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|                            Intel                             |
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|               88888      000      22222     1                |
|              8     8    0   0    2     2   11                |
|              8     8   0   0 0        2     1                |
|               88888    0  0  0     222      1                |
|              8     8   0 0   0    2         1                |
|              8     8    0   0    2          1                |
|               88888      000     2222222   111               |
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|                8021 Single-Chip MICROCOMPUTER                |
|                   Instruction Set Summary                    |
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|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|        <--> P22 |_|1                   28|_| Vcc (+5V)       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P23 |_|2                   27|_| P21 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <-- PSEN |_|3                   26|_| P20 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P00 |_|4                   25|_| P17 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P01 |_|5                   24|_| P16 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P02 |_|6                   23|_| P15 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P03 |_|7        8021       22|_| P14 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P04 |_|8                   21|_| P13 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P05 |_|9                   20|_| P12 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P06 |_|10                  19|_| P11 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P07 |_|11                  18|_| P10 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- ALE |_|12                  17|_| RESET <--       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> T1 |_|13                  16|_| XTAL2 <--       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       (GND) Vss |_|14                  15|_| XTAL1 <--       |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
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|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        May 1983                                       |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.1                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic  |Op|C|F|~|Description               |Notes          |
|ADD  A,rr |68|*|A|1|Add register              |A=A+rr         |
|ADD  A,@r |60|*|B|1|Add memory                |A=A+[r]        |
|ADD  A,#n |03|*|C|2|Add immediate             |A=A+n          |
|ADDC A,rr |78|*|A|1|Add with Carry register   |A=A+rr+C       |
|ADDC A,@r |70|*|B|1|Add with Carry memory     |A=A+[r]+C      |
|ADDC A,#n |13|*|C|2|Add with Carry immediate  |A=A+n+C        |
|ANL  A,rr |58|-|A|1|AND Logical register      |A=A&rr         |
|ANL  A,@r |50|-|B|1|AND Logical memory        |A=A&[r]        |
|ANL  A,#n |53|-|C|2|AND Logical Immediate     |A=A&n          |
|ANLD ep,A |9C|-|E|2|AND Logical expander port |ep=ep&A        |
|CALL a    |14|-|F|2|Call subroutine           |[SP]+={PSW,PC},|
|CLR  A    |27|-|G|1|Clear accumulator         |A=0        PC=a|
|CLR  C    |97|0|G|1|Clear carry status        |C=0            |
|CLR  F0   |85|-|G|1|Clear flag #0             |F0=0           |
|CLR  F1   |A5|-|G|1|Clear flag #1             |F1=0           |
|CPL  A    |37|-|G|1|Complement accumulator    |A=~A           |
|CPL  C    |A7|*|G|1|Complement carry status   |C=~C           |
|CPL  F0   |95|-|G|1|Complement flag #0        |F0=~F0         |
|CPL  F1   |B5|-|G|1|Complement flag #1        |F1=~F1         |
|DA   A    |57|-|G|1|Decimal Adjust accumulator|A=BCD{A}       |
|DEC  A    |07|-|G|1|Decrement accumulator     |A=A-1          |
|DJNZ rr,l |E8|-|H|2|Dec. and Jump if Non-Zero |rr=rr-1,if rr  |
|IN   A,p  |08|-|I|2|Input from I/O port       |A=p            |
|INC  A    |17|-|G|1|Increment accumulator     |A=A+1          |
|INC  rr   |18|-|A|1|Increment register        |rr=rr+1        |
|JC   l    |F6|-|K|2|Jump if Carry set         |If C=1         |
|JMP  a    |04|-|F|2|Unconditional Jump        |PC=a           |
|JMPP @A   |B3|-|G|2|Jump on accumulator       |PC=PC<8:11>+A  |
|JNC  l    |E6|-|K|2|Jump if Not Carry         |If C=0         |
|JNZ  l    |96|-|K|2|Jump if Not Zero          |If A<>0        |
|JTF  l    |16|-|K|2|Jump if Timer Flag set    |If TF=1, TF=0  |
|JT1  l    |56|-|K|2|Jump if Test i/p #1 set   |If T1=1        |
|JZ   l    |C6|-|K|2|Jump if Zero              |If A=0         |
|MOV  A,#n |23|-|C|2|Move from immediate       |A=n            |
|MOV  A,rr |F8|-|A|1|Move from register        |A=rr           |
|MOV  A,@r |F0|-|B|1|Move from memory          |A=[r]          |
|MOV  A,T  |42|-|G|1|Move from timer           |A=T            |
|MOV  rr,A |A8|-|A|1|Move to register          |rr=A           |
|MOV  rr,#n|B8|-|L|2|Move immediate to register|rr=n           |
|MOV  @r,A |A0|-|B|1|Move to memory            |[r]=A          |
|MOV  @r,#n|B0|-|M|2|Move immediate to memory  |[r]=n          |
|MOV  T,A  |62|-|G|1|Move to timer             |T=A            |
|MOVD A,ep |0C|-|E|2|Move from expander port   |A=ep           |
|MOVD ep,A |3C|-|E|2|Move to expander port     |ep=A           |
|MOVP A,@A |A3|-|G|1|2|Move from memory        |A=[PC<8:11>+A] |
|NOP       |00|-|G|1|No Operation              |               |
|ORL  A,rr |48|-|A|1|OR Logical register       |A=Avrr         |
|ORL  A,@r |40|-|B|1|OR Logical memory         |A=Av[r]        |
|ORL  A,#n |43|-|C|2|OR Logical immediate      |A=Avn          |
|ORLD ep,A |8C|-|E|2|OR Logical expander port  |ep=epvA        |
|OUTL p,A  |38|-|I|2|Output to I/O port        |p=A            |
|RET       |83|-|G|2|Return from subroutine    |PC=[SP]-       |
|RL   A    |E7|-|G|1|Rotate Left               |A={A}<-        |
|RLC  A    |F7|*|G|1|Rotate Left thru Carry    |A={A,C}<-      |
|RR   A    |77|-|G|1|Rotate Right              |A=->{A}        |
|RRC  A    |67|*|G|1|Rotate Right thru Carry   |A=->{C,A}      |
|STOP TCNT |65|-|G|1|Stop timer/counter        |               |
|STRT CNT  |45|-|G|1|Start counter             |               |
|STRT T    |55|-|G|1|Start timer               |               |
|SWAP A    |47|-|G|1|Swap accumulator nibbles  |A<0:3><->A<4:7>|
|XCH  A,rr |28|-|A|1|Exchange register         |A<->rr         |
|XCH  A,@r |20|-|B|1|Exchange memory           |A<->[r]        |
|XCHD A,@r |30|-|B|1|Exchange lower nibbles    |A<0:3><->[r<:>]|
|XRL  A,rr |D8|-|A|1|Exclusive OR register     |A=Axrr         |
|XRL  A,@r |D0|-|B|1|Exclusive OR memory       |A=Ax[r]        |
|XRL  A,#n |D3|-|C|2|Exclusive OR immediate    |A=Axn          |
|Mnemonic  |  | | | |Assembler mnemonic                        |
|          |Op| | | |Hex opcode                                |
|          |  |C| | |Carry flag                                |
|          |  | |F| |Opcode format                             |
|          |  | | |~|Machine cycles                            |
|             |-|   |Carry unaffected                          |
|             |*|   |Carry affected                            |
|             |0|   |Carry reset                               |
|Mnemonic       |F| |Description                               |
| -----nnn      |A| |nnn = R0/R1/R2/R3/R4/R5/R6/R7 (3 bits)    |
| -------r      |B| |r   = R0/R1 (1 bit)                       |
| -------- MM   |C| |MM  = 8 bits of immediate data            |
| ------pp MM   |D| |pp  = 01 for P1 or 10 for P2 (2 bits)     |
| ------ee      |E| |ee  = P4/P5/P6/P7 (2 bits)                |
| xxx----- XX   |F| |xxx = high-order 3 bits of memory address |
| --------      |G| |XX  = low-order 8 bits of memory address  |
| -----nnn XX   |H| |nnn = as above                            |
| ------qq      |I| |qq  = as pp above                         |
| bbb----- XX   |J| |bbb = 3-bit bit number of accumulator     |
| -------- XX   |K| |XX  = as above                            |
| -----nnn MM   |L| |nnn = as above                            |
| -------r MM   |M| |r   = as above                            |
| A                 |Accumulator (8-bit)                       |
| IBF               |Input Buffer Full flag (1-bit)            |
| OBF               |Output Buffer Full flag (1-bit)           |
| P1                |I/O Ports #1 (8-bit)                      |
| P2                |I/O Ports #2 (8-bit)                      |
| PC                |Program Counter register (12-bit)         |
| PORT              |I/O Port P1 and P2                        |
| PSW               |Processor Status Word (8-bit)             |
| Rn                |Registers (8-bit, n=0-7)                  |
| Rn'               |Alternative Registers (8-bit, n=0-7)      |
| T1                |Test input                                |
| a                 |11-bit address quantity (0 to 2047)       |
| ep                |8243 expander port P4, P5, P6 or P7       |
| k                 |1-bit data quantity (0 or 1)              |
| l                 |Low-order 8 bits of a memory address      |
| n                 |8-bit data quantity (0 to 255)            |
| p                 |I/O port P1 or P2                         |
| pp                |I/O port PORT, P1 or P2                   |
| r                 |Register R0 or R1                         |
| rr                |Register R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 or R7 |
| +                 |Arithmetic addition                       |
| -                 |Arithmetic subtraction                    |
| &                 |Logical AND                               |
| ~                 |Logical NOT                               |
| v                 |Logical inclusive OR                      |
| x                 |Logical exclusive OR                      |
| <-                |Rotate left                               |
| ->                |Rotate right                              |
| <->               |Exchange                                  |
| < >               |Bit number                                |
| < : >             |Bit range                                 |
| [ ]               |Indirect addressing                       |
| [ ]+              |Indirect addressing auto-increment        |
| -[ ]              |Auto-decrement indirect addressing        |
| { }               |Combination of operands                   |
| 00H to 07H        |General purpose registers R0-R7 (8-bit)   |
| 08H to 17H        |Stack area S0-S7 (16-bit)                 |
| 18H to 1FH        |Alternative registers R0'-R7' (8-bit)     |
| 20H to 3FH        |General scratchpad memory area            |
|                                                              |
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