888      000       000    |
|   NN    N   S     S    C    C   8     8    0   0     0   0   |
|   N N   N   S         C         8     8   0   0 0   0   0 0  |
|   N  N  N    SSSSS    C          88888    0  0  0   0  0  0  |
|   N   N N         S   C         8     8   0 0   0   0 0   0  |
|   N    NN   S     S    C    C   8     8    0   0     0   0   |
|   N     N    SSSSS      CCCC     88888      000       000    |
|                                                              |
|        NSC800 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary         |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|          <-- A8 |_|1                   40|_| Vcc             |
|                  _|                      |_  __              |
|          <-- A9 |_|2                   39|_| PS -->          |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         <-- A10 |_|3                   38|_| WAIT <--        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A11 |_|4                   37|_| RESET OUT -->   |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         <-- A12 |_|5                   36|_| BREQ <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         <-- A13 |_|6                   35|_| BACK -->        |
|                  _|                      |_     _            |
|         <-- A14 |_|7                   34|_| IO/M -->        |
|                  _|                      |_  ________        |
|         <-- A15 |_|8                   33|_| RESET IN <--    |
|                  _|                      |_  __              |
|         <-- CLK |_|9                   32|_| RD -->          |
|                  _|                      |_  __              |
|        <-- XOUT |_|10      NSC800      31|_| WR -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> XIN |_|11                  30|_| ALE -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> AD0 |_|12                  29|_| S0 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <--> AD1 |_|13                  28|_| RFSH -->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> AD2 |_|14                  27|_| S1 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <--> AD3 |_|15                  26|_| INTA -->        |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <--> AD4 |_|16                  25|_| INTR <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <--> AD5 |_|17                  24|_| RSTC <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <--> AD6 |_|18                  23|_| RSTB <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <--> AD7 |_|19                  22|_| RSTA <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  ___             |
|             GND |_|20                  21|_| NMI <--         |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        March 1982                                     |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.2                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic  |SZHPNC|Description          |Notes                 |
|ADC A,s   |***V0*|Add with Carry       |A=A+s+CY              |
|ADC HL,ss |**?V0*|Add with Carry       |HL=HL+ss+CY           |
|ADD A,s   |***V0*|Add                  |A=A+s                 |
|ADD HL,ss |--?-0*|Add                  |HL=HL+ss              |
|ADD IX,pp |--?-0*|Add                  |IX=IX+pp              |
|ADD IY,rr |--?-0*|Add                  |IY=IY+rr              |
|AND s     |***P00|Logical AND          |A=A&s                 |
|BIT b,m   |?*1?0-|Test Bit             |m&{2^b}               |
|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call     |If cc CALL            |
|CALL nn   |------|Unconditional Call   |-[SP]=PC,PC=nn        |
|CCF       |--?-0*|Complement Carry Flag|CY=~CY                |
|CP s      |***V1*|Compare              |A-s                   |
|CPD       |****1-|Compare and Decrement|A-[HL],HL=HL-1,BC=BC-1|
|CPDR      |****1-|Compare, Dec., Repeat|CPD till A=[HL]or BC=0|
|CPI       |****1-|Compare and Increment|A-[HL],HL=HL+1,BC=BC-1|
|CPIR      |****1-|Compare, Inc., Repeat|CPI till A=[HL]or BC=0|
|CPL       |--1-1-|Complement           |A=~A                  |
|DAA       |***P-*|Decimal Adjust Acc.  |A=BCD format          |
|DEC s     |***V1-|Decrement            |s=s-1                 |
|DEC xx    |------|Decrement            |xx=xx-1               |
|DEC ss    |------|Decrement            |ss=ss-1               |
|DI        |------|Disable Interrupts   |                      |
|DJNZ e    |------|Dec., Jump Non-Zero  |B=B-1 till B=0        |
|EI        |------|Enable Interrupts    |                      |
|EX [SP],HL|------|Exchange             |[SP]<->HL             |
|EX [SP],xx|------|Exchange             |[SP]<->xx             |
|EX AF,AF' |------|Exchange             |AF<->AF'              |
|EX DE,HL  |------|Exchange             |DE<->HL               |
|EXX       |------|Exchange             |qq<->qq'   (except AF)|
|HALT      |------|Halt                 |                      |
|IM n      |------|Interrupt Mode       |             (n=0,1,2)|
|IN A,[n]  |------|Input                |A=[n]                 |
|IN r,[C]  |***P0-|Input                |r=[C]                 |
|INC r     |***V0-|Increment            |r=r+1                 |
|INC [HL]  |***V0-|Increment            |[HL]=[HL]+1           |
|INC xx    |------|Increment            |xx=xx+1               |
|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment            |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1       |
|INC ss    |------|Increment            |ss=ss+1               |
|IND       |?*??1-|Input and Decrement  |[HL]=[C],HL=HL-1,B=B-1|
|INDR      |?1??1-|Input, Dec., Repeat  |IND till B=0          |
|INI       |?*??1-|Input and Increment  |[HL]=[C],HL=HL+1,B=B-1|
|INIR      |?1??1-|Input, Inc., Repeat  |INI till B=0          |
|JP [HL]   |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=[HL]               |
|JP [xx]   |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=[xx]               |
|JP nn     |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=nn                 |
|JP cc,nn  |------|Conditional Jump     |If cc JP              |
|JR e      |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=PC+e               |
|JR cc,e   |------|Conditional Jump     |If cc JR(cc=C,NC,NZ,Z)|
|LD dst,src|------|Load                 |dst=src               |
|LD A,i    |**0*0-|Load                 |A=i            (i=I,R)|
|LDD       |--0*0-|Load and Decrement   |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL-1,#   |
|LDDR      |--000-|Load, Dec., Repeat   |LDD till BC=0         |
|LDI       |--0*0-|Load and Increment   |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL+1,#   |
|LDIR      |--000-|Load, Inc., Repeat   |LDI till BC=0         |
|NEG       |***V1*|Negate               |A=-A                  |
|NOP       |------|No Operation         |                      |
|OR s      |***P00|Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs                 |
|OTDR      |?1??1-|Output, Dec., Repeat |OUTD till B=0         |
|OTIR      |?1??1-|Output, Inc., Repeat |OUTI till B=0         |
|OUT [C],r |------|Output               |[C]=r                 |
|OUT [n],A |------|Output               |[n]=A                 |
|OUTD      |?*??1-|Output and Decrement |[C]=[HL],HL=HL-1,B=B-1|
|OUTI      |?*??1-|Output and Increment |[C]=[HL],HL=HL+1,B=B-1|
|POP xx    |------|Pop                  |xx=[SP]+              |
|POP qq    |------|Pop                  |qq=[SP]+              |
|PUSH xx   |------|Push                 |-[SP]=xx              |
|PUSH qq   |------|Push                 |-[SP]=qq              |
|RES b,m   |------|Reset bit            |m=m&{~2^b}            |
|RET       |------|Return               |PC=[SP]+              |
|RET cc    |------|Conditional Return   |If cc RET             |
|RETI      |------|Return from Interrupt|PC=[SP]+              |
|RETN      |------|Return from NMI      |PC=[SP]+              |
|RL m      |**0P0*|Rotate Left          |m={CY,m}<-            |
|RLA       |--0-0*|Rotate Left Acc.     |A={CY,A}<-            |
|RLC m     |**0P0*|Rotate Left Circular |m=m<-                 |
|RLCA      |--0-0*|Rotate Left Circular |A=A<-                 |
|Mnemonic  |SZHPNC|Description          |Notes                 |
|RLD       |**0P0-|Rotate Left 4 bits   |{A,[HL]}={A,[HL]}<- ##|
|RR m      |**0P0*|Rotate Right         |m=->{CY,m}            |
|RRA       |--0-0*|Rotate Right Acc.    |A=->{CY,A}            |
|RRC m     |**0P0*|Rotate Right Circular|m=->m                 |
|RRCA      |--0-0*|Rotate Right Circular|A=->A                 |
|RRD       |**0P0-|Rotate Right 4 bits  |{A,[HL]}=->{A,[HL]} ##|
|RST p     |------|Restart              | (p=0H,8H,10H,...,38H)|
|SBC A,s   |***V1*|Subtract with Carry  |A=A-s-CY              |
|SBC HL,ss |**?V1*|Subtract with Carry  |HL=HL-ss-CY           |
|SCF       |--0-01|Set Carry Flag       |CY=1                  |
|SET b,m   |------|Set bit              |m=mv{2^b}             |
|SLA m     |**0P0*|Shift Left Arithmetic|m=m*2                 |
|SRA m     |**0P0*|Shift Right Arith.   |m=m/2                 |
|SRL m     |**0P0*|Shift Right Logical  |m=->{0,m,CY}          |
|SUB s     |***V1*|Subtract             |A=A-s                 |
|XOR s     |***P00|Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs                 |
| F        |-*01? |Flag unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown  |
| S        |S     |Sign flag (Bit 7)                           |
| Z        | Z    |Zero flag (Bit 6)                           |
| HC       |  H   |Half Carry flag (Bit 4)                     |
| P/V      |   P  |Parity/Overflow flag (Bit 2, V=overflow)    |
| N        |    N |Add/Subtract flag (Bit 1)                   |
| CY       |     C|Carry flag (Bit 0)                          |
| n               |Immediate addressing                        |
| nn              |Immediate extended addressing               |
| e               |Relative addressing (PC=PC+2+offset)        |
| [nn]            |Extended addressing                         |
| [xx+d]          |Indexed addressing                          |
| r               |Register addressing                         |
| [rr]            |Register indirect addressing                |
|                 |Implied addressing                          |
| b               |Bit addressing                              |
| p               |Modified page zero addressing (see RST)     |
|DEFB n(,...)     |Define Byte(s)                              |
|DEFB 'str'(,...) |Define Byte ASCII string(s)                 |
|DEFS nn          |Define Storage Block                        |
|DEFW nn(,...)    |Define Word(s)                              |
| A  B  C  D  E   |Registers (8-bit)                           |
| AF  BC  DE  HL  |Register pairs (16-bit)                     |
| F               |Flag register (8-bit)                       |
| I               |Interrupt page address register (8-bit)     |
| IX IY           |Index registers (16-bit)                    |
| PC              |Program Counter register (16-bit)           |
| R               |Memory Refresh register                     |
| SP              |Stack Pointer register (16-bit)             |
| b               |One bit (0 to 7)                            |
| cc              |Condition (C,M,NC,NZ,P,PE,PO,Z)             |
| d               |One-byte expression (-128 to +127)          |
| dst             |Destination s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], [nn]   |
| e               |One-byte expression (-126 to +129)          |
| m               |Any register r, [HL] or [xx+d]              |
| n               |One-byte expression (0 to 255)              |
| nn              |Two-byte expression (0 to 65535)            |
| pp              |Register pair BC, DE, IX or SP              |
| qq              |Register pair AF, BC, DE or HL              |
| qq'             |Alternative register pair AF, BC, DE or HL  |
| r               |Register A, B, C, D, E, H or L              |
| rr              |Register pair BC, DE, IY or SP              |
| s               |Any register r, value n, [HL] or [xx+d]     |
| src             |Source s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], nn, [nn]    |
| ss              |Register pair BC, DE, HL or SP              |
| xx              |Index register IX or IY                     |
| +  -  *  /  ^   |Add/subtract/multiply/divide/exponent       |
| &  ~  v  x      |Logical AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR   |
| <-  ->          |Rotate left/right                           |
| [ ]             |Indirect addressing                         |
| [ ]+  -[ ]      |Indirect addressing auto-increment/decrement|
| { }             |Combination of operands                     |
| #               |Also BC=BC-1,DE=DE-1                        |
| ##              |Only lower 4 bits of accumulator A used     |


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