H '88 Games Konami 1988 JAMMA
1941 Capcom 1990 JAMMA
V 1943: The Battle of Midway Capcom 1988 JAMMA
H 3 Wonders Capcom 1991 JAMMA
H 9 Ball Shoot Out Bundra JAMMA
V Aero Fighters McO'River 1992 JAMMA
H Air Buster Namcoi/Kaneko 1990 JAMMA
V Ajax Konami 1988 JAMMA
V Alabaster Taito 1989 JAMMA
H Alien vs. Predator Capcom 1993 JAMMA
H Aliens Konami 1990 JAMMA
H/V Ameri-Darts Ameri Corp 1989 JAMMA
V American Horse Shoes Taito 1990 JAMMA
H Apache 3 Data East (DECO) 1989 JAMMA
H Arabian Fight Sega 1992 JAMMA
H Arlington Horse Race Strata<Incredible 1990 JAMMA
V Arm Champs Jaleco 1991 JAMMA
V Assault Atari (Namco?) 1988 JAMMA
H Astayanax Jaleco 1989 JAMMA
V Asuka 'N Asuka Taito 1988 JAMMA
H Ataxx Leland 1990 JAMMA
H Atomic Punk Irem 1991 JAMMA
H Avenging Spirit Jaleco 1991 JAMMA
H B.Rap Boys Kaneko 1991 JAMMA
H Bad Dudes Data East (DECO) 1988 JAMMA
H Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja Data East 1988 JAMMA
H Badlands Atari 1989 JAMMA
H Batman Atari Games 1991 JAMMA
H Battle Toads Electronics Arts JAMMA
V Battleantes (Battlantis?) Konami 1987 JAMMA
V Bermuda Triangle S.N.K. JAMMA
H Bio-Ship Paladin American Sammy JAMMA
H Bionic Commando Capcom 1988 JAMMA
H Black Dragon Capcom 1987 JAMMA
H Black Tiger Romstar 1987 JAMMA
H Blades of Steel Konami 1987 JAMMA
H Blandia Taito<Allumer JAMMA
H Blasted Midway 1987 JAMMA
V Block Block Capcom 1991 JAMMA
H Block Out Technos<California 1990 JAMMA
H Bloody Wolf Romstar 1989 JAMMA
H Bloxeed Sega 1989 JAMMA
V?) Boot Camp Konami 1987 JAMMA
H Bottom of the Ninth Konami 1989 JAMMA
V Bowl O Rama I/T 1990 JAMMA
H BreakThru Data East (DECO) 1985 JAMMA
H Brute Force Leland 1990 JAMMA
Bubble Symphony Taito JAMMA
H Buster Bros. Capcom 1990 JAMMA
H Cabal Fabtek<TAD 1988 JAMMA
H Cadash Taito 1990 JAMMA
H Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Cal.50 Caliber-Fifty Romstar<Seta 1989 JAMMA
V Capcom Bowling Capcom 1987 JAMMA
H Captain America and the Avengers Data East (DECO) 1991 JAMMA
H Captain Commando Capcom 1991 JAMMA
H Carrier Air Wing Capcom 1990 JAMMA
Castle of Dragon Romstar JAMMA
H Caveman Ninja Data East (DECO) 1991 JAMMA
H Champion Wrestler Taito 1990 JAMMA
H Championship Bowling JAMMA
H Chelnov: The Atommic Runer Data East 1988 JAMMA
H Chinagate Kitcorp/Romstar 1988 JAMMA
V Chopper I SNK 1988 JAMMA
H Cisco Heat Jaleco 1990 JAMMA
H Clutch Hitter Sega 1991 JAMMA
H Cobra Command Data East (DECO) 1989 JAMMA
H Combatribes Technos 1990 JAMMA
H Contra Konami JAMMA
H Cool Pool Catalina 1992 JAMMA
V Coors Light Bowling Capcom 1989 JAMMA
H Cotton Sega<Success 1991 JAMMA
H Crime City Taito 1989 JAMMA
H Crime Fighters Konami 1989 JAMMA
Crude Busters Data East JAMMA
H Cyberball 2072 Atari 1989 JAMMA
H D.D. Crew Sega 1991 JAMMA
H Dangerous Dungeons Game Room 1992 JAMMA
H Dark Adventure Konami 1987 JAMMA
H DE Block A/S 1991 JAMMA
H Dead Angle Fabtek<Seibu 1988 JAMMA
H Desert Assault Data East (DECO) 1991 JAMMA
V Devastators Konami 1988 JAMMA
H DJ Boy American Sammy 1989 JAMMA
H Double Axle Taito 1991 JAMMA
H Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Ston Taito (Technos?) 1990 JAMMA
H Double Dragon II: The Revenge Technos<Romstar 1989 JAMMA
H Double Dribble Konami 1986 JAMMA
V Downtown Romstar 1990 JAMMA
H Dragon Breed Irem 1989 JAMMA
V Dragon Saber Namco 1990 JAMMA
V Dragon Spirit Atari Games 1987 JAMMA
H Dark Stalkers The Night Warriors Capcom 1994 JAMMA
V Drift Out A/S (Visco Games?) 1991 JAMMA
Drift Out 94 Namco JAMMA
H Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom Capcom<SSI 1994 JAMMA
V Dyger SHP 1989 JAMMA
H Dynamite Duke Fabtek<Seibu 1989 JAMMA
Dynamite Mike? JAMMA
H Dynasty Wars Capcom 1989 JAMMA
V Dyno Bop G/P 1990 JAMMA
H E.D.F. Earth Defense Force Jaleco 1990 JAMMA
H Eco-Fighters Capcom 1994 JAMMA
Elevator Action 2 Taito 1996 JAMMA
H Empire City 1931 Romstar 1987 JAMMA
H Escape from the Planet of the Robers 1989 JAMMA
Extermination JAMMA
H Exterminator PRM (Gottlieb?) 1989 JAMMA
V F-1 Grand Prix Video System 1991 JAMMA
H Fighter's History Data East JAMMA
H Fighting Golf S.N.K. 1988 JAMMA
V Fighting Hawk Taito 1988 JAMMA
H Final Fight Capcom 1990 JAMMA
H Final Lap Atari 1988 JAMMA
V Final Round Sega 1989 JAMMA
V Fire Trap Data East (DECO) 1986 JAMMA
H Forgotten Worlds Capcom 1988 JAMMA
H Four Trax Atari 1989 JAMMA
V Free Kick Merit Industries<? 1988 JAMMA
V Gal's Panic Kaneko 1991 JAMMA
V Gal's Panic 2 Kaneko JAMMA
V Galaga 88 Atari 1988 JAMMA
H Gang Wars SNK 1989 JAMMA
H Gate of Doom Data East 1990 JAMMA
H Ghouls 'n Ghosts Capcom 1988 JAMMA
H Gold Medalist Romstar 1988 JAMMA
H Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Sega 1992 JAMMA
H Golden Tee Golf STA 1989 JAMMA
V Gondomania Data East (DECO) 1987 JAMMA
H Great 1000 Mile Rally Kaneko JAMMA
V Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer Taito 1992 JAMMA
H Growl Taito 1991 JAMMA
H Gryzor JAMMA
H Guardians of the 'Hood Atari Games 1992 JAMMA
V Guerrilla Wars Tradewest<S.N.K. 1988 JAMMA
H Gun Baron Jaleco 1991 JAMMA
H Gundam Jaleco 1991 JAMMA
H Gunforce Irem 1991 JAMMA
H Hacha-Mecha Fighter NMK JAMMA
H Hammerin' Harry Irem 1990 JAMMA
H Hard Head Sharp Image<Suna 1988 JAMMA
Hat Trick Hero 95 Taito JAMMA
H Hatris Video Systema 1990 JAMMA
H Haunted Castle Konami 1988 JAMMA
? Heavy Barrel Data East 1988 JAMMA
? Heavy Barrel Data East 1988 JAMMA
H Heavy Unit Grand 1989 JAMMA
H High Impact Football Williams 1991 JAMMA
H Hippodrome Data East 1989 JAMMA
H Hit the Ice Williams 1991 JAMMA
H Hook Irem 1992 JAMMA
V Hot Shots Tennis Strata<Incredible 1990 JAMMA
H Hydra Atari Games 1990 JAMMA
H Ikari Warriors 3 Tradewest<S.N.K. 1989 JAMMA
V Kageki Romstar (Taito?) 1988 JAMMA
H Karate Blazers McO'River 1991 JAMMA
H Karnov Data East (DECO) 1987 JAMMA
V Ki Ki Kai Kai JAMMA
H Klax Atari Games 1990 JAMMA
H Knights of the Round Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Kuri Kinton World Games 1988 JAMMA
V L.E.D. Storm Capcom 1988 JAMMA
V Last Duel Capcom 1988 JAMMA
Last Mission Data East (DECO) 1986 JAMMA
V Legion Nichibutsu 1987 JAMMA
H Legionnaire Fabtek<TAD 1992 JAMMA
H Lethal Enforcers Konami 1992 JAMMA
H Life Force Konami 1986 JAMMA
V Lightning Fighter Konami 1990 JAMMA
H Lucky 8 Line GRH 1989 JAMMA
H M.I.A. Missing In Action Konami 1989 JAMMA
H M.V.P. Sega 1989 JAMMA
H Magic Sword Capcom 1990 JAMMA
H Magical Crystals Kaneko 1991 JAMMA
H Martial Champions Konami JAMMA
Mega Twins Capcom 1990 JAMMA
V Mercs Capcom 1990 JAMMA
V Meta Fox Seta? JAMMA
H Metamorphic Force Konami 1993 JAMMA
H Midnight Resistance Data East (DECO) 1989 JAMMA
V Mission XX Data East (DECO) 1982 JAMMA
H Moonwalker (Michael Jackson's) Sega 1990 JAMMA
H Mortal Kombat II Midway 1994 JAMMA
H Mortal Kombat III Midway 1996 JAMMA
H Mortal Kombat 4 Midway 1997 JAMMA
Muscle Bomber Duo Capcom 1993 JAMMA
H Mustang Demo 1990 JAMMA
Mutant Fighters: Death Brade Data East 1991 JAMMA
H Mutant Warrior JAMMA
V MX 5000 Konami 1987 JAMMA
H Mystic Riders Irem 1992 JAMMA
H N.Y. Captor Taito 1985 JAMMA
V Namco Classics Volume 1 Namco 1997 JAMMA
V Namco Classics Volume 2 Namco 1997 JAMMA
H Nastar Warrior Taito 1989 JAMMA
H NBA Jam Midway 1993 JAMMA
H NBA Jam: Tournament Edition Midway 1994 JAMMA
Nemo Capcom 1990 JAMMA
H Neo-Geo 2 Player Cabinet SNK 1990 JAMMA
H New Dyna Blaster: Global Quest Irem<Hudson Soft 1992 JAMMA
H Ninja Clowns Strata 1991 JAMMA
H Ninja Gaiden Tecmo 1988 JAMMA
Ninja Kids JAMMA
Ninja Spirit JAMMA
H Nintendo Super System Cabinet Nintendo (S.N.K.) 1991 JAMMA
H Off the Wall Atari Games 1991 JAMMA
V Omega Fighter UFL/American Sammy 1989 JAMMA
H Opertaion Thunderbolt Taito 1989 JAMMA
H Oscar Data East 1987 JAMMA
V Out Zone Romstar<Toaplan 1990 JAMMA
H P-47 Jaleco 1989 JAMMA
H P.O.W. S.N.K. 1988 JAMMA
V PacMania Atari 1987 JAMMA
V Paddlemania S.N.K. JAMMA
H Paladin (Bio-Ship Paladin?) American Sammy 1990 JAMMA
H Pang Mitchell Corp JAMMA
H Peek-A-Boo (R-rated) Jeleco JAMMA
V Peggle Strata<Incredible 1991 JAMMA
H Pig Out Leland 1990 JAMMA
H Pipe Dream Demo 1991 JAMMA
H PiPi&BiBis Toaplan JAMMA
H Pit-Fighter Atari 1990 JAMMA
V Poker Dice STA 1991 JAMMA
V Pound for Pound Irem 1990 JAMMA
H Power Instinct Atlus 1993 JAMMA
Powered Gear Capcom JAMMA
H Prehistoric Isle JAMMA
H Primal Rage Atari Games 1994 JAMMA
H Psycho Soldier SNK 1986 JAMMA
H Punk Shot Konami 1990 JAMMA
H Pushman American Sammy 1990 JAMMA
H Pyros Taito 1987 JAMMA
Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan only) Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Quiz of Dragons Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H R-Type II Irem 1990 JAMMA
H Rabbit Punch Midway 1987 JAMMA
H Rad Action UPL/World Games 1987 JAMMA
H Rad Rally Sega 1991 JAMMA
V Raiden Fabtek<Seibu 1990 JAMMA
V Raiden DX Fabtek JAMMA
V Raiden II Fabtek<Seibu 1993 JAMMA
H Rainbow Islands: The Story of Buble 2 1988 JAMMA
H Rampart Atari Games 1990 JAMMA
H Rastan Taito 1987 JAMMA
H Relief Pitcher Atari Games 1992 JAMMA
H Renegade Taito 1986 JAMMA
H Riding Fight Taito 1992 JAMMA
H Rim Rockin' Basketball Strata<Incredible 1991 JAMMA
H Road Riot 4wd Atari 1991 JAMMA
H RoboCop Data East 1988 JAMMA
H RoboCop 2 Data East (DECO) 1991 JAMMA
V Roller Games Konami 1991 JAMMA
H Rolling Thunder Atari Games 1986 JAMMA
H Rough Ranger Sharp Image<Capcom JAMMA
H Run & Gun Konami JAMMA
H S.P.Y. Special Project Y Konami 1989 JAMMA
H Salamander Konami JAMMA
V Search and Rescue SNK 1990 JAMMA
H Shadow Dancer Sega 1990 JAMMA
H Shadow Force Technos 1993 JAMMA
H Shogun Warrior Kaneko JAMMA
V Sholin's Road JAMMA
H Shuuz Atari Games 1990 JAMMA
H Sidearms Romstar (Capcom?) 1987 JAMMA
H Silent Dragon Taito 1992 JAMMA
H SilkWorm Tecmo 1988 JAMMA
H Skins Golf Irem JAMMA
H Skull Atari 1989 JAMMA
H Skull & Crossbones Atari Games 1989 JAMMA
V?) Sky Adventure S.N.K. 1989 JAMMA
V Sky Shark Romstar<Taito 1987 JAMMA
V Sky Soldiers Romstar 1988 JAMMA
H Slam Masters: Tournament Edition Capcom 1993 JAMMA
H Sly Spy Data East 1989 JAMMA
H Smash T.V. Williams 1990 JAMMA
H Snow Bros.: Nick & Tom Romstar<Toaplan 1990 JAMMA
H Soccer Finals Leland 1990 JAMMA
H Solar Warrior Memetron 1987 JAMMA
V Space Position Sega 1986 JAMMA
V Speed Rumbler Capcom 1987 JAMMA
H Spider-Man: The Videogame Sega 1991 JAMMA
H Spinal Breakers American Sammy 1991 JAMMA
H Sports Match Fabtek 1989 JAMMA
Star Fighter JAMMA
H Steel Talons Atari 1991 JAMMA
V Strata Bowling Strata<Incredible 1990 JAMMA
H Strato Fighter Tecmo 1991 JAMMA
H Street Fighter II Capcom 1991 JAMMA
H Street Fighter II: Champion Editi Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Street Fighter II: Champion Editi Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Street Smart S.N.K. 1989 JAMMA
H Strider Capcom 1989 JAMMA
V Strike Gunner S.T.G. Tecmo 1991 JAMMA
H Strikeforce Williams/Midway 1991 JAMMA
H Sunset Riders Konami 1991 JAMMA
V Super Contra Konami 1988 JAMMA
H Super Dodgeball Leland (Technos?) 1988 JAMMA
H Super High Impact Football Williams/Midway 1991 JAMMA
V Super Pinball Action Tecmo 1991 JAMMA
H Super Pool 3 JAMMA
V Super Qix Romstar 1987 JAMMA
H Super Ranger JAMMA
H Super Street Fighter II Capcom 1993 JAMMA
H Super Street Fighter II Turbo Capcom 1994 JAMMA
H Super Volleyball Data East 1989 JAMMA
H Superman Taito 1988 JAMMA
H Survival Arts American Sammy JAMMA
V Tail to Nose Demo 1992 JAMMA
H Tank Force Namco/Irene 1991 JAMMA
Task Force Harrier American Sammy 1989 JAMMA
H Tecmo Knight Tecmo 1989 JAMMA
H Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMN Konami 1989 JAMMA
H Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: TurTime 1991 JAMMA
H Terminator 2 Williams 1991 JAMMA
H Terra Force Nichibutsu 1987 JAMMA
H Tetris Atari Games 1989 JAMMA
H The Berlin Wall Kaneko 1991 JAMMA
H The King of Dragons Romstar (Capcom?) 1991 JAMMA
H The Main Event Kaneko 1988 JAMMA
H The Main Event Konami 1988 JAMMA
The New Zealand Story Taito JAMMA
H The Punisher Capcom 1993 JAMMA
H The Simpsons Konami 1991 JAMMA
Three Wonders Capcom 1991 JAMMA
V Thunder & Lightning JAMMA
V Thunder Dragon Tecmo<NMK 1991 JAMMA
H Thunder Fox Taito 1990 JAMMA
H Thunder Strike Game Room 1992 JAMMA
Thunder Zone Data East 1991 JAMMA
Thunderbolt JAMMA
H Thundercade Sega 1988 JAMMA
H ThunderJaws Atari Games 1990 JAMMA
H Tiger Road Romstar<Capcom 1987 JAMMA
H Time Killers Strata<Incredible 1992 JAMMA
V Time Soldiers Romstar<S.N.K. 1987 JAMMA
H Toki Fabtek<TAD Corp 1989 JAMMA
V Top Gunner Konami 1986 JAMMA
H Top Secret Capcom 1987 JAMMA
H Total Carnage Midway 1992 JAMMA
V Touchdown Fever S.N.K. 1987 JAMMA
V Tri-Sports Midway 1989 JAMMA
V Truxton Midway<Taito 1988 JAMMA
V Turbo Force MCR 1991 JAMMA
H Turtle Ship Philko Corp 1988 JAMMA
H Turtles Lost in Time Konami 1992 JAMMA
V Twin Cobra Romstar<Taito 1988 JAMMA
V Twin Eagle Taito 1988 JAMMA
V Twin Eagle II Romstar JAMMA
V Twin Hawk Taito 1989 JAMMA
H Two Crude Data East (DECO) 1990 JAMMA
H U.N. Squadron Capcom 1989 JAMMA
V U.S. Classic Golf Taito 1989 JAMMA
H Undercover Cops Irem 1992 JAMMA
H V'Ball (U.S. Championship Beach V Taito 1988 JAMMA
Vampire (Japanese Dark Stalkers?) Capcom JAMMA
V Varth: Operation Thunderstorm Romstar<Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Vendetta Konami 1991 JAMMA
V Victory Road Tradewest<S.N.K. 1987 JAMMA
H Vigilante Data East<Irem 1988 JAMMA
H Violence Fight Taito 1990 JAMMA
H Warriors of Fate Capcom 1992 JAMMA
H Wheel of Fortune Gametek 1989 JAMMA
H Willow Capcom 1989 JAMMA
H Wizard Fire Data East (DECO) 1992 JAMMA
H World Cup '90 Tecmo 1990 JAMMA
H World Rally Atari Games JAMMA
H World Soccer Finals Leland 1990 JAMMA
H WWF Superstars Technos 1989 JAMMA
H WWF Wrestlefest Technos 1991 JAMMA
H X-Men 4 Player Konami 1992 JAMMA
H X-Men 6 Player Konami 1992 JAMMA
H X-Men: Children of the Atom Capcom 1995 JAMMA
H Xexex Konami 1991 JAMMA
H Mortal Kombat Midway/Williams 1992 JAMMA?
H Neo-Geo 4 Player Cabinet SNK 1990 JAMMA?
H Section Z Capcom 1986 JAMMA?
Space Invasion (Commando?) Capcom JAMMA?
V Stormin' Party Taito JAMMA?
H Street Fighter Capcom 1988 JAMMA?
Tank Busters? Tehkan JAMMA?
Zero Wing Williams? JAMMA?