I previouly swapped the FAST/SLOW pinouts along with my other changes.
My harness was wired incorrectly and I am changing the FAST/SLOW back
to original position.
Typed in by Jonathan Deitch (jdeitch@umiami.miami.edu)
Modified 1-11-95: Gary Ransom (ransom@lobby.ti.com)
Game: Moon Patrol
44 Pin Wiring List
Solder Side Parts Side
GND | A | 1 | GND
GND | B | 2 | GND
| C | 3 |
| D | 4 |
| E | 5 | SLOW
| F | 6 | FAST
| H | 7 | FIRE
1 Player Start | J | 8 | 2 Player Start
| K | 9 |
Composite Sync (Video) | L | 10|
| M | 11|
+12 V DC | N | 12|
Speaker | P | 13| Speaker
| R | 14| JUMP
Video Green | S | 15| Video Red
| T | 16| Video Blue
| U | 17|
| V | 18|
Coin Slot 1 | W | 19| Coin Slot 2
+ 5 V DC | X | 20| + 5 V DC
+ 5 V DC | Y | 21| + 5 V DC
| Z | 22| GND
Note: The silkscreen lettering on the PCB is numbered from 1 to 43
odd from the right to the left on the component side. Pin 1
above corresponds to pin 1 on the card.
Gary Ransom Internet: ransom@lobby.ti.com
Texas Instruments, Inc. TI-MSG: GAR2
PO Box 660246 MS 3145 PHONE: (214) 480-3073
Dallas, TX 75266 FAX: (214) 480-2214