Jukebox Title Strip Creator 45 & 33 1/3 rpm records
Enter information you want printed. If A side artist is the same as the B side artist, leave
one blank. If you don't want publisher information printed, don't enter it.
Click 'Create PDF' and the PDF will open in the window. You can then
save the PDF or print it. For proper printing, you must deselect 'scale
to fit' from your printing preferences.
Please fill in the file-upload form below
Upload Comma Separate Values (.csv) titles
You can upload a Comma Seperated Values .csv file to populate the titles.
File Format
The first line must read:
#Title A,Title B,Artist A,Artist B,Publisher,Publisher ID
With the next 20 rows filled with your data for each record.
For example:
Title A 1,Title B 1,Artist A 1,Artist B 1,Publisher 1,Publisher ID 1
Title A 2,Title B 2,Artist A 2,Artist B 2,Publisher 2,Publisher ID 2
Entries may be sparsely populated:
Title A,Title B,Artist
Title A,Title B,Artist,,,ID
Here is a sample .csv file you can modifiy and upload back:
RecordTitles.csv Sample
Let us know if you run into any problems. Thanks! - Mike -