Asteroids Multigame DownloadLatest VersionUpdate: 6/29/2011Rev 1.1A includes the first attempt at lowering the Lunar Lander intensity levels to be more inline with the asteroids levels. This update requires that BOTH the CPU and VECTOR eproms be updated together. Also in this update are several internal integrity improvements such as using CRC algorithms to verify ROM integrity instead of a weaker checksum and better version compatiblity checking.
Prior Update: 4/25/2011Changes have been piling up, so I need to get a numbered release out. This release fixes several problems and has many internal changes and improvements that will go unnoticed. Fixes include the stray line in setup mode that some people encountered. It fixes the crash when LL is configured for fire button = kill. A new sound testmode is added. In testmode, use the thrust button to walk through the sequence of all major sound hardware. Use the fire button to walk through sub-sequences for that particular sound. (ie. for the POKEY sound test the fire button will test each channel with various frequencies and noise options). For the Deluxe Multigame, this fixes several problems with Asteroids sounds such as saucer and saucer shot sounds being heard in attract mode. There are still sounds issues for the Deluxe Multigame kit. Such as the Asteroids bonus sound sometimes playing for too long and sometimes a cutoff of Asteroids thump sound heard at the beginning of a new wave. The low fuel sound for lunar lander on the Deluxe kit is currently not implemented, so nothing is heard for that warning. For DLX boards a new feature was added which will automatically import the top 3 scores from the EAROM the VERY FIRST TIME the multigame is played.
Eprom InfoThe vector rom is only updated when needed and is identical for the asteroids kit and the deluxe kit and hopefully does not change very often. Two sizes of eprom images are offered (doubled up versions). The vector eprom can be either a 27c256 or 27c512. The cpu eprom can either be a 28-pin 27c512, in which case it installs into the BOTTOM 28 pins of the 32-pin socket, or it can be a 27c010 type (or 29ee010) which uses all 32 pins of the socket. Images for the DLX multigame kit are now available.
Known Issues and ObservationsIssue 2 with the SETUP menu have been reported. A flickering of the SETUP screen which was not like that on much earlier releases (Yep! I changed that software to only update the screen when something changes but that seems to cause a more noticible flicker on updates). Several options are available for reducing the number of vectors that I display which is currently about 150% of what can be shown without experiencing flickering. Lunar Lander brigtness (fixed Rev 1.1a) The (original) LL software displays most vectors with an intensity level of 12 (on a scale of 0 to 15). Asteroids and Deluxe typically use level 7. However LL uses a slower frame rate of about 41 frames per second versus ast/dlx which have a frame rate near 60 frames per second. I'm not sure if that is why Atari decided to use higher intensity levels for LL or not, or if they just later changed their minds when doing ast/dlx or whether they just dealt with that level by the monitor adjustments. Ast/dlx use level 12 for things like the saucer, but mostly use level 7 for rocks and text. There is no way I can reliably make LL use a lower brightness level as there are almost a 1000 vector instructions to be modified which are scattered all over the place. Additionally sometimes its table data and sometimes it is vector instructions so I cannot reliably patch all of these without risking breaking something else. I'm currently evaluating the scope of effort to "dim" all the LL vectors. I have managed to successfully dim the text, stars and space ship. But have not finished finding all the code paths for explode or the terrain. But I will keep this issue on the list even if there is never a fix. Thanks for your help testing and all the feedback!
Known Issues1.0c 1.0ca 1.0cbTestmode is not yet completed. < Prev Page |